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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. No never had nosebleeding. Ever. It was kind of strange, because i been light headed with pressure. when i shower, this pressure goes down a bit somedtimes, then i had this blood taste in my mouth, and was bleeing when the pressure went down. But i`m all fine, i have a high fever at the moment, so i guess it`s just an infection thing Never heard of it, but i`m not good with plants. Guess i have to learn about the subject tough, seems to be very useful, in many ways Thankc you all
  2. Yeah sounds like a good idea. Thank you
  3. tingeling

    CH song

    yeah, and where have you been Jonnhy?
  4. Not legal here.... nothing is really...
  5. Hmmm, got to try it out!! CH`ers really work for PF or what?!
  6. You folks are so lucky!! this drink sounds wonderful! And you can also buy Taurin.... Red Bull was allowed just recently here... Same with vit B2, LOL ;D And also now my seeds got stopped, damn, very strict country.....
  7. Hi Just wondering, have any of you had nosebleeding, during HA? Not running out from the nose, but more like from the nose running down the throat? PFW from me
  8. Good way to describe it! Yep, i do it on my own terms. I had much improvement, after all. Before i got high fever, then just an infection, after CH came, it was CH. Now it`s "only feelings". I think that means that i starting to cope with it somehow. Except from this one person, i still get nausea if i have to look in that direction. So i wont. T, that made me happy Leslie and Kaboom, thank you both
  9. TY? Seriously, it sounds like a good idea to me. Just thought it was a bit funny, a creative bunch we are.
  10. Your veges and freezer tip...LOOOL ;D ;D Good idea, gonna try it!!!
  11. LOL ;D I wondered how we look to others sometimes. I go around and i get cranked and tilt towards the bad side, and moving around like crazy ;D
  12. LOL ;D Red bull is my riend as well sometimes. I need a 500ml bottle, along with lots of ice cold water. For me lowering my body temp is good, together with movement and Red Bull. Must look very manic ;D But what i noticed, regardless to what it was that helped, is that the pain gets increased before it slips. Some days i cannot sit for more than three min, then it starts, so on the jog all day, drinking mainly lots of water and sometimes Red Bull. I try not to overdo Red Bull, i`m a little afraid of getting some form of rebound from all the sugar. But from what i can read, Taurin affects how our body respond to sugar. It is positive for diabetics, Taurin. So hopefully this works agains eachother, and levels it out, a bit at least. Haven`t noticed any rebound actually.
  13. tingeling

    CH song

    Yeah, it fit very well!! CH is madness, pure madness. My boyfriend, when i ask him how it is to him, he says it`s like watching madness. Because when it slips, it really slips, and then show glimpts of madness. doesn`t have to be for long, but he finds it scary. And i feel that on top of a high kip attack, if i should tell in one word, i would say madness....
  14. It`s only teeth ;D Magnesium helped me, but after awhile i got worse night attacks from it. This you just have to try and find out.
  15. Hi everyone So, i feel a little bit down this period. It time for one of my high cycles, but i`m doing ok, just haven`t broken it completely. but that`s ok. My own fault, i was too late. I kind of knew it, i guess we drag it out sometimes, hoping for something different to happen. hope is something i don`t want to loose, so it`s ok. But this time a year, i have to keep in touch with some part of my "family" i`m usually don`t. And it may sound odd, but just knowing i will have to meet this persons affect me long time before it happens. From the min i know when it gonna happen. It still overwhelms me more than i thought. It makes me chaotic, it starts this ongoing movie in my head. Very occupying, highly disturbing. My best friends tells me i don`t have to meet this people, that i have no responsibility what so ever, and that`s true. But this is the easiest way to do it, so i take it. i`m so free i can be at this point, so it is what it is, when have to. Today i feel a bit edgy actually, and i guess i will have some kind of break down this week end or something. That`s ok as well. It`s soon over now, then life can go back to normal. I actually already started to get bothered by the thought of Christmas, but ok, that`s not now. And i gonna focus hard on making it a good time for my daughter. I look very much forward to next years Christmas, then i gonna be at the salvation army and work. My daughter spend every sec year with her father. I`m like the cat, i always land on my feets. Think positive and it will turn out the best way i`m sure. Hug from me
  16. Welcome I pulled out four teeth as well, and removed all of my amalgan fillings. LOL, didn`t help ;D Thsi site has given me a new life. I hope you find you way. Ask what you want. Pain Free wishes from me Tingeling
  17. Can be post dose hits. The following week after a bust, i just take it for what it is, post dose period. This time can be everything from extremely good, to the worst ever. Then all of the sudden all gone. Stay as balanced as possible, keep steady sleep and eating sched etc. When it comes to food, you are what you eat.... If i sleep one hour more than usual, it will mess me up. It may pass once in awhile but. It`s not worth it, i think. Hang in there, everything can still happen
  18. I think the nausea comes from the pressure in our heads....
  19. First time i talked to another CH`er, i started to cry... I was standing in my kitchen, banging my head on the bench. LOL, seems unreal now. "It`s just so horrible" i told him, he said "I know, it really is". That was all i needed, i never been so relieved by words. Because i knew it was true.
  20. Well, there`s only one thing to say. You deserve your painfree time!!
  21. I didn`t trip either. but for some reason sometimes it feels as if the medicine doesn`t come into the system at all, like drinking a reg cup of tea. those times a sec dose kicked in. It shouldn`t have, i know, but it did. It took the pain away.
  22. how strange. when i did seeds, i got them from Carl`s link in here, i did 50. I mixed them, but i can say for sure they worked. Because they gave this trance like effect. Very different than from mushrooms alone. I did not have any nausea or tummy ache.
  23. I did two doses of both LSD and mushrooms, same day, hours of space. I done a sec dose some times i did not have pain relief, it worked for me. I thought if Imitrex can work at a sec dose, for me one wasn`t enough, i needed two. Why shouldn`t a sec dose with mushrooms work. As i couldn`t see how it could harm me, other ways then waisting my medicine. I done it the times i felt it didn`t come "trough", and it worked the times i did it.
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