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Dallas Denny

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Everything posted by Dallas Denny

  1. As many of y'all know, I'm a full fledged mycophile....and the past couple of weeks has been the once a year Morel hunting season!!! Year before last I picked over 15 lbs, last year I got skunked, and this year I found 4 lonely yellows! I'm also a member of the Okla Morel message board and a dude about 35 North of me posted this video of his hunt last week!!! Amazing!!! DD
  2. Visiting with our resident movie star Dan and his bride Lee Ann in Abilene this weekend!!
  3. As CHfather stated Unclenird, busting substances are not included in a standard 9 panel drug screen. The half life of busting substances is also very short so if you dosed on a Fri, it would clear your system by Monday! I'll ditto MG's greeting, welcome to the community but sorry you have the need to be here!! And BTW, I can think of at least 2 members who are also truckers. Dallas Denny
  4. All I can think to say about that WTF??!! What a rip off. > Fingers crossed that the "Over the lips, past the gums, look out you f***ing beast idiot, here mamjuana comes" counter attack will conk your dragon a good one on the noggin and see how he likes it for a change. Awww Jeebs....what a way with words you have!!! What Jeebs sez Spiny!!
  5. If they're dropping spores it's definitely time to harvest Art. The psycoactives are at their highest per gram level just prior to the veil breaking so if you wait you'll have more weight but the potency will decrease. DD
  6. Welcome to the community lapsan, sorry you have the need to be here!! No personal experience with RC or HBWR so I'll let someone else advise you there, however, when I get to a point of really bad sleep deprivation my Doc will give me a shot of phenegran and nubain in the buttocks....got to have someone take me and drive me home but it'll knock me out for 18 to 24 hours!! Haven't had to resort to that since I began busting but it does work!! DD
  7. Great post Ricardo!! I'm really looking forward to your being able to start experimenting....sooooo hoping that this will be a magic bullet for ya brother!! DD
  8. Hi Mimi What Jeebs said on the prednisone!! Not sure of long term residual effects of keppra but my wife suffered a grand mal seizure about this time last year and keppra is what her neurologist put her on.....within days her joints and bones hurt so bad she had to DC it!!
  9. Jerry, Razor PM'd me regarding this question..... .....I thought long and hard before I posted the thread here.....I thought about posting it to CH.com at the same time but was concerned that it wouldn't be recieved well there (another snake oil cure so to speak)....one of the reasons this board came about is that the cluster buster treatment caught a lot of flak there I think. Also, we do have numerous members here who are long time CH.com members and who are supportive of CB and refer folks here frequently.....although many of them don't post here, they follow this board on a daily basis so I feel confident that continued success from experiments documented here will be shared in that community as well. Just my 2 cents worth but not sayin that anyone shouldn't post there regarding Mamajuana if they're prepared for any negative comments it might get!! All that bein said, it's really great to read your posts of continued success Razor and if it doesn't help anyone else, I'm really glad I finally decided to post the thread!! I will also say that I can't wait for Ricardo's brew to get done and see what kind of results he gets.....I see Spiny is now included among the participants so we'll have her input soon as well!! DD
  10. Hey Spiny...just got a bag in the mail today....PayPal pmt went to the Don Ramon Mamajuana Corp.....The sellers store name is stevenzgoodstuff....just comes in a ziplock Baggie with no logo or label but when razors link was still workin this is the guy it took u to on eBay....fixin to put this bag back in the mail to Bonkers out in Cali...damn, it smells really good!! Real strong spicy clove aroma! Damn stuff might make some good tea....I love Constant Comment!!! DD
  11. Hell Feckin Yeah razor!! Nice to hear that the experiment continues to go well for ya!! DD
  12. Fly fishin!! One of these years ( soon, I hope ), I'm gonna finish this damned cabin and then I'm gonna go do me some of that!! Registered and room booked!! My old Martin has been taken out of its case, dusted, strings replaced, tuned, and placed on her stand so I'll see and fondle her often....I know several pickers are comin!! We plan to head that way early on Weds, spend that afternoon and nite in Hot Springs and then drive on to Gnashville Thurs mornin!! Yeeee Hawwww!! DD
  13. Glad to see your comments on this thread everyone.....have been hoping that you would add your expertise to the discussion Ricardo so was happy to see your posts this mornin!! I will try to get by the farm store this next week an visit (grill) this dude again!! Lol! Didgens... He did tell me that he had found the same stuff (bottle and label anyway) on eBay...forgot to include that info in my initial post... Sorry bout that! The alcohol thingy has me very skeptical as well ya'll....so, I'll definitely question him further about it being a trigger......but I have to :-[believe that it somehow helped this guy!! I'm going to also ask questions about CH diagnosis and what treatments he used in the past other than O2 therapy....I would think the fact that he knew O2 worked would indicate he had a doc with CH knowledge? If anyone else can think of other questions I should ask, please list them here. DD
  14. Looking forward to seein everyone again!! Who's goin to tootsies with me? Yeee Hawwww!! DD
  15. Damn!! Sounds like this dude has both clusters and ice picks!!
  16. Well said Beeyull.....I could not agree more!!
  17. ......a little back story on the inspiration for this post first. I met a clusterhead who owns a farm and garden store near us for the first time on the phone about 3 1/2 years ago when we still lived in Dallas. My wifes ex had walked into his store while he was getting hit and found him huffin O2.....Mike has seen me get hit on numerous occasions so he immediately knew what the hell was goin on! He also knew about my involvement with CB and our treatment method......so he sez, "You got cluster headaches don't ya"? So he gives the guy my number and tells him, "Call Denny, he's got some stuff that'll fix that shit for ya!! So I get the call, gave him the scoop. and offered to help.....he just wasn't willing to go to those lengths.....I fully understand!! The first time I landed on the old CB site (before this version of the board was up and running), I read about it, laughed about it, and forgot about it!! My exact words to my wife were, "Its a bunch of damned old hippies tryin to justify getting high!! When we purchased our property here in okieland 3 years ago, I stopped in at his store to pick u some stuff, introduced myself, and we talked for awhile about CH...still wasn't willing to go to those lengths.... I usually buy at the big box stores like Lowes and the Depot but last Saturday I stopped in to pick up a couple saw chains and in the course of our conversation, I asked him how his head was treatin him. His response was, "Its been fine since I started using this herbal concoction I picked up while on vacation 2 years ago"! My first thought was, "Oh shit, this dude done went to the BVI's and stumbled on to the Bomba Shack"! LOL!! He was actually in the Dominican Republic and this is where the plot commences to thicken folks!!! While he was there, he got hit and some black dude sitting close by asked if he had a headache and then recommended this concoction as a treatment!! So the guy took him to this shop and he bought a bottle of it....a squat shaped 750 ml bottle ( think recycled rum bottle), stuffed full of twigs, bark, and dried herbs....and NO, they would not disclose the ingredients!!! Now its time to make the brew (this is gonna make most of ya'll cringe at the thought)....in a medium sized drinking glass, add 2 fingers of honey followed by 3 fingers of RED WINE!!! Stir until the honey has dissolved, stick a funnel in your bottle and pour it over yer sticks and twigs....THEN.....fill the bottle the rest of the way up with light RUM!!!!! Let it steep for a few days and them pour it out and start over (they told him the first steep would taste too bad too drink!)....anyway....fill the bottle back up again, let it steep, and then proceed to take 1 shot daily...when ya run out, just fill the bottle back up again....this guy is still using the same bottle from 2 years ago!! Now for a little bit of his history... ....Clusters for 15 years and he's a rightie ....although he doesn't fit the "classic chronic" definition, his cycles would last 6 months followed by 1 to 2 month remission and then another 6 months of hits for the whole 15 years....that would damned sure be chronic to me!!!! ....and he sez alcohol was NOT a trigger for him. And his results.....he had 3 hits the first 6 months he was drinkin this concoction and has been completely PF the last 18 months!!!!! I hope Ricardo and some of our other knowledgeable herbalist minded members will address the possibility of this concoction in some way changing the alcohol content and rendering it to be a non trigger?? Well, guess I can't put it off any longer......the name of said concoction.......Mama Juana!!! When I googled the name, there was plenty of info on it but I could find nothing that would indicate that it would help clusters.....but I can tell you this for SURE....this dude is one happy camper and he wouldn't miss a daily shot of what ever the hell he's takin for the world!!!! DD
  18. Hey Echo Absolutely crank it up to 25 (if you have no underlying conditions like COPD), but ONLY after you get the correct mask!!! Check out the O2 page on the little menu tab on the left side of the page....you need the opti1mask which you can order from the store at our sister site CH.com...around $30 + s&h...in the meantime, you can use a standard NON rebreather mask( looks like your photo but with a 2 liter ambu bag attached. With this set up I consistently abort a hit in 5 to 8 minutes!! DD
  19. Hi Echo In a nutshell, "life saving" for myself and the vast majority of headbangers here!! I've personally met only one CH'er for whom O2 was completely ineffective!! So I'll beat CH Father to the punch and ask how you're using O2 therapy, what flow rate, what type of mask?? Welcome to the community....but sorry you have the need to be here!! DD
  20. Well....WSOP changed up the format on this years super satellite to the main event!!! Unfortunately, my pockets weren't deep enuf to be competitive!! Although it was still a $70 buy in tourney for 2k in chips, they added unlimited $50 rebuys thru level 4 (the first session ), AND, during the first break you could do single or double add on's at $50 for 3000 chips!! So anytime your chip stack is 2k or less you can buy 2000 more chips....so for $120 I started with 4K chips......the ALL IN insanity began on the first hand!!! Some idiot sitting on the dealers right burnt thru $500 in rebuys in the first session!!!! I actually was the beneficiary of 2 of his busts and was sitting on almost 9K at the break but... ....the last hand before the break, everyone at the table with less than 4K went all in....one dude won big and the rest did double rebuys and double add ons...so when we got back from break I was the short stack at the table by at least 1000 chips!! It was still a blast playin with the pros but it seemed more like lotto than poker so I think I'll stick to the small daily tourneys in the card room where poker skills actually count!!! same ol broke DD
  21. Well, the WSOP circuit event is back at Choctaw.....my lovely bride gave me entry money for 2 tourney buy in's this year for Christmas!!! So....one down....100K event......$125 buy in for 8K chips.....got to play a total of 5 hands during the first 4 level session, won em all, and went on break with almost 20K and was the big stack on my table.....30 min into the 2nd session I got sent to the rail on a BAD river beat!! lol!! Gotta tell ya it's exciting to play with all those pros but I wouldn't have their job on a bet!! That tourney started at noon and didn't reach the 8% that moved to todays final event until after midnite!!! It is sooooo boring, not to mention my back, neck, and shoulders were killin me!!!! I would hate to think that I flew in from somewhere and had to rent a room to put myself thru that every week to make a living!!! None the less, I will play the mega sat to the 1 mil main event on the 16th......last year I made it halfway thru a field of 955 entries....a total of 130 seats were awarded to the main event so just need to last another 300 folks this year!! LOL!! DD
  22. Merry Christmas from Okie land y'all!
  23. This info is sooooo gonna change your CH life as you know it Art!!!! I have consistently and routinely aborted hits in 5 to 8 minutes during the past 7 years after gaining this life changing knowledge!! It won't abort a cycle, but it will allow you to cut back or eliminate the trex....I used 1 during a 5 mo cycle 2 years ago, and none during this years bout!! DD
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