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Everything posted by Bejeeber
Good thing Spiny and I are teaming up here because she brings up super important stuff that I left out - I'm very much in agreement about the importance of high flow 100% O2 (not the still commonly prescribed low flow rebreather O2 which tends to be ineffective). And yep that skullcap herb is known to help ease or prevent anxiety when busting. Hopefully you don't FORGET to take it with a mushroom bust like I did. DOH!Â
People's experience with being under the influence of mushrooms sure seems to vary quite a bit. From my own experience and what I've observed others report here, I believe the younger you are, the more likely you are to enjoy it. Personally, my first bust with mushrooms was actually quite enjoyable - I made sure to get my set and setting as good as I could and was diggin' the tunes I was listening to, enjoying the mild hallucnations, laughing, etc. The second bust was more rushed, without attention to setting, and I got purty good and anxiety stricken for the couple peak hours under the influence, and the eyes closed hallucinations weren't so hot either (swarms of insects, etc.) Then Pretty much the same unpleasantness for the 3rd bust. Funny thing though is that even though the few hours under the influence became a negative experience, there has still been a definite, lasting mood and optimism improvement following the busts, something that is being shown to be a real, positive effect of mushrooms in clinical tests like this one: http://yourlife.usatoday.com/health/story/2011-09-29/Magic-mushroom-drug-may-improve-personality-long-term/50602264/1 I'm an episodic, we tend to have an easier time with busting (or any treatment) than chronics do, and true to form the busting prevented what were some oncoming CH episodes for me. I'm really glad I did it. So I figure you'll want to carefully consider your dose, maybe 1 to 1.5g, weigh it out carefully, and get a good set and setting. Having an understanding 'sitter' that you know well and trust and who isn't cuckoo or anything is ideal. Of course if you're still afraid, you could try RC seeds first and save the mushrooms for your backup plan. I don't think that would be a bad idea at all. The RC is relatively cheap, legal to order online, and IMO there's nuthin' to be afraid of there. Typically you take 'em right before bed and all you feel is a better night's sleep than usual. 8-)
Hi Linda, Well your inheritance is one heckuva bum deal, but glad that you're reading everything and can see that the outlook and treatment options are much better for us now than when your dad started experiencing CH 25 years ago. I certainly feel that with the advent of the internet and busting (not to mention the potential of BOL when it becomes available) it's much more hopeful now than when I first started in with CH 32 years ago. Hmmmm...that probably comes off as "when I was kid I had to walk 10 miles in the snow to school" , but I actually feel lucky to be in this new era of CH treatments. Of course that positive outlook could very well be due to the side effect of having busted with mushrooms! I hope you and your dad can both bust the CH away. 8-)
Dramatic vit D3 megadose success stories at ch.com
Bejeeber replied to Bejeeber's topic in General Board
Well first order o' bizness, let's party DOWN, celebrating the awesome PF!! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=thumbup.gif] 2nd order - hmmmm WTF's goin' on? Rather cuckoo and unexpected ain't it? Curious as to whether your D3 trial included all the other mineral and oil stuff that's considered part of the *D3 regimen*, or were you only gobbling the actual D3 vitamin component? Also may I enquire as to which brand of D3 pills you were gulpin'? I think I may wanna avoid that brand! (currently I'm taking the same Costco brand that Batch uses). -
From the translation I'm seeing: "- The operation is now tentatively doing on Horton's patients assume that you put a chip or electrode behind the jaw at the nerve bundle that is related to cluster headaches. When a seizure is coming, so put the patient himself by means of a remote control power to the electrode, and then slows Mon attack, explains Rigmor Highland Jensen. It's a whole new way to treat patients at Horton. And so far, Christina Russell the first woman in the world who have undergone this surgery. - It's really quite simple, and we have no serious side effects of this new treatment, which is part of an international research project. It has been known for 100 years, there is a connection between the nerve bundle in the jaw and cluster headache, but only now have found a way to use the knowledge, explains Rigmor Highland Jensen." This looks like one of the things Dr. Goadsby was talking about at last years OUCH conference (with an even newer version being developed that would require no surgery/implant - just a remote hand held wand sorta contraption). It's the type of thing I was hoping Michael might become a candidate for with Dr. Goadsby's help, since the busting and everything else has gone bust for him. I also recall Dr. Goadsby remarking on how one of these new technologies unexpectedly appears to have preventative benefits too, not just aborts...
The Trunk Monkey pediatric edition was very touching, and it looks like Vytautas Mineral Water will cure CH!!! ;D ;D
8-) [smiley=thumbup.gif]! Fortunately for many of us it actually doesn't have to. Slapbacks are common, but not an assured part of the busting process - here's hoping you are one of slapback-less blessed!!Â
Maybe not - it might be worth looking into Google docs - free spreadsheets, and I believe you can open a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet in yer Google docs. 8-)
Phew, so glad to hear it, Crystal, you deserved a break today. Ugh now I'm starting to sound like a burger sloganeer.Â
Does Guido ROCK the spoonerisms or what, Hipshot? 8-) [smiley=thumbup.gif] I think this grants him instant lifetime membership into the Fusterclucks. Bucking feast. I gotta try'n remember to use that one. Often. Brace yourselves. ;D
Ack. Good idea about getting away! Hang in there Chris, looking forward to blabbing with ya and crap when you return. 8-)
Hi Cat, This is the place for info on busting, absolutely. Of course busting is known to work wonders for migraine prevention, so this could be a heckuva breakthrough for many of your members.
Well big 'ol kudos to the NP for going the extra mile like that! [smiley=thumbup.gif] It would be great if we saw more of that sort of thing happening - there certainly would be a fewer misdiagnosed CH'ers out there.
I figure the NP is giving you critically important instructions for maintaining your general health, which you should definitely follow, but I think a lot of us haven't really seen too much of a correlation between that stuff and CH (disclaimer: every once in a blue moon we do hear from a CH'er though who feels a better diet/lifestyle/exercise has helped them). Some of us find that an especially stressful event can trigger an attack, but as you've found, relaxing times in general often coincide with a higher CH cycle. :-/ My guess is that the rank and file CH'er and CH supporter vets on this message board (like Bonkers/Ron) actually have more of a handle on these things than your NP does, since this isn't exactly her specialty.
Wouldn't THAT be fantastic!? And please keep in mind that the very most effective time to bust is when you're NOT in cycle, or are at least in a low part of a cycle.
Those look fecking cuckoo and I bet they taste fecking great! Astounding that they grow wild right in your very own private woods! You need to let some cows walk through there. ;D
YEAH!! That's fantastic news LJ! Grams. 8-)
From observing the posts of other CH'ers it appears to me that there's an occasional individual who can get some benefit from it, but more often it's an actual trigger to be avoided.
Yes, that was my experience with Blue Cross at least - I was flatly denied - and I've seen others report trouble there. I've also seen others report that welding O2 is kinda cheap. They certainly can, yep. Do the CH attacks make your droop? Absolutely, it's a common hallmark symptom in fact. Yay Crystal! And you've hopefully seen the bit about the advisability of being detoxed from the meds for 5 days before busting?
Either via a Dr. prescription, which you may have to "beef up" by acquiring your own high flow regulator and non-rebreather mask (or ideally a demand valve system), or by just bypassing the Dr. and getting the same O2 from a welding supply place without prescription as many CH'ers do. They're Rivea Corymbosa seeds, known for their healing properties for millenia by indigenous peoples. You can legally order them online and possess them, but if you yell to a cop "hey I'm ingesting RC right now!" there's a technical illegality there. The cop might think you're just drinking RC Cola though. ;D Many CH'ers use them with success, some don't get relief 'til they try mushrooms. RC is milder acting - if you take it before bed you'll likely only experience the side effect of improved sleep. Iamshamn.com is one of the popular sources. More info here, but the suggested first dose of 8 to 10 is way too low IMO - I'm more about 25-50 for the first dose: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974 I guess if it doesn't explicitly say headache specialist when you look 'em up then they're not. The C word! I think plenty of episodic CH'ers have gone into a potentially "permanent" remission with regular maintenance busting every 2-6 months or so. No actual cure is known. Chronics certainly have it tougher, with a more likely busting scenario having them going into extended remissions and reducing severity, but there may still be high cycles where attacks that need to be put down with O2 can break through.
Smart smart smart you are Crystal for seeking out info on your own - and you came to the right place! 1) High flow, 100% oxygen (not low flow rebreather O2 as still commonly, erroneously prescribed by doctors) is an effective, non toxic abortive for the vast majority of us CH'ers. Info here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1299901790 2) If you're going to take toxic drugs, then yep, vicodin's a joke, and Maxalt tends to be too slow for CH. Imitrex injections (and inhaler) are a much more effective abortive, but O2 is a much healthier way to go and it will allow you to detox from the drugs so you can (hopefully) prevent your CH with what nature has provided us, literally growing right at some of our feet, and more effective than any prescription: 3) Of course I'm talking mushrooms and/or RC seeds here, and so many of us long time CH'ers (30 + years for me) who have tried every drug and then some, have gotten their lives back with busting and concluded this is the best way to go. 4) If that neurologist you see this week isn't a bonafide headache specialist, proceed with extreme caution, as garden variety neurologists often, notoriously, know nothing about treating CH, but in their arrogance pretend as if they do, and proceed to unleash all manner of harm. Lots of good stuff to learn about, and a much brighter looking future for you now that you're taking matters into your own hands.Â
Why is it that sometimes it's the most horribly inappropriate comments that cause me to burst into the loudest genuine LOL'ing??!!  ;D ;D They say laughter is good for yer health, so thanks Ron for today's health booster. ;D
EXCELLENT. I can only think up 2 ideas for possible additions: 1) If there's away to mention Harvard Medical's involvement in the research of hallucinogens for CH, I figure that association can lend an extra instant helping of credibility (well for Americans anyway - if this is strictly a UK publication, not sure?) 2) The opening Samantha story really grabs the reader - if there's a way to close the article with a final thingy about Samantha, for me that would put a nice button on it. Of course Samantha is YOU, and since you haven't just yet had the extended complete remission success that luckier others have, I suppose it could be tricky....
Well I think this guy on that board experienced CH for sure:Â "I had them for a 3 year span starting when I was 20. My grandpa attempted suicide twice from them(luckily was found both times) and my uncle was successful with killing himself. My mom feared I would do the same and kept a close watch on me. There were many times that if I had a gun available I would have killed myself to get away from them which is the complete opposite of my normal happy positive attitude/outlook on life. This isnt a crappity smacking migraine, its hell for hours at a time 3-5 times a day(for me at least). Im just happy they are gone but just typing this scares me."
AGREED, with several exclamation points!!!