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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. So, you getting younger hipshot? Must be from the previous Botox treatment. Hope you had a wonderful day, with Lee Ann by your side, i`m sure you had My gratulations too Hipshot and DJ PFW from me PFW for the
  2. Hi My boy friend says this is what he finds most scary about the hole thing. When i go from lying down and shrink in pain, to swearing and cursing, and if the phone is stupid enough to ring i can really explode all of the sudden, then maybe laugh out loud from a crazy thought, to crying. He says it shows glimpse of madness and desperation. I agree. Because this state i find much wilder than taking psycedelics sometimes. ÃŒsn`t it strange, how it is possible to separate your mind and actually think, during this pain? Like your mind is set in it`s own space, and your surroundings disappear, in a way. Like your`e in a dark cave or something, and suddenly ypou return. I been wondering if this is because the pain is too much, that we have to in a way disconnect a bit. It is heavy shit!! And that life just continues afterwards, like "normal", that`s even more amazingly odd to me. Last time i went on a ride like this was this sat. What i got out of it this time, was appreciation. I felt very thankful, now i can appreciate the good in life even more. Before it was like this often, now it`s once in awhile. Thanks to busting How do you feel now?
  3. LOOOL ;D Sounds like real innocence when you consider the dose ;D I read a little fast there first time, i misunderstood
  4. You don`t weigh these shrooms. Count them. I make tea from around 50-60. I mixed them with seeds. But that amount, for me, the varied in potency seems to be ok, both up and down.
  5. LOL ;D Sorry..... It`s just, why does it always have to be everything coming at the same time!! Extreme condition, everything with us get so extreme. Oh man i wish i could help out some way!! There have to be a solution to all this+ Social srvices have to see what extreme sit your in? Good thing you feel better though
  6. I always had a stuffed nose. Stuffed and runny. Only CH side. Now it is normal. Maybe that`s the problem, not used to be "open". Blushing thing yes. Also happens to my cheek!! BTW, Do you folks start to gain weight again, when cycle is over? I have big time struggle with gaining weight. In periods i eat dinner three times a day, but i can`t gain weight!
  7. Hi I can`t breath trough my nose. Seriously, it hurts to breath trough it. It doesn`t mather if i`m inside the house or outside in cold air. No runny nose or anything, it just really burns. Only breath trough mouth makes it better, but it doesn`t go away. Someone else had this? uprambeling sign maybe? Just curious as always.... Hug and PFW from me
  8. tingeling


    How nice your doing good
  9. I experienced this, my head also get very much bigger from the pressure. I wondered the same, they tell me no, and nothing happened, but, know the feeling yes... Good luck tomorrow. Hope you gonna tell us how it went
  10. Hi What a great start this morning reading this post!! Wonderful, glad your doing good!!! Now i`m smiling Have a nice day
  11. You seem like such a warm person, thsnk you
  12. Xeno, I read trough what i wrote, it can be misunderstood i see. In my opinion Imitrex broke down my body and mind, and made it all as bad as it could be, and worse after that. Where i live, i seem to be the only one with this opinion. And i seriously starting to wonder if certain groups are sponsored. I meet anger and responses that surprise me allot. Only because i mention this med has side effects. I feel in a way banned from this groups because i ask question about what the doc`s are putting in us. And i was told that they don`t want me to make people stop use imitrex. And that theyre actually AFRAID of it. I`m not doing anything of thi. But everytime someone mention something that could maybe help, it get turned down and recommended "stick to the Triptan`s". I do not agree, i understand why people use it, but why is it so bad to look at what options we have, and maybe find something new? I don`t get it. I want to take the disussion. But you know what, i get laughed at. Like theyre afraid they may find a solution, or maybe just afraid of letting go of what have worked best. I think it is important to stay open for new options, for our own best. Wish i could just let it go, but for some reason i can`t, after all my daughter may need it in the future. they can laugh at me, but the disussion is started at least.
  13. I stopped pay attention. Kind of rude in a way i guess, but i simply don`t care anymore. Or if it drags out, i go for the "no, i don`t like try new things." And just laugh it away.
  14. David started a link about this subject. "Friends and family just don`t get it." I think reading in there can cheers you up a bit. When someone anwer "Oh, i get sooo much worse than you, you can go around(more pace around in agony but...), i have to lye down a quiet place." You really want to smother them all over the place and scream yes..... But, if people react like this, don`t bother. Then you know they have no clue about extreme pain levels. Because when you meet people that have, no mather what caused it, they and you get it right away. I went to kick boxing class, that helped Over the years, a aggression level to this can build up. And since we don`t explode, it goes inwards. That`s not good either, Get it out. Scream in the woods. LOL, it`s really nice.
  15. Can`t find that link about FDA and Imitrex. Someone remember where it was posted?
  16. How nice for you I`m grateful i can excercise first place now. But it was very challenging to accept to run what was warm up before. You feel as if decay is thrown at you Your lucky, enjoy your biking
  17. Hi I started sort of a discussion.... The people i discussed with, claim what i say about Triptans, is not true. That there`s no evidence Triptans can hurt you at all. And i was asked to give some evidence. I answered they can easily find it themselves on Internet. Off course then it was lol, you don`t know nothing. My first thought was never mind. But been thinking of this awhile now, and it`s important to take this sort of discussions, we should be more aware of what the parmachy industry could easily fill us with. I remember a link here about Imitrex, an article about a trial recently. It seems to me people in there have allot of information. If anyone have something of relevance to the subject, i would appreciate to have a link
  18. Hi A late welcome and congratulations with you succsess!! Very happy reading I was wondering, i did allot of longd istance training. triathlon training. You can do long distance training now, it doesn`t affect your HA If it doesn`t, it sounds fantastic
  19. Steroids didn`t do much to my CH. So it varies allot. It wasn`t my doc who prescribed them. When i visited him, he told me this is a kind of medicin you should do once maybe twice in life time. He thinks side effects from medicines always should be considered. The specialist who prescribed them, she didn`t even bother look down when i showed her my bleeding feets (socks made wounds), that didn`t grow. And told me no way it was the medicines. this is one example only. Others may take larger doses, and still don`t experience what others do. Steroid are what they are anyway. When you look into what medicines you are given, for me, i will not tolerate to get poison my body with chemicals. But i need some sort of treatment. From the choices i have, i choose what comes natural. The natural choice is also what i have to take less, and it doesn`t give me side effects, beside some excess water about three days. It is what gives me, as i see it, best future health. Your body and mind, your choice
  20. Hi Welcome You know this board from earlier? Just got the feeling you maybe know the people? Refined food, sweets, artificial sweeteners etc etc. How are you doing?
  21. Hi I been thinking since we go higher in frequency during a hit, can we lower it with beats? I been reading on the subject, and i want to try. Finally i got to talk to one that could help me. and from there again, i have to say, what a struggle to get this decision. Like i ask for permission to build something that could explode. After a doc, the head shrink and music therapist discussed it, they`re conclusion was that it`s never been tried to treat CH this way. But i read it can be used in pain management, and CH is pain? But, i understand thing takes time..... Anyway, in the end i was allowed to try. But still don`t know when. Think this is a very old fashioned country.... Gonna get a new CT to check out the growth of this cyst, i believe it has stopped, i will find out soon i hope. I look forward to see what happened to it, very excited what the shrooms have done. Maybe nothing, but something for the better happened at least. Someone tried this beat thing? Wish you all PF time Hug from me
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