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National Geographic .....Part 3


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I've been working with the producers trying to put together a show we can all be proud of and show the cluster story;

The next request offers a way for more people to participate and includes people that are not using the "busting" methods as well as those that are.

What they would like to do is produce a montage of short clips of people going through a cluster attack on film. Sort of something to show the face(s) of clusters. My guess is that in the end, it wouldn't be more than a few seconds of "face" time for each person. Of course you will be anonymous.

The points they hope to illuminate are the wide range of people that suffer from the disease as well as showing that there are many people suffering and not just a few people using psychedelics to treat a rare disease.

If you'd like to participate, here is what you would need to do.

Film yourself (or have someone do it) on anything you have handy, your cell phone, a video recorder etc. It doesn't have to be long or contain anything you don't want to show.

Let me know you have a clip either in a PM here or my email (psiloscribe at yahoo dot com) and we'll work out the details on getting it to NatGeo. if we can transfer it online we will do that or natGeo will pay for shipping a thumb drive ...or....? Whatever works.

Feel free to spread the word

Thanks ;-)


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Bob, as I read met la's posts in another thread here (http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1300245052/18#17), I thought about the many eloquent ways that CH people have described the horror of these attacks, not just the physical pain but the emotional and psychological toll.  And so I'm playing producer again, with the thought that if viewers are going to see people having attacks, they might also benefit from hearing in sufferers' own eloquent words--perhaps as narration while the attacks are being shown--what it really means to deal with this.

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I'm supposed to be getting a new phone in the mail this week.

If I get a bad hit, I'll record it.

I've also got pictures of me during hits, but right now have no batteries in my camera to access them. (I've got before, and after pictures from the ER.) Dunno if that would help any.


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I'm playing producer again, with the thought that if viewers are going to see people having attacks, they might also benefit from hearing in sufferers' own eloquent words--perhaps as narration while the attacks are being shown--what it really means to deal with this.

That's a perfect idea. Hmmm - you might have to produce an indy film about CH.  :)

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Folks, in case anyone wonders about the request from apperception, I can personally vouch for Larry. A long time friend of Cluster Busters, a cluster-head himself and a hell of a good guy.

I encourage everyone to send him their thoughts and narratives.

BTW, you'll not want to miss his presentation at the Chicago conference.  :-)


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I would really appreciate having other sufferers being shown so I don't appear to be the only one.  :'(There are thousands of us. Many thousands worldwide. That needs to be highlighted. The best way for you to help me is to shoot a quick video of your attack and send it to BobW.

Thanks in advance. It is for a very good cause and ...like the producer told me:" a picture is worth a thousand words"


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A short montage (I think that's the word) of clips showing CH'ers getting hit would be an instructive addition to Dan's footage. I'll see if Mike and I can figure out how to provide one. The more clips they have, the better, I wreakun.

Thanks for doing this for everyone, Dan. You are most definitely "The Man."

(And you're sooo cute!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to take these myself. The reason there's no sound is because I was at the ER, and the ones I tried to take beforehand caught a crapload of sound... I'm a lefty, so this is reversed.

Mind you, this isn't as severe as it used to be... but it was a bad hit considering I've been busting.


Oh, this one wasn't muted.


Watch the magic of the face twitching, and the eye popping open after the hit is over. My Aunt is talking in the background.

Hope it helps out.


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It's hard watching you suffer. 

I think it's hard watching anyone with this suffer. It kinda rips your guts out.

For me, the important thing is... I'm having less, and less hits like this with the busting. Maybe once a week now? Hell, I didn't even have to go to the hospital for about 2 weeks since the shrooms. I think the sinus congestion helped trigger this one.

ETA: I've got like...3-4 more that weren't taken very well, or clearly if Natgeo would like them too. They're at different points in the hits and some came out weird. (I had the phone in my lap while rocking so it looked kinda funny in some.)

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Thank you very much Mystina. It's not easy watching and it's not easy to put yourself out there, thank you.

I will send the links to the people at Natgeo. If you can send me links to the others I would appreciate it. You never know which few seconds they may want.

if anyone else wants to film themselves but don't have the equipment, Ben from NatGeo will send you a hand held cam to use.

This is an opportunity to let the world know what clusters really are and may stop some of that: "Oh I have those once in a while too!!".


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