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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2019 in all areas

  1. hello all, i want to introduce my dear friend @spikeinthehead. he just registered yesterday; i've sent him the url to the readme banner, ahem, @CHfather. i know he'll develop his own connections, but i want to specifically introduce @Brain on fire, @spiny @Freud @dmlonghorn @ThatHurtsMyHead. Also, @Batch, perhaps you could pm him with the link to the D-3 regimen. thank you all! lux
    1 point
  2. @CHfather too much drama in the FB world in my opinion. If you want level headed info this is the only real option
    1 point
  3. Signals I pay for my 02 out of pocket, it was cheaper for me in the long run. My insurance company has a set price on how much a tank is but when I asked about paying for it on my own the price dropped about $250 bucks. I have a company that I found just outside of Philadelphia that I get tanks dropped off at my house the day after I call in my order. They started me off with 2 M60 and i think 4 E tanks, due to the lack of record keeping and the delivery driver being understanding/not caring I have a good stock pile of tanks now. Be ready for a fight, it took me more then a few months of yelling at and arguing with different 02 shops and vendors to get what I have now. As far as busing goes you can become a farmer and grow your own at home. This is not the portion of the board to talk about it but read up and sk questions and you will have a tun of help and support here.
    1 point
  4. There isn't really a "too long." 20 minutes is fine, and so is longer on occasions when it might be necessary. You want to be sure the attack is fully extinguished, or it will come back. The general advice here is to keep using the O2 for at least 5 minutes after the attack is fully gone. That seems to prevent the kind of recurrence you experienced.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Into Light, Gotcha... PM on the way to Spikeinthehead. V/R, Batch
    1 point
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