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Stopping verapamil


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Hey all

i am not currently in cycle, and I’m debating if I should come off the verapamil. I understand it’s used most effectively only during cycles. Is that right? I have been on it every day for about 2 years now. Unfortunately since I cannot pin point my cycle dates yet it is hard for me to determine when I should start taking it again. Does anyone have any experience with this? Have you found it to be less effective when controlling a ch cycle after being off of it for a while? Let me know! 

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I have had cluster headaches for 40 years.  I use Verapamil only when I am in a cycle and it is a huge help to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches, and makes them easy to stop with oxygen, in 1-2 minutes.  Once the cycle stops, I taper off the verapamil and then typically have 18 months between cycles.  The downside is that I only started using verapamil 5 years ago, and since then my cycles have quickly gotten longer, now up to 5 months.  So I am suspicious that it makes cycles longer, but my cycles have been slowly getting longer anyway as I age, so cannot say for sure.

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  On 7/11/2024 at 9:59 AM, Stevediego41 said:

my cycles have been slowly getting longer anyway as I age


Yep this is the sort of thing that for some of us can make it hard to definitively pin a smoking gun of blame on a drug for cycle extension. But can't fault you for casting a suspicious eyeball towards the verapamil.

Often enough some nice extended remissions can go along with the lousy extended cycles as the years hurl by - here's hoping you too will at least get the benefit of some remission extensions!

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