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This is a puke sandwich of hoagie proportions. 3:30 wake up call. No sleep. Sleep is for other people. No trex, some bureaucrat with a deep love for his boss has placed a restriction on it. I love that dude let me tell ya. Sore throat from suckin on the 02. Snot flingin headbanger.  :o Just as well get up. I got to enjoy a half sleep of nightmares for 45 minutes. All rested up. Ready for the day.  ;DPut on some coffee, pace some more. :) Just keep swimmin just keep swimmin. Tougher than an pile of hobo dung. 02 and coffee for breakfast. Nice to get that out of me. Need to go fishin I guess.  [smiley=beer.gif]Headbangers rule 8-)


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Hey BlueB,

Oh jeez that's tremendously fusterclucked what you (and Brew!) are going through right now.  :'(

Hey ya remember when Lobster posted about his "imitrex math" on CH.com where he figures out how to rig up imitrex injections in a "being bad with math can kill you" sort of way that nonetheless brings his cost down to $.50 per abort ?

This is not recommended considering how dangerous an error could be, but for the record, here are a couple of those posts:



And some details I had copied down at the time that I'm not finding online anymore:

A bottle of Suminat Nasal is 10x 20mg doses.  200mg in 1ml of fluid total.

In reality it has more like 1.3 or 1.4ml, which is free extra.   

So first I put all 1ml (or 1.4ml) of Suminat into a 10ml syringe.  That is basically my holding tank.

When I mix up a batch I use .2ml of Suminat with 3.13ml of saline.  That yields 3.33ml of solution, which is equivalent to 6.6 .5ml vials of Imitrex.  I mix this up also in a 10ml syringe.  That gives you the same ratio as a vial.

I load my needles directly from the syringe, typically 4 or 5 at a time.

The 10ml syringes I use to hold the solution have the lockable cap.  I try to squeeze out all the air to keep oxygen damage to a minimum.

So.... out of 1 bottle of Suminat Nasal I get 5-7 batches, which each yield 6.66 vials.  That is 33 to 46 vials.

My Suminat comes from InhousePharmacy.biz.  5 bottles for $177 shipped.  So for $177 I am getting 2000+mg of sumatriptan,  the equivalent of 166-233 vials.   

For my Saline I use 'Simply Saline', which is a nasal spray that is 100% saline.  I use the 1% variety, not the 3%.

Kinda surprised more people are not saying 'damn!' about this experiment.  I am about 120 doses of Imitrex into this episode.  For me that is around 60 vials.  I would be out around $5000 if I were doing Imitrex.

"Just posting this out there for general edification.  Don't try this at home.  Being bad with math can kill you. - Lobster"

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Fishing is Goooood! 8-)

Yeah, O2 doesn't get all of them. Having just popped out of HELL myself after months that I refuse to count now, I got your number on that one. Sorta 15 minutes sleep, O2, O2, O2, Coffee, O2, O2 and nap in the 'Barca' lounger for an hour and you are READY FOR THE DAY! :D  And we all look so purty with our 'beauty nap' for the day. :o

Dragon loves 'prone' position, doesn't he? Does his best work there. Bucking Feast as the saying goes. >:(

Catch some fish!!!! Had a big mess of white perch last week. FRIED FOOD. 8-) 8-) Southern soul food. :D Lots of blood pressure medicine there. ;)

Sorry it sucks so bad. :'( :-*

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The look on the nurses face when I told her what I do with trex....priceless...do the math...eh.ehe.he.ehehe. And then after my whiner rant, trex is here!  [smiley=bath.gif]I may get some snoozin in tonight. MAY. Hmmmmm perch. Prayers gladly accepted. ;) And my friend Brew is one tough man so we endeavor to perceviere.sp? Low four  :-*

The next round will come, waiting for the bell

thanks for the support 8-)


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Just remember it's proper etiquette to send him a formal invitation:

Well, then.

Dear f*cker,

Your presence is hereby requested on April 11, 2012, 08:00 CDT for an @$$-kicking of epic proportion.

Please bring your @$$ as it will be summarily kicked to the curb.

No guests, please. 21+, proof of age required. Your multiple RSVP's have already been received (as late as 05:35 this morning). Feel free to say goodbye to your loved ones before attending.

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Just remember it's proper etiquette to send him a formal invitation:

Well, then.

Dear f*cker,

Your presence is hereby requested on April 11, 2012, 08:00 CDT for an @$$-kicking of epic proportion.

Please bring your @$$ as it will be summarily kicked to the curb.

No guests, please. 21+, proof of age required. Your multiple RSVP's have already been received (as late as 05:35 this morning). Feel free to say goodbye to your loved ones before attending.

Too Fecking funny!!!! LMAO!!!

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I love that invite...you know it will show. 5 whole hours of snoozin..5:30 wake-up. Trex enhances the 02. Somebody put pred in my malto meal. Kick butt Brew.  [smiley=evil.gif]I'll get you..and your little dog too....he.he.he. Enjoy the perma grin. :D

Yes Jebbers ,sleep deprivation...and pred.  :P I would be lost without a sense of humor,God, and my wife.

;DSomebody get that cat out of here. ;D....Steve Martin, Man with Two Brains...that would be a good one to watch when dosing. :D


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Just remember it's proper etiquette to send him a formal invitation:

Well, then.

Dear f*cker,

Your presence is hereby requested on April 11, 2012, 08:00 CDT for an @$$-kicking of epic proportion.

Please bring your @$$ as it will be summarily kicked to the curb.

No guests, please. 21+, proof of age required. Your multiple RSVP's have already been received (as late as 05:35 this morning). Feel free to say goodbye to your loved ones before attending.

LMFAO. Next time I have to bust, I'll have to send something like this.

But of course, mine will be filled with a lot more fecks.

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The cat really should stay, Cheshire (SP?) type from Thru the Looking Glass. Highly entertaining. :D ;D

Wonder where Brew is now?????? 8-) 8-) Getting better I hope! ::)

Perhaps you sent the cat to keep him company tonight? [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] That one has no definition, but the colors surely do fit.

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