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I was cured of my Chronic cluster hadaches by Dr Shevel in South Africa

Douglas Ward

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I have had chronic cluster headaches since 2018. I tried multiple things to help with my headaches. I had sinus surgury, I tried all the common medications available (Prednisone, Gabmapenton, you name it) I tried Mushrooms and LSD. NOTHING WORKED AT ALL. I found a video on YouTube after a really bad headache at 3:00 in the morning. It was a lady who was cured by Dr. Shevel in South Africa. I called him the next day. I went there for 3 months. He CURED my headaches! He understands what causes them and how to cure these headaches. Please ask me more. I am happy to share this and many many stories of a CURE!!!! here is the video I saw.....   


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There has been plenty of discussion of Dr. Shevel here, most of it quite harsh. For those who are new, here's a sample thread, with includes an extensive response from Dr. Shevel: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/2898-dr-elliot-shevel/page/3/

Of course, Douglas Ward, you have no idea whether you have been "cured." We wish you well.

Even considering the resistance of conventional medicine to new ideas, it does seem quite surprising, doesn't it, that only one person in the world is practicing this "cure"?


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21 hours ago, CHfather said:

There has been plenty of discussion of Dr. Shevel here, most of it quite harsh. For those who are new, here's a sample thread, with includes an extensive response from Dr. Shevel: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/2898-dr-elliot-shevel/page/3/

Of course, Douglas Ward, you have no idea whether you have been "cured." We wish you well.

Even considering the resistance of conventional medicine to new ideas, it does seem quite surprising, doesn't it, that only one person in the world is practicing this "cure"?


Hi! That thread is from 2017/2018. This is my real world experience: I have had chronic cluster headaches since 2018. I saw the top 3 neurologists in Houston. I saw Dr. Pam Blake, and I am currently seeing for the past 3 years Dr. Mark Burish. Neither doctor was able to offer ANY RELIEF AT ALL. NONE. Just a bunch of drugs. I used Sumatriptan orally until it went past that (the rebound lesson with Sumatriptan if you take too much, is very harsh!) Dr. Burish has a standard list of medications including Gabapenton, steroids and a few others that had nothing but a bad effect on me. I tried Mushrooms on several occasions, and LSD as well. Nothing had ANY effect. The things that helped for awhile were Baclophen (muscle relaxer), Rizatriptan, and Naratriptan. Those offered a little relief for awhile. I was having at least 5-6 HARDCORE headaches a day. Even with Oxygen it was super bad. I was using at least 3 M sized tanks a week to try and fight the headaches. I saw the video I posted and called Dr. Shevel the next day. I got my money together and flew there with my wife 2 weeks later. Dr. Shevel is one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met. He gives you his personal cell phone and insists you call him as you get treated. He charged me 9500.00 US for all treatments. I was there for 3 months. I could have done it in a month or so, but I wanted to be sure. I got 15 or so treatments, it is good to wait between treatments and switch sides to spread out the treatment area and let it heal. Cluster headaches are caused by nerves growing in tendons where the muscles attach to the back of the skull. He zaps the tendons and kills the nerve that has grown into the tendon. It is a purely "mechanical" solution that SAVED MY LIFE. The walls of the clinic have HUNDREDS of letters on them ALL of the letters say basically "Thank you for curing me, I have my life back now" (I have photos if you have doubts). I am a big Viking guy. I am 6-6, 240lbs, Norwegian decent. I have very thick, tough tendons that require several "zaps" to kill the nerves. The thing is this works. I have my life back. I am happy to share more of my story with anyone who will listen. I have had Cluster headaches as bad as they get. This was the ONLY thing that worked. Period. I was pain free for 10 months. I am going to go back for a "tune up" in a few weeks. I used to have 95% of my headaches on the Right side. I never get them on the right side now, I do get 1 a day on the Left side, depending on what I eat that day and how stressed I am. I need to get 2 spots zapped on the left side to kill the new nerves that grew back on the Left. There is NO CHARGE for follow up visits. Again Dr. Shevel only does his clinic and he genuinely cares about removing your pain. He speaks 17 languages and is the most compassionate, dedicated Doctor I have EVER met. I am happy to share more of my story if anyone wants real relief, or wants some tips and tricks for a chronic cluster headache survivor. There is a cure. I promise you it works. I am living proof. There are hundreds of people just like me.

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To answer your question: Why is no one else using his technique? ANSWER: Because it works and you can not sell them drugs in the future! NONE of the Doctors I saw gave a shit about the outcome of my treatments. My experience is that American Doctors use drugs from a list, and if that does not work, "OH WELL" is the attitude I got several times. This works. I and hundreds of other people are proof......

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To all the naysayers, what are you doing to combat the headaches? Is it working? Do you fear sleep like I did? Do you wake up 2 times a night with a class 10 headache? I sleep all night now, like a baby... This works.... Does anyone have anything else that works? Lets hear it. I tried everything, this was the ONL
Y thing that worked.. Please enlighten me if you have a better solution that has worked for you and others...Please save me the smart ass comments., I have suffered enough with the headaches already..


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53 minutes ago, Douglas Ward said:

Hi! That thread is from 2017/2018. This is my real world experience: I have had chronic cluster headaches since 2018. I saw the top 3 neurologists in Houston. I saw Dr. Pam Blake, and I am currently seeing for the past 3 years Dr. Mark Burish. Neither doctor was able to offer ANY RELIEF AT ALL. NONE. Just a bunch of drugs. I used Sumatriptan orally until it went past that (the rebound lesson with Sumatriptan if you take too much, is very harsh!) Dr. Burish has a standard list of medications including Gabapenton, steroids and a few others that had nothing but a bad effect on me. I tried Mushrooms on several occasions, and LSD as well. Nothing had ANY effect. The things that helped for awhile were Baclophen (muscle relaxer), Rizatriptan, and Naratriptan. Those offered a little relief for awhile. I was having at least 5-6 HARDCORE headaches a day. Even with Oxygen it was super bad. I was using at least 3 M sized tanks a week to try and fight the headaches. I saw the video I posted and called Dr. Shevel the next day. I got my money together and flew there with my wife 2 weeks later. Dr. Shevlel is one of the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met. He gives you his personal cell phone and insists you call him as you get treated. He charged me 9500.00 US for all treatments. I was there for 3 months. I could have done it in a month or so, but I wanted to be sure. I got 15 or so treatments, it is good to wait between treatments and switch sides to spread out the treatment area and let it heal. Cluster headaches are caused by nerves growing in tendons where the muscles attach to the back of the skull. He zaps the tendons and kills the nerve that has grown into the tendon. It is a purely "mechanical" solution that SAVED MY LIFE. The walls of the clinic have HUNDREDS of letters on them ALL of the letters say basically "Thank you for curing me, I have my life back now" (I have photos if you have doubts). I am a big Viking guy. I am 6-6, 240lbs, Norwegian decent. I have very thick, tough tendons that require several "zaps" to kill the nerves. The thing is this works. I have my life back. I am happy to share more of my story with anyone who will listen. I have had Cluster headaches as bad as they get. This was the ONLY thing that worked. Period. I was pain free for 10 months. I am going to go back for a "tune up" in a few weeks. I used to have 95% of my headaches on the Right side. I never get them on the right side now, I do get 1 a day on the Left side, depending on what I eat that day and how stressed I am. I need to get 2 spots zapped on the left side to kill the new nerves that grew back on the Left. There is NO CHARGE for follow up visits. Again Dr. Shevel only does his clinic and he genuinely cares about removing your pain. He speaks 17 languages and is the most compassionate, dedicated Doctor I have EVER met. I am happy to share more of my story if anyone wants real relief, or wants some tips and tricks for a chronic cluster headache survivor. There is a cure. I promise you it works. I am living proof. There are hundreds of people just like me.

I do not doubt your story one single bit because it is your story. I am hoping and praying you keep pain-free no matter what worked. However, I would like you to know there are remissions. I have an uncle who has been cluster headache-free for 15 years or more years! Even he doesn't remember what he did. He says my Dad had them worse too and that My grandfather had them until he passed in his 80s. I am increasingly finding people who find unexplained relief or remissions, but I will not be calling anything a cure for now. Please follow this post up with the great news of your relief every now and then. I am interested in your progress. In my first encounter with remission, I was as happy as myself. I would often think that I had discovered the winning formula only to go back to the drawing board during the next season.

Edited by jojo2
left out some info
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2 hours ago, Shaun brearley said:

Sorry but B--LS--T , no cute and probably never will be , you are just in a long remission simple as that , you will be back on this site sooner or later , saying shit that didn't work after all !!!!!!!!

Do you have cluster headaches? Please tell me about them. This is not remission. I had chronic, never stopped, headaches every single day. 1500 days, 5 times a day. The ONLY thing that made any difference was getting treated by Dr. Shevel. Period. Like I said, tell me about your struggle. Did you take 2 ounces of mushrooms in 2 months trying to fix this? Do you still have a .45 in your "pain spot" just in case it gets too bad again? Have you ever had that .45 in your hand thinking today may be the day you check out? Have you screamed into a towel for an hour begging God to make it stop?? I have done all of that, 1500 days, 5 times a day... I have my life back. I have 2 spots on the left side that need to be zapped. I have super thick tendons. The nerves sometimes grow in new spots. That is what happened to me. Dr Shevel has a new technique he developed since all the stuff you referred to on this site to treat the erroneous nerves in the tendons. It is very pain free and easy...All of the treatments I had over 3 months hurt less than 1 Category 10 headache. I don't care if you do not want to believe me. I am here to tell about my personal struggle and how I was able to find some lasting relief. My only motivation is to try and help someone NOT put the .45 in their mouth and check out. If anyone wants to know more, I am happy to share my experiences with this.

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27 minutes ago, Douglas Ward said:

Do you have cluster headaches? Please tell me about them. This is not remission. I had chronic, never stopped, headaches every single day. 1500 days, 5 times a day. The ONLY thing that made any difference was getting treated by Dr. Shevel. Period. Like I said, tell me about your struggle. Did you take 2 ounces of mushrooms in 2 months trying to fix this? Do you still have a .45 in your "pain spot" just in case it gets too bad again? Have you ever had that .45 in your hand thinking today may be the day you check out? Have you screamed into a towel for an hour begging God to make it stop?? I have done all of that, 1500 days, 5 times a day... I have my life back. I have 2 spots on the left side that need to be zapped. I have super thick tendons. The nerves sometimes grow in new spots. That is what happened to me. Dr Shevel has a new technique he developed since all the stuff you referred to on this site to treat the erroneous nerves in the tendons. It is very pain free and easy...All of the treatments I had over 3 months hurt less than 1 Category 10 headache. I don't care if you do not want to believe me. I am here to tell about my personal struggle and how I was able to find some lasting relief. My only motivation is to try and help someone NOT put the .45 in their mouth and check out. If anyone wants to know more, I am happy to share my experiences with this.

Mate I'm not saying I don't believe you , I'm just saying from my experience their i s no cure , and yes I have CH have done for 44years , and yes I've had a rope around my neck on 3 occasions , my cycles last 6 months at a time 8 to 15 attacks every day and through the night , , I've banged my head on the floor the wall I've even had my partner knock me out with a  frying pan , I also stab myself in the leg with a knife just to try to put the pain somewhere else , so yes I would say I have experienced CH ant it's worst !!!!!!!!!

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I’m sorry to hear that my friend I promise I understand. I hope you can find some relief. I’m in no way trying to argue. I’m just trying to share my experiences because this was the only thing that worked. They gave me more medicines than a lab rat none of it worked. All did was make me crazy And worse. I am going to go back hopefully in the next few weeks. If work allows to get my last two spots on my left side zapped like I said, I went from five screaming into a towel category 10 headaches a day for four years straight I had 10 months of pain-free living now my left side , maybe once a day I get a category two it was nice to send the oxygen bottles back that I lived next to for years as I’m sure you do. Thank you for your feedback. I hope you can find some peace and pain-free. I will pray for you. 

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Sean, it literally is that easy I am living proof of it. The flight from Newark to Johannesburg is 16 hours so on the way there you may have a headache that’s the terrifying part once you’re there I can show you the hotel that is 10 minutes away. They work with him all the time. it’s a wonderful place the people that run are amazing, there’s a shuttle service that takes you from the hotel to the clinic and back if needed the round-trip flight for me from Houston is about 2200. The hotel is about $40 a night. The rental cars about $30 a day. The weird thing is you have to drive on the wrong side of the road with a bunch of crazy South Africans, which is a whole other experience lol. 

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7 minutes ago, Douglas Ward said:

Sean, it literally is that easy I am living proof of it. The flight from Newark to Johannesburg is 16 hours so on the way there you may have a headache that’s the terrifying part once you’re there I can show you the hotel that is 10 minutes away. They work with him all the time. it’s a wonderful place the people that run are amazing, there’s a shuttle service that takes you from the hotel to the clinic and back if needed the round-trip flight for me from Houston is about 2200. The hotel is about $40 a night. The rental cars about $30 a day. The weird thing is you have to drive on the wrong side of the road with a bunch of crazy South Africans, which is a whole other experience lol. 

Firstly, I am glad you found any relief at all. The number one accomplishment I can't take for granted for any CH sufferer is relief. However, it's still to early to use the word cure. I have had an uncle who is currently in a 15-year remission, and even he doesn't know what happened. I believe if more stories such as yours are empirically followed and can stand the rigorous scientific scrutiny, then we shall have all the solutions we ever need. But first, we have to document it and follow it up. The past threads about this doctors methods indicated that the results were mixed. Some people got relief, and others didn't get relief. You mentioned that he is now using a new technique, which is good to know. Currently, we have you his patients, we have him and we have time. Let's continue to keep the records and see where it leads. Just know that even though I, for one, appear skeptical, I am cheering for your relief and hope it sticks. Now that you are going back to South Africa, please ask the good doctor to put up his work for international peer review. That would be a nice step in the right direction. I know this disease is not statistically significant enough to warrant a lot of attention from the sceintific community but I believe the solutions are out there and we should keep looking.

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On 2/14/2024 at 1:11 PM, Douglas Ward said:

I have had chronic cluster headaches since 2018. I tried multiple things to help with my headaches. I had sinus surgury, I tried all the common medications available (Prednisone, Gabmapenton, you name it) I tried Mushrooms and LSD. NOTHING WORKED AT ALL. I found a video on YouTube after a really bad headache at 3:00 in the morning. It was a lady who was cured by Dr. Shevel in South Africa. I called him the next day. I went there for 3 months. He CURED my headaches! He understands what causes them and how to cure these headaches. Please ask me more. I am happy to share this and many many stories of a CURE!!!! here is the video I saw.....   


This lady's video has been on the internet for over 8 years now and she was a member of this forum. Can anyone please find her and find out how she is doing? Is she still pain-free?

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