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Everything posted by Bejeeber
As a humorist, but also a political commentator and lightning rod, I think Bill Maher is someone I should resist commenting on (do I love him, hate him, or somewhere in between, you'll never know!), because I believe political hot button stuff can divide us CH'ers and supporters, make us angry at each other, and it's important to avoid that. I've seen that CH'ers come from all sides of the political spectrum. So, while realizing this particular Bill Maher video is only about 5% politically themed, is "on topic" here regarding hallucinogens, and is chock full o' funny things, I'd just like to suggest we tread carefully with our own political commentary on the forum in order to keep the Need For a Laugh thread funny and stay united on the subject of CH through this time of deep political divisions in the US.
Thanks - we'll be following that closely for sure. Meantime I hope it's safe to assume Mystina has been able to retain her *special* sense of humor through this and is unleashing it upon the hospital staff.Â
OK I'll admit it was me who PM'd CHf several times and ordered him to shut the f***ing feck up and go f*** himself! Not really - I actually value (and rely upon) his and the rest of y'all's contributions tremendously. But wait a minute Blueballs - I'm ready to go into full on flame war mode with you over your comment about communication being 95% visual! What about tone of voice used??!! Dog dangit my tone of voice can't be heard and now it may not be evident that I'm just attempting to joke around and crap here. Ah well at least we got some emoticons. ;D
Yeeeee Feckin Hawwww is right LOL! Incredible to see the dream becoming reality like that. Now I want one. Gimme. ;D Does Mike only build 'em in Oklahoma? Not that there's anything wrong with Oklahoma, especially in your nice wooded area where I'm sure the impending springtime is going to be a real eye popper. In a non CH kind of way that is.   [smiley=thumbup.gif] Sawing logs - I'm pretty sure that must mean she's sleeping, although in this case I suppose it could mean she's actually helping with the construction! ;D
Not at all happy to learn Mystina has had to go into the hospital for surgery! > She is well loved here and a super important part of this community to be certain, so the good vibes will definitely be flowing to her by the metric tonload. Please get well VERY soon Mystina. Thanks Kagemorou for notifyin' us. We've heard a bit about you and know you're a good guy. 8-)
Hey Tuck, While you're prepping for that next RC dose, just as a back up plan I concur with Jeff that you might want to start looking into whether you could locate any mushrooms. Seems that for some of us RC works best, then some of us find mushrooms or tabs do the trick more effectively than RC. Can be a bit of trial and error involved I'm afraid.
YAYYY! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] That's un-freekin-believably fantastic. 'Scuse me for a sec now while I lead the stadium in a cheer here: [move]Viatmin M!  Viatmin M!  Viatmin M!   Viatmin M!  Viatmin M!Viatmin M!  Viatmin M!  Viatmin M! Viatmin M!  Viatmin M!  Viatmin M! [/move]
I salute your adoption of the Moxiness for your message board moniker Renee As far as I'm concerned, moxy just equals, well...moxy. No other term or body parts need to be associated with it. 8-)
What Tuckerman said! Fingers crossed that the Vit M will indeed prove to be your official "big guns" item for winning this war.
Re: Any busters near or around Pensacola,FL
Bejeeber replied to ThatHurtsMyHead's topic in General Board
I've definitely seen CH'ers who also have migraines report their migraines were the first thing to leave when they busted, so I can sure understand your interest in busting. Have you seen yet that RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds are legal to order and possess, and when taken before bed they can can bring little to no side effects other than a better than usual night's sleep? The RC can often be a good place to start with busting, and for some it's also a good place to finish, as it can potentially do the trick 100%. An anectdotal thing I've noticed regarding treatments that work for both CH and migraines is that I know a migraineur who now routinely aborts migraines at onset with a caffeine/taurine combo energy drink like Monster, and can now skip the Maxalt. 8-) Also, the D3 regimen is purported to help some migraineurs with prevention: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804 -
YOW you're new doc sure sounds like a horrific jerk. > :(
Yep those are my thoughts too. Really hoping you'll be able put this beast to bed in his frikkin' grave SOON.
I'd like to also chime in with encouragement to try to keep the faith in this darkest before the dawn hour. Granted, that's easier said than done when the level 8-9's kick in! :'( I'm also inclined to believe that even if there were to be a worst case scenario where the RC seeds don't do it for you, there's a very good chance the next thing to try - mushrooms (or even tabs) - will.
Really glad to hear of the successful bust! (But sorry I don't have anything to offer regarding whether a sinus cavity cyst could contribute to the nastiness of a cycle). :-/
Ooh good energy drink reconnaissance there, thanks. I see the Monster Hitman Sniper shot has 240 mg caffeine! Cool to have them all listed side by side like that. Now if someone will just pander to CH'ers and their supporters and create an online list that reports both caffeine and taurine levels for each drink/shot, we'll have the ultimate reference when jotting down a plan B on a shopping list in case there's no Monster in stock. 8-)
Spiny you'd make a natural leader (president!) for the new official Beanpole faction of clusterbusters. I'll join. ;D I guess the first meeting will be at the Las Vegas conference. We can have a table for handing out leaflets and crap.Â
Yer right Pixie, the consensus is it's the caffeine/taurine combo that's most effective. And at 270 mg of caffeine per serving (!!), wow that powder looks like it could wake the dead ;D (Red Bull 8 oz has 73 mg caffeine).
Advocacy project, Wash DC.
Bejeeber replied to Psiloscribe's topic in Advocacy, Events and Conferences
DITTO. [smiley=thumbup.gif] -
A mushroom with a superman outfit on (including cape) clonking the CH beast on the head with a frying pan and knocking him out.Â
What CHf said. [smiley=birthdays.gif]
As a God member I'd like to say congratulations on your fullness, my son.Â
Happy Purpday Birthday! 8-)
I agree but with one possible substitution in the case of reasonably democratic governments: "Only society could apply such backwards logic to a situation." I believe that in the UK and US for instance it's not so much a case of us against them, with governments enforcing drug laws societies don't want. Seems to me that "we", our society, still favors these drug laws, and the if the public were to become more educated, which leaders and organizations can certainly help with, a change could be demanded and won. [Disclaimer: granted - big money, whether from big pharma or whoever can corrupt the process] Wuh ohhh, if I just said something politically controversial here I may have to delete or retract it, because that violates my strong belief that hot button politics can distract from and poison what we need to focus on here, and should be avoided.
Happy Bee Day to the aquarian Bawb! [smiley=birthdays.gif]
Mercury fillings don't strike me as a good idea for dental work at all, but I think we can confidently say they're not what causes CH.