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My sister


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hey cluster busters. Thank you all for being here for me and all the great advice and help. Now I would like to ask if you will pray or send thoughts of healing to my sister. Her name is Karla and she is 40 years old. She was just diagnosed with Papillary thyroid cancer and will have her thyroid And neck lymph nodes removed then iodine treatment. I believe in the power of prayer and the more folks praying, the better.

Thank you all and I hope you have more pain free days.


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I don't really pray, Scott, but I'm sending my most powerful healing vibes to your sister. When someone we love is suffering, in trouble or in danger, we suffer. So, I'm also sending some of those vibes to you.

Your friend,


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Hi Scott! Like Ron I don´t pray but do believe that intention has great power so i concentrate on sending loving and healing thoughts to your sister! A tip would be to try to get on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory and ask the listeners to partisipate, they often do this and they are MANY!


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