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Everything posted by Bejeeber
Well I can laugh at that, and totally did. ;D
I should've also mentioned that unfortunately sumatriptan completely blocks the therapeutic effects of busting agents, and verap blocks them somewhat. So it's necessary to be off the triptans for 5 days before busting. This is where getting the O2 and using it instead of triptans to abort attacks comes in really handy.
Most CH'ers who've tried weed report it makes their CH worse, and attribute it to the fact that it's a vasodilator. Occasionally someone (like I think our Ricardo here) won't have a problem with it. If I'm not mistaken I believe I've seen UK'ers report being able to legally order RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds online, and those have become a popular busting substance around here, especially since they provide little to no psychedelic side effect. I bet those'll be really good to look into. 8-) Maybe some others can weigh in on whether the UK site for ordering RC http://www.allsalvia.co.uk/ is a good source. Some more specific RC "how to" can be found here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974
Hey Hejada, Sometimes it seems like it's rare to find a CH'er who doesn't play guitar, leading me to joke that it could be the nickel in the strings that is seeping into our systems and causing the CH. ;D If you're playing a nylon string that blows that whole theory though.Â
Hi Hejada, Wow your case is an extremely typical test book case type. So glad you've found your way here where people (such as myself!) are finding truly significant relief, and REALLY glad that CHfather has responded already and laid things out so clearly for you. I've seen many folks from the UK (and the US!) speak of how their doc refuses to prescribe O2. Something else I've seen is UK'ers talk of how there's a new NHS rule that allows patients to switch to a doctor who isn't an a-hole! Yay for that! Here's a link to O2 in the UK info provided by OUCH UK: http://www.ouchuk.org/html/news/High%20Flow%20Oxygen%20Therapy2010.pdf I bet at their message board they could really help you with the switching doctors thing too. This is the place to be though for learning about the most effective CH preventatives, which also happen to be natural/non toxic. I've read that melatonin is not available over the counter in the UK, darnit. Maybe some OUCH folks could advise on that ...? I'm not sure, last I heard, very much unlike the US OUCH, they were very conservative in regard to therapies, strictly endorsing the medical establishment's take on how to treat CH, so beware...
Hey Spiny, Thanks for the extra details and stuff. Sorry to hear how hard yer getting hit. :'( The latest replies from the fellas to your post are certainly golden and IMO when CHfather lays out some details they should be practically be enshrined as holy scriptures! Seriously, trust this guy - if it weren't for his one typo a year I'd be suspecting the 'H' in CHfather stands for 'Heavenly'. ;D I'm diggin' how he spelled out the verap/calcium issue and it's solution for ya. 8-) Here's a thingy bit I'd like to add: I believe you may have mentioned before that the energy drinks don't agree with you (?). But coffee is burnin' the 'ol hole in the tummy and your O2 aborted attacks return every hour. Well the energy drinks with the taurine are known to help the O2 aborts last longer for many CH'ers - like it could be a few hours between re-attacks instead of just one. Have I asked yet whether you've tried the teeny energy shots? They can be gulped in one swallow, and you could potentially immediately chase 'em with something that is tummy settling for you.....maybe it'd be worth snagging one from the mini mart down the street and trying it on for size?
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that was intended to read "Very, very unlikely that you'll experience anything psychedelic". ;D Oops I didn't realize or forgot you've tried D3 already Spiny. Sorry. :'(
I'll echo both Mystina's concern and Lieutenant2's tuff love, and both of their suggestions. Melatonin - starting at 9 mg, all the way up to 18 or even 21 mg if necessary. This form is reputed to be most effective: n-Acetyl-5-Methoxytryptamine Have you tried the D3 regimen yet? It is reputed to affect your arterial PH in a manner that makes the O2 more effective. That bears repeating. The D3 regimen can render O2 more effective. I know that waking up every hour to abort with O2 routine all too well and it SUX!! It BLOZE. Sorry you're in that terrible high cycle mode right now. Those RC seeds can be overnighted BTW, so you could get some and be dosing with them on Friday night. 8-)
Thanks CH, for being a good early warning system.
Bejeeber replied to Pixie-elf's topic in General Board
LOL now that's keeping your beastie disciplined. A hit peaking at 9 - there's a horror show that'll screw with your day! > Here's hoping it was strictly a one time rogue visit from old feckface.  :-/ -
Why yes, yes those are eggzactly what I had in mind. ;D
Eggcellent, eggcellent work there keeping the D3 file info packed in a concise sorta way and up to date. Super helpful. [smiley=thumbup.gif]
Ooh good catch Tommy D, thanks. That article certainly is a good thing to have out there in the mainstream media IMO, and I see it also touches on the positive after effect a psychedelic mushroom experience can have on a person's outlook, as some of us have personally reported here. [smiley=thumbup.gif]
Agreed. I see no reason to let up on this line of hounding. ;D What Ron said.Â
That was a good smile inducer indeed Renee.
neat site for cluster abstracts +
Bejeeber replied to defectiv's topic in Research & Scientific News
Just goes to show ya I guess that what works for one, won't for another. I have actually seen several CH'ers post on the other site (and some here also), that the happy ending to those last 4 words will abort a CH attack for them. Oftentimes this is reported by guys about the...ahem...solo version of said activity. I haven't gotten to looking at the other abstracts yet, but those do look like they are neat in myriad ways - wouldn't you agree CHfather? 8-) (sorry people, I just degraded the proceedings by engaging in some wordplay in-joking there) :-[ -
Hey RazorPP, I too found playing guitar in the wee hours to be a good way to focus away from the CH wake up calls, but wasn't able to pull it off at high kip levels of course. Not even the pull offs . Doh I inserted another bad pun there.Â
Hi Renee, I've heard just recently that a good dark, cool place to store them is in the refrigerator. I don't how I went years and years ordering and then storing RC for months at a time in kitchen cabinets without that occurring to me.Â
That is stunningly awesome. :o Thank you thank you thank you Bob'n Kaboom.
I'm afraid I'm not well informed on the subject, so I can't offer an opinion with any sort of credibility. :-/ This got me to wondering though whether RC seeds could be something to try, since I and others have found we can just take a therapeutic dose before bed and get a better than usual night's sleep, without psychedelic effects, in contrast to mushrooms, where 1 gram can throw some of us into a state of sort of disorientation and there's more of a bad trip possibility....?
What he said! Glad that you've escaped major interference from the elements - when I hear about severe weather in Oklahoma I always think about you and the new house going up. Cool that you have your own private woods. 8-)
Great to have you here Red, and here's hoping that you'll find some good relief and can get back to sleeping with no need for fist clenching. I would imagine that high liter flow 100% O2, RC seeds and the vitamin D3 regimen could all be good things to try (simultaneously! ) as soon as you can.
"cluster headache is associated with a low prevalence of cardiac disease as well as cerebrovascular disease even though the majority of patients are chronic heavy smokers. In US cluster headache sufferers, there appears to be comorbidity with restless leg syndrome, and this has not been demonstrated in non-US cluster headache populations." Interesting. I can vouch for being a CH'er with restless leg syndrome. I've relieved the RLS with magnesium BTW.
Yep, the deadly combo of ignorance and arrogance unfortunately appears to pervade that profession. > It's nice to be able to vent with some online doctor bashing - I know, I've had years of experience!
Happy B Day Lenny, but don't tell CHfather about that slip up or he might open up another can of whoop-ass on Ron!Â