Here's some interesting info on Omicron and its infections. It gets a bit technical, but if you wade through the following link, the basic message is Omicron has the most mild infection symptoms that usually last 2 to 3 days, and as yet no mortality substantiated. Of course, lots of vitamin D3 helps recovery (at least 10,000 IU/day maintenance dose) after a few days at a loading dose of at least 50,000 IU/day plus all the cofactors.
My cut at a home treatment for Omicron is illustrated in the following photo of supplements I take as a prevent. Not shown is Ivermectin at 12 mg/day for at least 5 days then 12 mg/week.
This is essentially the basic anti-inflammatory regimen for CH with the addition of 50 mg zinc picolinate, 800 mg Quercetin as the zinc inonophor, and lots of liposomal tamin C (at least 3 grams/day) in divided doses throughout the day.
Take care,
V/R, Batch