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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Thanks fellers. I do have a super sensitive/accurate weighing scale, so now I'm also going to ask for opinions on what fraction of a gram of powder might make for a good SPUT? .2g?
  2. I don't have a Small Piece to put Under the Tongue to abort any post bust hits while traveling, but I do have a little bit of powder. Heck I guess powder will work even faster than a solid piece.... So it'll be more like a small pinch under the tongue I guess. Anyone done this? Any ideas about how to best implement this version of SPUT? Empty a partially filled gel cap under the tongue while sitting in the airplane seat?
  3. Wow Domino you are rockin' the house. 8-) Love seeing these kind of stories, and also this bit about how you resolved the situation with your (sadly typical) neuro who, since you were in a severe crisis situation was willing to squeeze you in after NINE months.
  4. Sorry to bring this up, but I'm afraid that can interfere with busting, and may account for your lack of results. :'( Is the 25 mg steroids helping you at all (it doesn't seem like it is)? Would be nice if you could continue to taper off of it so the RC could work to full effect. Yes, everything I've read....well everything I remember...says it's OK to do so.
  5. Here's a little story about a man named Jed Giussepi: Giussepi just retired from 30 years as a patrol police officer. He would bring his (small) E sized O2 cylinder and demand valve with him in his police car every day when in cycle, and had tremendous success being able to pull off the road and abort attacks within 5-10 minutes. Moral of the story: The demand valve system can not only provide a more effective O2 treatment but can also help preserve the precious O2 supply with the smaller portable O2 cylinders when on the road.
  6. I'll go with slap back / good sign. At least what you're describing is consistent with what others have found to be slap/good. 8-) Wow sorry you had to experience a Kip 10, but glad you were able to knock it down with the O2.Â
  7. I'm no expert on that but I've seen another expert type here say that sleeping doesn't make a difference. Does that count? ;D I am intrigued by the thought of being able to sleep right through a Vit M bust, that would certainly make the process more convenient during the work week! Best o' luck with tonight's knock out punch. 8-) [smiley=thumbup.gif] (knockout of the beast that is)
  8. It may feel unwieldy to figure out the first time, but it then fortunately becomes very easy. In fact, although it took some nerve to stick a needle in myself the first time, I would now continue to inject this way instead of using the auto injector even if I was taking full doses! Injecting under the skin in the abdomen, to the side of the navel, is practically painless, and it's an easy area to access and manage when self injecting this way.Â
  9. Agreed with all of Jerry and CH's assertions. Wondering how many mg his triptan injection doses are? Last time I used them here in the US they were 6 mg, which is at least 3 mg more than is necessary (seriously this is true even for hard core high cycle CH'ers). If he has to resort to aborting with the triptan while acquiring a demand valve system, here's the tip that outlines how to inject lower doses, which I hope for one thing would lessen his side effects: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html
  10. Hi Siouz76 - sorry I forget how much of the high flow non-rebreather approach you've adopted... Funny thing with me is that regular old low flow rebreather O2 worked for me in the first years of my CH. But of course that didn't last. I gave up on it, then eventually a couple decades later I found out about the high flow 100% O2 thingy. Even then, when I get to high CH cycle I have to CRANK the 'ol regulator up to 45 LPM(!) or so, then go at it with hyperventilation and a 32 gallon reservoir bag! If there's a next time I'll be getting a demand valve O2 system (an absolute no brainer IMO when it becomes difficult with a basic regulator to get the O2 to work). A side benefit with the demand valve is that you will conserve your O2 in a major way as it only release$ the O2 on inhale. I recall Batch, the originator of the D3 CH regimen, saying that the D3 regimen optimizes arterial PH, enabling O2 to work more effectively. Plus many CH'ers find that an energy drink or shot at onset helps with the O2 abort. So to sum up, my ideas for improvement in your O2 results are: 1) Demand Valve system with hyperventilation 2) D3 regimen 3) energy drink/shot at onset
  11. I bet if you bust with mushrooms you'll find them to be extremely effective for treating the PTSD, as others including myself have. 8-) If it was me weaning off meds I suppose I'd be trying to research the most reliable medical info about how it's ordinarily done for each drug, and what withdrawal or other symptoms to look out for. In fact I have weaned off and even ON (not recommending the ON part!) CH meds without doctor supervision. I think the only 2 I've been on that you mentioned are lithium and verapamil, although I was on such heavy drug cocktails at one time I don't remember anymore all of the drugs involved. Plus as Jeff said the high flow 100% O2 (often with a caffeine and taurine loaded energy drink for an extra push) has been a Godsend for many CH'ers for aborting CH attacks while detoxing from meds and preparing to bust. I sure hope the O2 will do the same for you, and then down the line we'll be reading reports of your busting success!Â
  12. Pos1964, That sounds like some good consensus type info that Spiny dished out there. And about the Trader's Melatonin, I haven't been on any melatonin as I've been in the highly enviable (and luck luck lucky - thank you busting!) position of not having any full on CH attacks to deal with since we last discussed the fact that Trader's has what is likely some good stuff. I might just put it on my shopping list for this saturday's Trader's run to try in lower doses as a general sleeping aid now that you've reminded me though (thank you), not that my results for sleep will give us much of any data on how it works for CH attacks. And it'll be good to have on hand just in case higher dose usage becomes called for!Â
  13. Ugh that's a genuinely rotten hand you were dealt punched with there Jeff. I'm just now getting to this thread and it's roller coaster ride. I hope these latest improvements snowball in to some genuinely PF days'n nights for ya, and toot sweet!! (as opposed to the toot metallic of your welder O2 tank).
  14. Whoa I forgot about that!
  15. Sheesh there goes Ricardo fishing for compliments again. But seriously before I go trying to turn this into a roast, I'd like to hop on the Ricardo extreme appreciation bandwagon here if I may - Ricardo you are one rare individual, to be so well incredibly well researched like some kind of hallucinogen nerd or something, but still patient and happy to dumb it down for fellers like me. ;D I rate your contribution here as being in the officially HUGE category, and how you stay positive and helpful 99.9999% of the time, even while you continue to experience stubborn CH, I don't know, but count me among the many who really appreciate it and admire it. [smiley=thumbup.gif] And you never, ever deserved to be derisively referred to as "Ricky Ricardo" LOL (I forget if that was on this message board or at ch.com).
  16. Bejeeber


    WHA??!! WOW that is incredible , although it's understandable if you're not in a 100% partying mood since you're still getting slammed with the CH. That's some unusually good insurance! OK this is the second time I've posted the link in the past 5 minutes about extending your imitrex, but hey I'm a broken record: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html
  17. Hi Pos, Spiny makes a very good point about high flow 100% O2 - it is often that much more effective than low flow rebreather O2 that CH'ers can still abort the attacks when detoxing off the meds. In the meantime, when imitrex needs to be taken at work, this info, if you haven't encountered it already, describes how many many CH'ers abort their attacks with smaller doses of imitrex, lessening the side effect risk, etc.: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html
  18. Hi Pos, Glad to hear your partner is getting results right on the first dose - that bodes well! Others more expert on the subject than I will hopefully be along to help answer questions, but meantime I'll weigh in on one of them: No, that approach would be ineffective. He should actually wait around 5 days between mushroom doses until the CH attacks are well under control, then keep extending time between doses. Some former chronics have gotten to the point where they could go months between doses. 8-)
  19. Well that's some valuable info I had missed (or forgotten) until now - thanks! 8-)
  20. Thanks for the Wilson's link Heilette. I may actually try some of those body temp raising herbs at one point for fatigue'n junk, not that I have any idea whether there would be a CH correlation. There's a classic book "Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness". The way I remember it, the author was a Navy doctor who had a LOT of servicemen he could run experiments on, and when he measured waking temperature on them, he found the ones with low temps were hypothyroid, and responded to treatment, although conventional tests weren't catching it. So his method is to put a thermometer in the 'ol armpitsky upon waking (and remaining still) for several days in a row, and if it consistently registers low, well that tels ya sumthin' Mine came in consistently low - in the 97-ish F range. I've seen others wonder aloud whether the thyroid bone is connected to the CH bone, but don't recall anyone reporting CH relief from thyroid treatment.
  21. Thanks BlueB, it's good to see this being covered, and of course it's not surprising. "A recent study of people with advanced-stage cancer found that a single dose of psilocybin led to lasting improvements in anxiety and depression."
  22. Agreed about sunday night, and your plan for upping it to a 50 seed dose sounds like a good idea to me too. Please keep us posted on how things go.
  23. I would say that too! Even 60 seeds is just nothing side effects wise IMO compared to something like 1.5g to 2g of mushrooms.
  24. Hey FLUFFHEAD, Glad to see CHf dished out his usual very good and succint info/ideas for you. I think you'd be well advised to study them carefully. I agree with all of them including the detox that'll be necessary from those tryptamines. Many of us tried O2 back in the day and gave up on it. That was because low liter flow/rebreather O2 as it is still commonly prescribed wasn't effective for us. Enter higher flow 100% O2 as CHf has linked to and it's a whole new ballgame. Much more effective. LSD and Psilocybin are both proven CH killers alright, and I'm one of those who believes LSD may be the most effective although mushrooms are no slouch - in fact they're very powerful! You are one prime candidate for busting!! I'll be watching for your reports.
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