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CH song


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I've always imagined my CH being the result of two demons moshing about inside my head. I think I discovered what they look like and what they must be rocking out to!  >:(  Except on my part, instead of hearing the kick ass music I feel kick ass pain!

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Yeah, it fit very well!!

CH is madness, pure madness. My boyfriend, when i ask him how it is to him, he says it`s like watching madness. Because when it slips, it really slips, and then show glimpts of madness. doesn`t have to be for long, but he finds it scary.

And i feel that on top of a high kip attack, if i should tell in one word, i would say madness....

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  God that song hits home, everytime I feel one coming I think of SlipKnot and that 1st verse.

Me too! That song is my daily mantra. I hear it at least once a day, most of the time early morning. It reminds me that no matter how insane everything gets, you still have that pain that roots you to humanity.


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