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Everything posted by Napa1026
for future reference, plastic storage boxes are good, cardboard is bad, it is porous, lots of little spots for bad stuff to hide. a good place to put your bags would have been in the cabinet above your fridge, as it will get heat from the fridge. as far as your green and placing the good stuff in jars at a cool temp, if you are colonized you should case at 85. the longer you let it sit at a lower temp, the more likly the contam. just my 2cents, good luck
Kika, my vote is for 1.5 gm of mushrooms. if you have them take them now. Don't drink coffee before you bust. Eat a little something, make some mushroom tea. Have your setting ready. some music, a drink of water, maybe a candle. Don't be anxious and enjoy the relief. you are med free now and have a supply, so I would use the big guns you have in stock. I just use a maintenance dose now of 1.5gm and the effects are a low recreational trip. Music sounds a little better, lights look a little brighter, kick back and enjoy. hopefully you can prevent your next cycle. It has worked wonders for me, changed my life. I thought my last cycle was going to kill me. Wish you the best
Thanks for your hard work and leadership Bob. We appreciate it!! Ive been cluster free for about a year now! So fortunately, I cant participate in filming myself with a CH. Steve
IMHO- now is the perfect time to bust, and finally break the cycle and keep the beast away on maintenance doses. every 3 months. This treatment works for many people to actually keep you CH free, FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! That is your ultimate goal. Triptans and other meds do disrupt cycles and change the patterns and quality of the headaches. And also extend cycles. I wish you the best of luck, if it is decision time of whether or not to bust, I think you are wise to weigh the bad side effects of prescribed meds vs the busting option. I remain pain free and have skipped 2 regular cycles that I would have had like clockwork, Evey year I would get hit twice, every six months, like clockwork. Thank you Clusterbusters Family, I just passed a usually bad time for me, pain free. Wishing you well Steve
*BUSTING INSTRUCTIONS* and info for Newcomers
Napa1026 replied to Dallas Denny's topic in General Board
Nice work Denny. A lot of people are directed straight to the board and take a bit to find all the good info here, im also blond and when I found this site I was sleep deprived and not thinking clearly (imagine that) kudos to ya Den BTW, the mushroom FAQ link takes you to CH.com -
I just seen the "wall" in concert in San Jose, I am still high from the performance. I think I overdosed on great music and theatrics that were un freekin believable. Pink Floyd, what artistry When Im busting, there is no better music then PF
HOPEFUL, have you also been to the Clusterheadaches.com site? There is great info on 02 there. It breaks my heart to see that you are typing in tears. Many of us feel your pain, as you can see from the above posts. If you go to the CH.com site, be sure to go to the home page to start. Welcome to the board. As an above post stated, you will have to sift through the information. Imitrex for many of us works at first, then rebound headaches all day long. 02 is a great place to start, it is the most effective way to abort an attack. 02 has to be used correctly at a high flow rate and it will, for most, abort the attack within 10-15 minutes. Great posts everyone. Very thoughtful and caring. I love this place! Be well, Steve
For me, any alcohol triggers a CH within minutes when I am in cycle. CHs have ruined drinking while not in cycle, as I have flashbacks of OH SH&%T Im going to pay for this.
I also have sleep apnea, my neurologist said it is common among cluster heads. I decided to talk to my Doc after realizing there are others with apnea on these boards. Fungus and my CPAP have changed my life. I have also heard and read that the CPAP does not help the headaches, but as stated you are much more rested to fight the battle/dance. The sleep studies are very simple now. you pick up a unit that straps to your arm, two sensors are attached to your fingers and your sleep data is recorded. you return the unit to the respiratory therapist for diagnostics analysis. Sleep apnea is rated by how many events you have in an hour, for example: If you stop breathing for more than 10 seconds and have a significant drop in your 02saturation, this is classified as an event. if you have greater than 15 events in an hour, you are classified as having sever sleep apnea and a CPAP is appropriate. I have a score of 40 events per hour with an 02 saturation decrease to 80%. the normal 02 saturation is greater than 94%. I now sleep all night long........... My wife had a hard time sleeping because she was used to my snoring!! She is so funny. "Ive been on this snoring amusement park ride for 25 years and now the silence is creepy... keep snoring or I want a divorce" She was just kidding. the new CPAP units are ultra quite. between the fungus and the CPAP if feel better than ever!! there is a study on CH and apnea I found by googling it. That basically stated that 40% of Cluster heads have some form of apnea and that the CPAP does not decrease the intensity or the frequency of CHs. The first night I used the CPAP, I sleep all night long. I had never slept all night long, EVER! I felt soooo great, and this was right after I busted for the first time, headaches gone and sleeping all night. not waking one time was euphoric. If I could do a cart-wheel or a back-flip I would! Boy I sound excited. Good topic, thanks
Very cool, Thanks for the story behind the story. When I first heard that cluster headaches were talked about on a tv show, I googled it, then the house marathon aired, its on about 20 times a week, so for the last month I have had to scan the tv guide trying to find the episode. I was hoping for more thechincal factual stuff, but it was still interesting and entertaining. LOL, now that I know there is an LSD episode, im going to be stuck trying to find that one. Thanks Bob Steve
No accrate cluster headache info other than a quick Dx of cluster headaches and treating with mushrooms. It was funny though. the kid took the mushrooms in the hospital under supervision. so they showed the view from the kids eyes, distored colors and some laughter. the kid with the headaches also had alot of other medical issues and that was the main focus. But the muchrooms worked. I just like that CHs are mentioned in the media, you dont hear much about them in general, especialy treating with shrooms. It was worth watching.
FYI The House Mushroom Episode is on tonight at 10pm on BRVO-W. I have never seen this episode, so I dont know if it is worth seeing, but it deals with cluster headaches and mushrooms as a treatment. The episode is titled "The Jerk"
Denny, good to hear your new roof is still intact, oh, and you too
A+ on the "hind sight" Best wishes for some regular sleep. especialy with the new baby. Hang in there! I also needed a reminder to dose before another round starts.
Congrats!!! Kids are great, Enjoy!! Beautful name BTW. Is this your first
Naps can be killers for me, great sign that he could get a nap in and wake up PF.... Hang in there with staying off the meds and alcohol, it will pay off!
Welcome back LL, I was wondering if you fell off the planet. Sorry to hear that legal news. You had sent me a PM and I wanted to thank ya for the "advice" I got things in order and doing well. good to see ya back
I second the Watermelon I have an addictive personality, when I find something i like, I beat it to death, LOL, I fish, way too much one year, then none the nest. Im into 4 wheeling, still loving it. I do woodwork, into motorcycles, both my dirtbikes and Harley. Rite now I seem to be in a slump for a new passion. but my other likes are still there, although it led me to rebuilding a carburetor all weekend. Is there stuff you used to like to do, but just don't have a passion for anymore? Looking at your post count Siv, it looks like you have a passion for posting. I always read yours. keep um coming!! Oh, I also like complicated stereo equipment that I just use the basic functions and I loose interest in all the complicated stuff (apparently) Steve
ClusterMom, Have a great day! Steve
Welcome SW, A great place for her to start is on the CH board. As well as getting a doc that knows CHs. the typical treatment of meds is as an abortive, 02 at 15lpm, this is used at the very onset of the headache. Many of us have been on verapamil as a preventative. and for the stubborn headaches we used the imitrex. The issues with this regiment is the side effects. this includes rebound headaches and what we call shadows that last for long periods of the day in between the actual cluster headache. These meds left me in a total fog. I often said I would do anything to get rid of these headaches. It would be great if she dove in and found out about treatments from the CH.com site. the first page has stories that bring tears to first time readers because they have finally found someone that has experienced the excruciating pain that is truly beyond words. I thought I was a freak for walking around the block at 3am in the rain trying to get rid of/deal with my headaches. It helps to know the signs and symptoms of your friends headaches. when does she get them, how long do they last, what does she do when she gets them. Has she been introduced to the CH.com board? For someone that has never smoked a cigarette, she should read, learn and ask questions. Alot of folks start to feel empowered with the knowledge and support they receive here and on the other site. I have never met or talked to another cluster head until I found these sites, and it has changed my life. We wish you and yours the best on this journey. Steve
LOL, Cell phones, Internet and unleaded gas!! Cutting edge for this Doc is the Clapper and the Chia Pet. There is so much information on 02 regarding it being the main abortive for CHs, I am a Kaiser member and even they have it listed as the main abortive, although they dont know how to prescribe it, the typical RX is 8-10 lpm, that didnt work for me, 15lpm was the ticket, they dont carry 25lpm regulators. I find it surprising that in relation to its effectiveness that the Doc cant just look up the treatment and say "hey, lets try it, here is your script" My God, its only 02. the doctor that shrugs the patients suggestions without any further consideration, especialy with CHs, should be disciplined. "Bad Doctor"
I am getting this message "Fatal Failure" Steve
Hey Tony have you read the "cluster Buster Files" from the main form screen yet. If not, you should read the files, especialy the "mushroom FAQ'" you will find info on detoxing ect. Do you have 02 yet? Im in Antioch. Hi neighbor Steve
Happy Birthday Bro, you old Hippie. If i were in your neighbourhood, I would give you a lava lamp (if they still made them) I would also bring a fire extinguisher to put out all those candles, it might be cool. Hope you are having a great day DD, you deserve it. Best wishes to you and your family. Steve
I have been thanking my lucky stars for 1 month 12 days, not that I'm counting. Wish you best of luck, It worked great for me. Steve