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My son turns 21 next tuesday, and hes in CH phase


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He seemed to start later this fall. His Pattern has been late September to Late October.  This Year it started in late October.  He Turns 21 next tuesday and doesnt know what to do.  From reading here i have seen that alcohol is a no no. So I am starting this thread so that all of you can lend advice to him and he can read the pro's and con's of drinking next tuesday.  Thanks.

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From what I've observed, there is an occasional CH'er for whom alcohol is not a trigger (or for some headbangers, certain types of alcohol are not triggers).

BUT for the vast majority of us, including myself,  alcohol will bring on the mother of all hits when in cycle.  >:(

Dam, that is one rotten deal to be saddled with a CH cycle on a 21st Bday. :(

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Heck, I'd say go fer it.  21 only comes around once a lifetime, and if he's like most of us, an occasional "adult beverage" will punctuate the highest celebrations and the lowest pitfalls of ones existence.  This opportunity may cost a lot, but in my opinion, shouldn't be missed.  Have an Old Fashioned, just like dear ol'e Dad used to make.

Personally, I'm like the typical CH'r .... gotta avoid alcohol like the plague.  I'm in a monster cycle now and after 6 months of not tasting wine (red of course) thought I'd give it a try.  Wholly crap what a mistake!  One, ONE sip and I was sent screamin.  This situation just sucks, but the Beast can't be allowed to rule some decisions.

Happy early BDay, a toast to you, and best of luck !!!


ps ... If ya want PAIN .. Wine is the worst, beer a close second, then liqueurs.

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definitely one of those "won't know till you try..."  I am one of those folks that can have one drink, but not 2.  (usually, I don't try often...) 

Wine is the worst, beer a close second, then liqueurs.

This is the same for me...Seems like the hard alcohols are the easiest on me...and it kinda makes sense.  When they talk about "triple filtered" and all that it really means something.  When you filter hard alcohol through activated charcoal it removes a bunch of impurities that I would not be surprised to find contribute to a bad CH.

I would recommend some really high grade, expensive booze if he's going to try the test.

Good luck and give him a happy birthday :)


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I am one of those few for whom alcohol is not a trigger. In fact, it aborts the really stubborn migraines that triptans won't touch.

What if he tries a drink or two this weekend, well before his birthday. A trial run. See if it triggers an attack.

I think the important question is this. Does he want to remember his 21st as a fun day (with or without alcohol) or does he want to remember it for that phenomenal cluster attack he got because of the drink he had?

I love my Rum, and would be utterly gutted if I had to give it up because of clusters. But I would do so without a second thought if it reduced the number of attacks I got.


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From what I've seen other people post, a sign that they are out of their phase is that they can drink again. So I would say, odds are, when he's not in cycle he can drink. But that is 2nd hand information.

An alternative might be to bust on mushrooms for his birthday. Now that would be something to celebrate, attacking the beast for a change. LOL


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I'm going to have him read this thread and make his own decision

Welcome, son!  Your mom is a great and tireless advocate for you.  That's one heck of a gift, for your birthday and beyond, and there are lots and lots of people here rooting for you and ready to help you.

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ok well ,, you can lead a horse to water but you can give them a beer.  So my son never read these posts ( i think he really wants to not talk about the elephant in the room )  Im not sure what will make him research this on his own ??  His decision was to drink last night with the family, so that if he had a bad reaction he woud know ,, and then subsequently NOT drink on thursday night when we all go to the indian casino with his friends.

So ,, he drank beer last night .. after not having a CH for a week ...

no effect

so he had 2  :)

he is very a-typical for a CH sufferer, Kudrow even said so.  I dont know what to think.   I think im going to ask the question i have in my mind in a new post. 

thank you all for your input.

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I think it's easy, especially for young people, to put their head in the sand and not talk about the elephant in the room. Sometimes for older people too.

My house-mate and best friend frequently worries I think way too much about headaches and pain. She doesn't think my spreadsheet, where I track headaches on a daily basis, is a good thing. She thinks I can spend too much time on sites like this one, thinking and talking too much about headaches.

And although I'm aware reading too much about clusters is a trigger for me, I am the sort of person that has to know all there is to be known about something affecting me. But some people aren't like that.

I'm sure when he's ready, he'll find his own answers.

Hugs MG

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