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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. As i was walking out in the cold air this morning, i got this feeling of the new year. I just know 2011 gonna be a start to something very good, it`s gonna be a very good year, i just know it Could not agree more!! This is a very special place and so are the people. Lets wish and hope this gonna stay this way. Merry Christmas and a happy NEW YEAR, it`s gonna be GREAT [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
  2. Names Denny, give me names!! ;D And we should call Red Bull, they should name a energie drink after us, one little can of Red Bull cost me 373$ a month at the most. Joke aside, i really mean it, that calendar thing.
  3. it doesn\t have to be expensicive to make calendars. Financing could f ex be that those who want could buy the amount they want to, pay the costs of the printing only, seeliign them for a bit more, and then decid to donate hole amount or whats left after paid costs. An idea maybe? Could be done easily. Not that it`s a huge amount of moeny, but some is better than none.
  4. Hi Just a thought. Why don`t we make our own calendar? this way we could give CH "a face". F ex, those who want, could take a picture to the calendar. We could write very shortly something around CH, or the person in the picture, or just a quote. Calendars are easy to sell, and could at the same time make more people aware and spread the word for one year at a time. We could buy them ourselves, then give what we earn to Clusterbusters researching?
  5. LOOOL ;D This was ex what happened, like i was looking at myself in slowmotion. You know, kind of arms and legs, snow whirling around...... J ;D Oh lordy, that`s right yes.... I like Kabooms idea, now we can blame PMS and CH. Hope no neighbours watched this.....
  6. I knew t wasn`t me.... It`s the rest of the world, and now even material things!! Damn.... ;D
  7. Hi I`m a mental case, this is embarrassing... Sometimes during high cycle, i actually go mental!! It`s like someone switched the alarm button on, it`s blinking red and it goes "high risk, high risk". The result is just lovable, i act before any kind of thinking. I actually ran after a KID today!!!! OMG, what is wrong with me?! I came out of my car, i heard my daughter screaming. all of the sudden i was a wild animal, i looked around and noticed two kids running for they're lives. All of the sudden i noticed i had dropped all my bags and was running after them, and i gave it all. Since kids are so small and i`m a grown up(should be at least), i run faster.... When we stopped i was thinking "what the he.. am i doing...." They had pushed her to the ground and trowed snowballs. She`s ok, the little drama queen.... Accidents like this and slamming the door in right in the face of the electric guy doesn`t happen often and only during high cycle. It doens`t feel good, because it`s like my personality changes. It seems as certain things triggers to impulse action, like i can`t control it, because i act before i know it. It is really embarrassing. Eeeh, do others occasionally have incidents like this? Please say yes... ;D Tingeling, a little bit dingeling
  8. Thank you Kaboom, and the same to you
  9. You are amazing, Clusterbusters are AMAZING. This group are amazing!! Clusterbusters and the people in here that makes this forum the place it is, is the reason this year turned out the way it did. Because of you Thank you so much :-*
  10. tingeling

    1 year

    Hi At the moment i have a HA, and off course i should lie down in a dark room, drink a glass of water along with two paracetamol and get some sleep. Tempting... But neeeh, i rather stay up all night. It`s been one year since i joined CB. I guess most of us joined when being desperate, after searching Internet month after month, year after year. When i joined i was not doing good at all. I was self righteous and decided i was allowed to say good bye. When i made that decision it actually got better. I was telling myself it was ok, just get that Christmas over and then you don`t have to do this anymore. F ex during dinner, i could be wondering if it was enough with one pill box or not, so i decided it had to be two boxes. and felt like i had one problem less afterwards. I had a problem figuring out where to park my car, since i had to be found, but not too soon. So i was thinking that if i just drank it with alcohol, then i would be dead anyway. I actually felt so sorry for myself, i was thinking "it would be so typical me not to die for some reason, and end up being brain damaged and even a bigger burden than now. Have to make sure that doesn`t happen. wouldn`t that be something, make myself a vegetable but with a clear head, unable to speak or move, with CH. Typical..." I think it`s odd no one noticed any signs of me being this suicidal. Scary. My boyfriend asked me to try this, to be polite i said yes, sure. Thinking where would we get any mushrooms or LSD. Didn`t take long before it just showed up, where i never would have guessed it to come from. And it worked, after that first bust i never thought suicidal again, not once This year has been a process. CH improved so much i do not consider it a problem. I have pain, but hey.... But what hallucinogenics done for me when it comes to treating past i have no words. I fear Christmas. I never wanted anyone to give me a present. And i mean i really did not want any. As with flowers. My poor boyfriend, i told him never to get me flowers, one time he did. I freaked out. My daughter is the only one who could give me anything. I just realized i do not remember Christmas Eve, sounds crazy but i really don`t I could tell what i picked up in the food stores hole Dec, but that specific day, nope, nothing. Crazy. Last Christmas i remember, i was around 5 i think. Very exited about all the gifts under the tree, too much. I asked after eating dessert if we could open them. Before i knew it i was beaten up. Guess it stopped there, wishing for gifts. And it seems as i just erase that day. Year after year. Well, from now i`m not doing that, at least i gonna try not to. A person sent me a gift, and i have to say, it changed allot. I felt so amazed when i got it, the feeling that someone wanted me to have this. I been like a child, showed it to everyone i know. I even took a picture of it and sent it to a good friend who doesn`t live near. i have it in my kitchen, i look at it everyday. Thank you Made my first wish for a Christmas gift today, told my boyfriend i wish for new spinning shoes. To be honest, on the inside i have a secret wish, i really wish this to go away. Not tomorrow or the day after or in the near future. Just that it would have been nice once in this lifetime, that this could go away and leave me alone for the rest of my life. Or maybe leave totally for maybe half a year or something like that, a longer period. This wish show hope the way i see it. I have hope for the future and i care what happens in the future. I started a new life A big hug and thank you all so much for all the support you given me this year. I havent been alone with all my secrets this year. I been among others who understand, who let me tell my stories from my life. I`m very grateful for that. It helped me more than you can imagine. I`m truly happy for the first time in my life My stories didn`t mean anything to me, because i had no one to tell them to. When i got someone to tell them to everything changed. This song really tell how i feel You all saved my life, thank you a million times!! I don\t know how to thank you all the right way. BIG BIG HUG from me :-* :-* Wishing everyone all the best in the world.
  11. It works, not saying it doesn`t. And it will work if it`s not over used. I was prescribed so many shots a day you couldn`t believe it. That was wriong off course, doc`s are different as well, theyre only humans as the rest of us. But be careful, over using it can be the easiest thing in the world with this pain. Then the side effects.
  12. I`m sorry, maybe i shouldn`t have told this. But i`m so afraid of the side effects of this drug. And it really made it so much worse in my opinion, i really don`t want anyone to get there. i feel as i maybe should delete the first post i wrote, but i really feel this medicine is something we should be very careful with. And i know how easy it is to begin overusing it. Not trying to scare anyone, just be careful. how does he live with sleeping routines, diet, etc etc. this make big differences, not that it will go away, but it can get more manageable, keep the body balanced. Even less in intensity and less frequent. Also in high cycle, i sleep in a more sitting position. There are many tricky things to try that can help the situation.
  13. Imigran works. It works fast and seems like heaven. In the beginning. After a little while i could use 9 a day without any effect at all. But with 9 attacks a day, in desperation and in the end you will try anything, even if you know it most likely won`t work, but you just have to in case it does.... I got severe side effects. i`m young, i was in the best shape physically when i got sick. One night i woke up and i couldn't`t breath or speak. I was completely frozen. My heart just didn`t work the way it should. It stopped in heart cramp. I finally managed to kick my boyfriend awake with my feet's. Before i got to bed i had one shot of Imigran. I got EKG several times afterwards, my heart is just fine but it was fine before as well.... Try get the On Demand system, or flow at 25 with a non-rebreather mask, it really is so much better than getting addicted to Imigran. I`m not saying i will never use it again, but only once in awhile, maybe maybe. I just want to tell something. I had up to 9 attacks a day, lasting three hours each for a longer time. Now i live without any meds at all, except O2 and mushrooms, last one around once a month. Lately i been able to stretch it even further. My message here is be careful, don`t overuse the Imigran. It can get unpleasent and there are other ways. My best wishes Siv
  14. I been CCH since 03, haven`t been drinking alcohol since i mixed one little shot glass into my RC seed and mushrooms combo.....
  15. It`s strange, sometimes when it rambles up, i have energy and constant on my feets. But i cant`t get myself to do anything! I just spin around myself, kind of going back and forth. Have to clean f ex, but just can`t get myself doing it. And after bustin, i start taking action. As i go outside myself for awhile. Funny thing, get brought back to "normal" by hallucinogenics Maybe wait at least, with the new medicine. Looking forward to hear how it turns out!!
  16. I been nothing but sick since i got CH. Like my immune system didn`t work the way it should. But after i started this treatment, i haven`t been sick at all
  17. Good luck with your combo I`m doing well, very well. You been around for a long time, so i guess you seen it before. Treatment seem to work better and better for the last months. Last bust i didn`t have to, but since it`s high cycle i chose to. It was odd, i didn`t get any "effect" of it, i just got a bit like "reset". I cooked and cleaned in my house while busting. Usually it goes one day with busting, two days post dose hits etc. It is what it is, when it is
  18. Have you been thinking of trying a combo? I now i`m repeating myself over and over again, in thread after thread but.....
  19. Hi Welcome to you and your son. iYou have got alot of info, i can`t say much more. But i want to tell you i got a new life after i found this place. The people in here are just wonderful, it`s the best support you can get, and also theyre knowlegde about CH and treating CH are something special, they all learned from experiencing it themself. So you can be hopeful now Ask what you want and seek support when you need it, we`re here Painfree wishes from me
  20. Triggers... Well...Here we go. Every meat that are smoked, marinated etc., everything that contains MSG or Natriumglutamat, artificials, fruit sugar if blood sugars too low, startch, many nut types, many fruit types like banana, every type of sweets, whatever that are half or fully fabricated.... Perfume, being to warm, relaxing, sleep, gasolin all the reg stuff. Iy is really easier to say what`s not a trigger. This is why i live the way i do. Eat pure food and all that I takes around 1-3 days before it turns or has taken a turn already if i don`t, and the wrong direction. So it`s really worth doing it. Chocolate covered bacon?! Uuuh, serious
  21. No no, just want you to buy me a private airplaine We gonna go for a tight budget, we just have to make it. Been looking forward to next convention since last convention.
  22. I get so childish sometimes it`s embarrassing... Was waiting for a alarm company to come and install my alarm also connected to fire station. they called me the day before, told me they would come 8 in the morning. Waited all day, pacing back and forth, really needed to leave the house to try kill the attacks with movement and air etc. So when they finally arrived in the end of the day i opened the door and heard my self say "I been waiting all day for you to come, people have things to do. So now you`re too late, you have to come another day." And slammed the door!! Inside i stood by the door thinking "what happened right now? How embarrassing..." Yhis will affect only myself, i don`t get the alarm, and i have to be inside wait for them another day instead. Stupid things like that. Luckily i can blame CH
  23. LOOL, i see this picture very clearly Then put on the mask again and think secret things. ;D
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