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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. I love it, i heard it over and over again You from poland, right? There`s alot of people from Poland in Norway, you ever been here? Poland, you have lot of trance there, hard trance etc. Here, Poland are known to have good trance. I listen to trance, i like the energy drive. Same thing as in classic, heavy etc. Where you from in Poland? i been around hole eastern Europe.
  2. I actually agree with you. Like gladiator thing, but, you said it first so. LOL ;D (Being a woman, i also have an excuse ) BTW, Denny, you look like eating strongman's spinach for breakfast or what?!
  3. Thank you, i think i can use this. I got this letter, "This disease is not severe, we do not agree that it may have impact to your everyday life." LOL ;D Felt like explaining a bit..... ;D
  4. Hi Anyone have a good link or something, that i can bring with me?
  5. How nice to "meet" some faces to the names Ron and michael, you certainly can tell it is father and son. What a good looking group!!!
  6. This was nice. Never heard of them.
  7. Ps. In my opinion, stay away from alcohol...... Of all things you can not do, when in a cyclus, is alcohol your biggest loss? Because it is really what can bring CH back in your life again,much faster than it would have if not drinking. But, we`re al different. doesn`t have to be that way for you. But if i drink, i can count the sec. If i eat sugar etc one day, it can turn out well, it starting to be a little hunch the sec, and the third, i screwed it up.
  8. Hi How great!! Isn`t life wonderful, so easy without all that pain Experiences like this, gives us the opportunitie to really be grateful to every day. and to really enjoy life. I just did something wonderful. there`s this cakes i looooove..... because of the sugar, i haven`t been eating them in about 6 years. I`ve been looking at them in the store nearly every time i went there.... I just ate one Still good, what a cake Enjoy
  9. Cassidy have written something about this on the thread sput interrupt I now it maybe doesn`t sound right, but he is still in "progress". The most important thing is, don`t give up!!! Don`t fall for zomig...... Hang in there!!!! You wrote earlier, that he felt so much better not taking zomig, well, i haven`t taken it for month, and even my neighbours can tell different to my hair and skin. It drains you, and make you worse. I think you have to be free from it quiet awhile, before you get free from it`s claw. Make ice slush with only water, drink it and use o2. Keep posting My best wishes
  10. Ok? Can you fill us in with some more details?
  11. Welcome It it was me, i wouldn`t start it. I would go for this treatement first. For me, there was allot of side effects, and you have to take it in high doses, everyday. This you take once in awhile. Good luck to you
  12. Love to hear this Isn`t it the strangest thing, yet couldn`t be more natural?
  13. that is so true, i guess music maybe is "step 1! of this two?
  14. Music leads our conscious to wear we doesn`t reach our self. or make us go deeper. A powerful tool.
  15. Thank you Johnny and Rock.
  16. Been listening too all of this three, nice 8-)
  17. Listen to this, friends of mine. They started just in the garage thing you know, fooling around and all of the sudden they went on tour!!
  18. I like a wide range of music. Classic is both close to f ex trance and metal. Slayer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG7ErEkC6jk Megadeth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZemYl9lWqk
  19. Hi Just have to vent a bit.... I had a case going, and it was all over, and i have been waiting for awhile for my compensation to be paid out. Can`t go into details, but let`s just say, case is very clear, there`s no doubt that i should have this compensation. It is not over still, i had the message last week. I have been so angry earlier on. But when i got that message, i surprisingly enough didn`t get mad. Maybe it is a sign that i doing so much better than before, and that it is going to continue, that i should let the past be past. I prayed to God for help, i was helped, i found this treatment. This has imroved life, not just to CH, but it has treated Post Traumatic Stress Syndrom, and alot of bothering thoughts. I also had this very annoying memory thing.... That i remembered everything i laid eyes on. Your not supposed to do that, it may seem a good thing. And in some ways it is, but your supposed to forget alot of things, your head get kind of "filled up" over the years. And not very useful to remember how the neighbours coffe cup stood on the table four years ago. This is not a function i have no more. And it is wonderful, i feel free. My life is great. So i`m thinking, maybe sometimes we aren`t supposed to "fight" for our "right". I got what i prayed for, a good life. I am grateful, and i`m thinking be happy for what you got, let it go, if not it gonna keep affecting me. I had my right, i`m happy. My prayer was heard. What more can you wish for? I shouldn`t ask for more, when i got what i asked for. I`m letting it go Thank you BIG hug
  20. That is the sec best thing, after feeling better, i heard from you two!!! This makes improvement just better and better, if you ask me! Listen to this.... That can seem impossible, but when you get to the point you feel you can manage it, do it.... it can be the difference from well to great. PFW and a big hug from me
  21. I had improvement for many month and doses, then i got worse, switched side, and got better than ever I know it feels weird. But he had fast improvement really, so don`t fall for the zomig now..... Hang in there!!! PF thoughts to you two
  22. That happened to me!!! And that`s when the changed in the direction of being totally pain free, for a longer period of time!! Oh, o cross my fingers for you guys, my best wishes
  23. I can say this excerises helped!!!
  24. Oversized rebreather bag? Mine is 3 gallons, and thats abouth half way into one breathing. No way i can hypervent in that bag.... I used to have this plastic bag attached. where do you get an oversized one?
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