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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2017 in all areas

  1. Aloha Kay, You Kama'aina or Kanaka? I know what you, the kids and your husband are going through and the good news is it doesn't need to be that way. Your husband is very likely vitamin D3 deficient and that deficiency is contributing to his CH. My name is Pete Batcheller a.k.a., "Batch" here at Clusterbusters. I'm a 71 year old retired Navy fighter pilot, a long time CHer and I don't put out bum gouge... Even though I still have CH, I no longer suffer from the terribly painful and debilitating CH attacks. Download the latest version of the anti-inflammatory regimen CH preventative treatment protocol at the following link. Be sure to have your husband share a copy with his civilian PCP or neurologist. Military doctors may decide CH is grounds for a medical discharge... and none of us want that. That way you'll all be singing from the same sheet music. http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=7708 You can also also scan the following QR code with your smart phone and it will download a pdf copy of the treatment protocol to your phone. The QR Scanner app is free. It takes less than 10 seconds to download and install. I'm also sending you a PM with additional information that will help prevent your husband's CH if the two of you follow the suggestions... If you do, the odds are in your favor you'll get back the guy you married... without CH... Take care and check you PM inbox. V/R, Batch
    2 points
  2. Kaaiohelo, ++++ Everyone's post above. I left the military in 93' and was never properly diagnosed while in service. To be honest, I don't know how I held it together while I was in service with my CH. My attacks weren't as frequent or painful, but got worse over the years. I would be a strong advocate for seeking medical discharge due to his CH. I hid my attacks because I was on flight status. I didn't know what caused them, but knew I'd be grounded if the flight surgeon figured out they were as debilitating as they were. That BAD decision on my part seriously hurt me for the rest of my life.... I didn't have my condition properly documented, nor did I allow it to be part of my discharge reason. For some reason vets have a significantly higher incidence of CH. I'd suspect it's something that we're exposed to in service that triggers it. I've read of others having anywhere from 80% to 100% disability through the VA for service connected CH. That's a LOT better than any retirement he could get by staying in. (IMHO). Accolades to you for being a good supporter! PFW, J
    1 point
  3. HI Kay, your husband can beat this or he can find much needed relief. Tell him that there are people just like me who "feel his pain" and who are praying for him. Hopefully your husband has access to good doctors where you are. The moderators who have chimed in are wonderful, smart, caring people who have great experience and knowledge to share. Winter never fails to turn to spring. There will be relief and happiness. Hang in there.
    1 point
  4. Hi Anita! I see Chf has you lined out on LSA busts so I'll address vitamin M. Although a few folks are able to source and purchase shrooms, the vast majority of us have had to take up mycology and learn how to grow our own. It's a fairly easy learning curve and not too terribly expensive to get set up but it does take a minimum of between 35 and 42 days to realise the "fruit of your labor". Just watch the youtube video series entitled " Let's grow mushrooms "......they'll demo everything you need to know......you out can source all needed supplies from Wally world for less than $50 with the exception of the brown rice flour, coarse grade vermiculite and a spore syringe. Whole foods or any health food store for the brf at approximately $5 for a 2# bag.....coarse grade vermiculite is only available in large 3 cu ft bags at commercial landscape supply stores in my area and costs around $35......Spore syringes are available from Spore Works and run around $20.....so between $100 & $125 for a batch of "pain free livin"!! Dallas Denny
    1 point
  5. You get RC seeds legally, and possess them legally, by ordering them from a vendor such as www.tranceplants.net or www.iamshaman.com Has he made any progress toward re-trying O2 or starting the D3 regimen? And have you considered the Chicago conference? I feel like that might be the most valuable thing he could do.
    1 point
  6. Yo CHf...best to you brother... Re verapamil....I was ona the upper limit guys...sometimes over 1000 mg/dy (480 mg/dy seems to be the sweet spot for many) . Extended release...for ME...was worthless no matter the dose. Got it once by accident and the panic that ensued (IT DOESN'T WORK ANY MORE!!!!!) is still SEARED in my brain. At least experiment. I had some success TIMING the split doses to just prior to anticipated hit times! Re O2....mixed feelings. At one point I was poor and had crummy insurance. Had to buy O2 out of pocket...$10 per e tank...which was quite reasonable...but still. This gonna cause eyerolls and guffaws... but I used 4-5 LPM and successfully (aborted about 60-70%) because I had to conserve. Wrong mask...wrong technique... Later, found success with better technique, 15 LPM and the right mask...Other times 20-25 didna work. see O2 thread at ch.com for near everything ya need to know...AND get the right mask...available from the store there. My gut feel is that O2 is not 100% effective no matter what...BUT proper setup, mask, and technique are CRITICAL before giving up........... Never liked Imitrex....made me feel "ooky"...found my favorite rescue med to be Zomig 5 mg nasal spray (99% effective...no rebounds). Damned expensive and damn insurance companies always made obtaining a trial.... Best Jon
    1 point
  7. My greatest fear over 23 yrs of episodic was that it would become chronic. I was obsessed with the thought. Used to dismiss comments on ch.com that chronics preferred it to episodic.... thought they were nuts. Then it happened.... and the reality was FAR less than the fear of the unknown had led me to believe. Hits were lighter, aborts worked better, triggers were reduced or went away, depression lessened. It still aint no damn fun...but if ya got the right attitude, a plan and the right tools..... it's controllable. Best Jon
    1 point
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