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Everything posted by didgens

  1. didgens


    thank you Jerry .. we will keep hoping for more time. hes getting the best care this state has.
  2. didgens


    thanks .. my best friends brother who Is battling Melanoma now also mentioned this to me as well. I will definitely take a look. news from docs on Monday was grim. Distant Mestastis, not operable, given a year although doc thinks my husband is in better shape than most so will probably live longer. Had to tell sons Saturday that their father wont survive this. ,,
  3. didgens


    thanks for the info jeebs. My sister-in-law also had me look up something I had never heard of called Sun's Tea. Its pretty expensive and has an extensive list of ingredients. as far as the CBD maybe a little trip to Colorado is in order.
  4. didgens


    thanks CHfather .. yes it is slow growning . we see oncologist on Monday to determine course of treatment. I just wonder if there isn't something lower on the sympathetic chain causing the CH's ?
  5. didgens


    Hi All ,, havn't been checking in on you all. The update on my son is that there isn't one. He has had 1 minor CH since having all 4 wisdom teeth removed. But the same thing happened last year at this time. The test will come in June/July when he got the most in a row he's ever had. So I will let you know if anything changes there. However the reason I havn't checked in is because my husband was just diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Not looking for sympathy but there is something interesting here. He has a very rare type of lung cancer called a Pancoast tumor. He has been suffering almost a year with this and been mis-diagnosed by 7 doctors. It wasn't until I googled his symptoms and found that they match a Pancoast tumor that we left our network of doctors and went to UCLA medical center and he was diagnosed. What was the symptom that I caught and all the other doctors missed ???? Horner Syndrome .. yep .. you should all know that as a drooping eyelid, sweat on one side and not the other ,, and dialiated pupil. (don't panic .. unless you have pain in your sholder blade that radiates down your ulnar nerve im sure you don't have a pancoast tumor). However when I looked up Horner syndrome, besides a pancoast tumor another cause is Cluster headache. Now my husbands horners is being caused by the tumor in the upper apex of his lung pushing on the sympathetic chain in the brachial plexus. Just thought I would mention this as perhaps the problem isn't in the brain at all. anyway ,, I just thought id mention as something to consider. be well
  6. it might be expensive but worth the time to find and split out each herb in its own bottle with the rum and see if any one specific one is the "cure" or its the combo just a thought
  7. hey raz .. can you give exact measurements when you say shot please ? ie. 1 oz etc. !!! thanks so much .. awesome news
  8. that's for the update !! would love to keep hearing if anyone else is/has tried this !
  9. my husband has SUNCT .. but it hits him rarely ..
  10. wow .. sorry I have missed this thread for a while !! so cool ,, I'm very excited to see what peoples results are like. Have been stressing over my husbands health. I will be watching this closely !! thanks all ~!
  11. oh just wanted to add .. she had me chew on the actualy leaf.. I had been reading articles that said the percentage of this herb in some suppliments was suspect so chewing on the plant itself seems to be the key.
  12. they wanted a sign in/register to read this article.
  13. I was at a Farmers Market on Sunday. There was an herbalist there selling all kinds of teas and dried herbs in addition to fresh potted plants. The people there were selling a Migraine Tea. The main ingredient was Feverfew. They had the live plant there and the lady gave me a small leaf to bite. it tasted horrible, like chewing on an asprin. they swear by it. Its also known as bachelor buttons. I did some reading on it. Anyone have any experience with it ? I did buy a small bag of tea.
  14. well there ,, I guess you can http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/280494065654?lpid=82
  15. Mama Juana is a mixture of bark and herbs left to soak in rum (most often dark rum but the use of white rum is not uncommon), red wine and honey. The solid ingredients (local leaves, sticks and roots) vary from region to region but usually include some of the following: Anamú (Petiveria alliacea) Anis Estrellado (Illicium verum) Bohuco Pega Palo (Cissus verticillata) Albahaca (Ocimum basilicum) Canelilla (Cinnamodendron ekmanii) Bojuco Caro (Princess Vine) Marabeli (Securidaca virgata) Clavo Dulce (Whole Clove) Maguey (Agave spp.) leaves Timacle (Chiococca alba)
  16. maybe it can be ordered ? http://drinkpalo.com/what-is-mamajuana/
  17. Update on my son,, he had all 4 of his wisdom teeth removed,, the doc didn't use any kind of special numbing agent I'm aware of. No hit, no swelling, no problem ???? don't know what to think.
  18. there are many articles about wisdom teeth removal and nerve damage. My sons ortho noted he has an impacted one ,, he is not going to remove the root because the risk of nerve damage is to great. so a new procedure is to cut the tooth out but leave the rest for the body to dissolve. it just seems kinda odd that the clusters start in many when the wisdom teeth start growing .. 16 - 20ish.
  19. I would like to know why the epi would cause an attack when it shrinks the blood vessels which is what the imitrex does ?? sumatriptan reduces the vascular inflammation associated with migraines. The specific receptor subtype it activates is present in the cranial and basilar arteries. Activation of these receptors causes vasoconstriction of those dilated arteries. Sumatriptan is also shown to decrease the activity of the trigeminal nerve, which, it is presumed, accounts for sumatriptan's efficacy in treating cluster headaches. The injectable form of the drug has been shown to abort a cluster headache within fifteen minutes in 96% of cases.[5]
  20. my son getting his wisdom teeth out Friday ,, he has been telling me the side he gets CH's on the tooth swelling has been causing him pain .. im still hopeing the removal of the teeth help ??? I know its not probable.
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