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Thoughts and request for clarity


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Hi Johnny,

  On 3/25/2022 at 2:24 AM, johnnyg1988 said:

I record my CH hits over time in an Excel spreadsheet for now.  Does anyone else? 


There's an app for that. :D I know one of us CH'ers had created a mobile tracking app at one point anyway, but certainly using a Google sheet for tracking makes sense to me, and if I were to start tracking again, I'd definitely be looking into that. If you have a template that's working well, and could be shared, that sounds like it'd be nifty. :)

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I tried keeping a log many years age I have also tried several of the apps out there.  Abandoned it because it was too depressing.  I thought with enough data I could plan and manage the beast.  Tracked barometric pressure, moon phases, diet in addition to O2 Use, imitrex injections, steroids and Vit D protocol.


I decided it was futile and depressing to see how much of my quality of life was given up to the beast.  For me, nothing seemed a pattern even though I was convinced there was one.  In cycle even smelling alcohol set me off but that was the only reliable trigger.  As most of us no when in cycle rationale reason gives way to scattered thought and emotional upheaval.


Live life the best I can using what grows from the earth, O2 and inject when desperate


Keeping accounts only gives the beast more attention than it deserves.



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I used to record. But then I took it to the Neuro and he wanted nothing to do with it. So, that job was finished for me. My CH is pretty regular, so not a big issue for me at this point. But for figuring out your triggers and such, it is a good thing to do.

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Mine comes around the same time, and I am not the only one. I have a friend like this. The source of my headaches is not the same as everyone else, nor are my friends. I know when I will be nailed, in bed, and generally for how long. When the flare-up from the autoimmune NOS-for now-and Movement Disorder NOS-for now-go balls to the wall, then the shitshow begins. 

Even then, I have propensities not to get up for more than medication, a shower, and I will sleep, never eat for a week. Read properly. I just load up on Narcs, Beta Blockers, Hydroxyzine, and other copious amounts of put me down meds. If you knew my history you would understand why. At 38, it is not (thought) medically to have any or, at least most, of these conditions.

I don't just suggest my approach, but my life sucks, has sucked, and I am just waiting for that massive accidental OD or heart attack in my sleep: had 2 heart attacks, and 20 ODs still ain't dead, WTF? 


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