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Expired Imitrex


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So soon I will find my self in a situation where O2 will not be available to me, and its not the ideal place to be on a dose.

I have a bunch of Imitrex (injections) that is expired, most recent being Dec 2011. So unfortunately Imitrex may have to be used.

Has any one had any issues with expired Imitrex?

My stash has been in a dark cool place for its existence. My doc told me a while ago they don't expire if they are kept away from light and heat/cold, and the expiration is just a way to make more money on the drug, But for those that know me, a doctor's words are babble.

I'm looking for experiences, not opinions.

Thanks in advance.

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Has any one had any issues with expired Imitrex? 

A big, jumbo sized, emphatic NO.  :)

From my experience, and what from I've seen lots and lots of others report about their experience when this topic has come up, your doc is actually right on this one.

I've successfully used imitrex injections that were 9 years old , and they weren't kept in a cool place! Not suggesting anyone else try that sorta stunt, but you know how the *desperate times call for desperate measures* thingy can kick in on occasion.  :o

"Expired" in 2011? Man that is some really fresh imitrex in my book.  8-)

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Just to reinforce what Jeebs says, there are quite a few discussions over at ch.com in which people talk about successfully using expired trex.  Here's one of them: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290744579

I'm still successfully using some pain meds that expired 12 years ago.

You don't need this additional insight about the drug-expiration scam, but here's some: http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/news/health/drugs-may-outlast-label-date-584901/

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Most modern day medicine according to all drs. I have ever talked to say that there is at least 10 years of life added onto any expiration you see on medicine. I know drs. that work in free clinics around the world that love the fact the FDA forces business to get rid of expired meds. The more for them to give to people who really need it and can't afford any meds.

+ I was using imitrex that expired in 09 w/ no issues just this year.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been using expired ones with no problem. 

I have had these CH for 50+ years and have used the injections for about 4 years. Never could afford it. Now I save up for the episode.

Wish I could grow out of them. I am pushing 70 and this is getting annoying. 

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Well yeah I think I can see how after 50+ years it could get ANNOYING.  :o YIKES.  :( Please tell me you haven't been chronic for 50+ years (I've had 'em for 30+ years, but episodic, which of course would be equivalent to only a fraction of those years compared to a chronic headbanger).

Good news is now that you've passed your golden CH anniversary (yuck!) I bet you'll be finding info and advice here that will seriously enable you to experience a whole lot less CH.

(Speaking of golden, anything you see posted here by CHfather is golden advice that should be taken very seriously).  8-)

Imitrex injections too expensive? Well how about instantly getting 3 times or so more aborts from your current supply? If you're not doing this already, join the legions of imitrex injecting CH'ers who have very successfully adopted the method of extending your imitrex outlined here:


Then you'll definitely want to look into high flow 100% O2 (NOT the old, ineffective low flow / rebreather O2)

And busting. A much more effective preventative than any prescription out there, successfully employed by young'ns, middle aged folk and seniors alike (in my book you're middle aged LOL).

Here's a super interesting Newsweek article on the subject of busting for CH:


A great video talk on the same subject by our fellow CH'er Bob Wold:


And a rivetingly excellent National Geographic episode (starting around 30:50) covering the topic, featuring our esteemed forum member here Hipshot/Dan:


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islandguy, I got nuthin' to add, except

(a) Maybe consider trying the D3 regimen -- http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804 -- or licorice root: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1298659068; and

(B) The next time anyone asks me, "Sir, could you please provide an example of that fabled Down East Laconic Understatement?" I will show then your post.

Folks here will help in any way they can, so please feel free to ask questions, laconically or otherwise.  There is some info about high-flow O2 in the Oxygen document at the "MENU" tab over on the left side of each page.

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The worst thing that could happen from expired meds like Imitrex is that it becomes a little less effective,  although that has never been the case for me.  In face just last night I used some that expired in 09 and it worked just fine.  The only meds you need to be careful of are things like antibiotics which you definately dont want to use if it is expired .   Good luck ;)

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Guest theraginasian

Stockpile like crazy and never look back. You'll seriously shit yourself how many of them you burn during a bad cycle. Of course, try not to, but the rare people like me who can't rely on O2 to abort, Imitrex is the only thing left.

It is exactly as everyone is saying: store in dark cool to maximize longevity, but it WILL still work for many years after regardless. Loss of potency? Sure, but if you only needed 2-3mg from the 6mg Statdose anyways, you're still golden!

Try this trick at the pharmacy: They will try to tell you your insurance only covers "2 boxes every 30 days". If you can convince the pharmacy to simply write it in, I've been able to get "2 boxes ever SIX days" by simply saying that is what my Neuro and Insurance will cover. The insurance won't post-bill you, so if you can get just them to put the damn thing through, it will normally cover. Argue high-hell, to the tune of "I guess I'll just go to the ER when I need one, even though you have them, and you could try". Most Neuro's and Docs are open also to writing the script however you think will get the Pharmacy to give you the most per your insurance. Given I'm speaking about a specific HMO Plan 5 on Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield, but it could work for others. My Neuro at UM even said after first visit "I want you to stockpile these just in case, it would be crazy to not give you as many of these as possible."

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I don't know if you can get 3 mg shots, but if they were to cost more than half of the price of the standard overdose 6 mg shot, I'm thinking you might be better off just using the "imitrex tip" method for injecting 3mg - or even 2 mg - doses from a 6 mg syringe.

Heck I know a guy who routinely aborts attacks with 1.5 mg doses using this method. 

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You do have to ask your doc for the 4 mg but if you don't mind needles you can use the link 1Eyecries provided above to stretch the 6s. Just make sure you insert the needle far enough below the skin or you will lose some of the meds. Ask me how I know this!!

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