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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. I been going over and over why the seeds almost stopped working and then gave me an allergic reaction after the first times. Now i know, i didn`t use tap water. At least i hope so!! Thank you Leslie and Keith
  2. Welcome Stevil Agree, i have this as well. Then it spikes up in high kips and contiue that constant pain. It gets you. I remember my first attack, i just got my baby some days ago. I was out walking with my baby alone all of the sudden BAM, i thought i was stabbed in my head by a knife and turned around looking and got more confused. No one there! It hit again and as i felled to the ground, holding one hand on the trolley, i thought "what is this?!" And it went away. Crazy. It had just begun, from this day, everyday 4-9 attacks for the next six years, days and nights... Till i found Clusterbusters and got painfree. I am painfree now most of the time. Life changed since after the first bust. It`s a little over one year now and i have not suffered since. I had some pain but just here and there and not the same way as before. What i do is drink lots of water, eat water ice cream, move allot and get fresh air. Keep bloodsugar stabil, eat what`s best for me and use a spike mat. Some periods i sleep in a more sitting position. List goes on here, so just ask, everybody has they`re own trick in the book. You come to the right place Painfree wishes to you Tingeling
  3. Hi and Welcome to you You are right, this place is God send. Painfree wishes to you and good luck! Tingeling
  4. Happy birthday Bob You`re a solid rock, you're the best!! My best wishes to you this day, and all oher days. Birthday hug from me Tingeling
  5. Hmmm...... I was ECH as a child. When i think of it now, it started after being at dentist. When i was adopted, i had been fed badly, so all my teeth was destroyed. I had to do all my teeth, except the ones that got pulled out. Later i have cut and pulled out wisdom teeth. But i did so, cause i hoped it was what caused CH. But why should it shift side if it was a silent infection? Very interesting. Thank you for sharing this info Tingeling
  6. LOL, i know your thought ;D I been thinking this during high kip, obvisously insane at that point, but i know what you mean. Keep kicking his nuts!!
  7. When people break cycle and get PF, i really understand they go back and continue life. For me as an chronic there`s a difference. If i wait for CH to take a long break or disappear, life will pass. That is what i did for the first 6 years. I waited for tomorrow, next week, next month then maybe next year. Then you get a slap in your face everyday ;D So for me it is important to be active in here, it`s one of the things that make my day, some days the only thing. Since i can`t get out and forget about it for weeks or months, i have to see that other can, with help from this board
  8. When i get in high cycle, my body temp raise and i get fever on and off. But when going to gym, it helps me. So it can`t be just about raised body temp.
  9. Oh my!! Who wouldn`t go there just for the experience
  10. Hi Welcome No need to waste time no. Good luck!! Tingeling
  11. Argh.... Just put my seeds in tap water.... What`s with the fluoride?
  12. Isn`t it odd, how stuff like that always happen when being in that cranky mood?! ;D I done it myself more than once ;D Thank you for thinking of me Are your day more manageable today? I just do what i can do, i choose how to live
  13. Hi How do you eat and sleep, live in general? I find this extremely important. It won`t "fix" it, but it makes it "easier" to deal the worst periods. If i were you, i would order seeds. If it should be over when you get them, you will have a weapon ready for next time. Makes you feel safer as well. I use Taurin capsules every day. Every morning i wake up having a hit, first thing i take one capsule Taurin along with 0.7 l of water, then i drink one cup black coffee and more water. On a bad day, i drink one Red Bull as well. This i do before i even dress. Then it`s O2. During the day i keep my blood sugar stabile,eating whole grain foods and vegetables, non refined. Somewhere beetween 12 and 15, i take one more capsule of Taurin. Everyday i do this, having one or two h of exercise as well. It doesn`t make it go away of course, but it helps too keep it under control. And you benefit from it as well Keep away from triggers, live healthy and pure, and order those seeds. That`s my advice. Wishing you all the best Tingeling
  14. Hi Pixie-elf I certainly hope you will find relive. Good luck to you Pain free wishes to you Tingeling
  15. Thank you Mad6string, you were right Feel so much better today, CH has loosen it`s grip a bit as well. I have no idea why, i think it was you folks Wishing everybody a painfree, enjoyable weekend Thank you for all your support!! Hug Tingeling
  16. Hi When i started this treatment, i wast able to detox fully(CCH for years). I busted anyway and it worked. It will work in my experience, but just not that good. So what i mean is if youre feeling too exhausted, you can bust then get ehough improvement to fully detox for the next bust. Wish you luck!! PFWF me Tingeling
  17. I got the good vibes. Think i got good vibes from all of you folks, because today i been feeling more like the usual me. A wonderful person stopped by my house today. When you wish for good things, good things will come, and it always does Thank you so much razorPP, hope your doing well Chris, i write, i don`t know what you can call it, but i think it helps allot as well. I gonna check out your site today. Kleinsopp, looking forward to meet you next week!! Wishing everyone a wonderful evening, big big hug :-* Tingeling
  18. My face almost look like it did before now. Like a ghost on the left side. It looks wrong, like it don`t fit, two heads put toghether wrong. Odd. I decided to dose with seeds next week, or weekend. i take the chance of an allergic reacton, this doesn`t help. So i feel better having this as a "carrot". When we tell eachother thing, what is important to everyone, is recognition from the other part. Usualy this is easy, everyone can relate to a toothache, cold, sprained(?) ankel and so on. This thing here, CH, to find recognitian in people so they can understand, that`s hard. But recognition in others are very important, it leads to that community feeling. This woman, she has a wonderful child and a very kind husband. She do not work, she has a great family. When i had my daughter, i lost between 2-3l of blood, CH came days afterwards and stayed. 14 days later i was working full time. My family wasn`t there to help. What made me so sad yesterday, the last drop in the glass, was that after all this complaining from her, year after year. How and why do people stand this? And what make me so unbearable, so they let me down? Because i do not mention CH to anyone almost, i don`t rant about feeling sick or tired. But i must feel awful to my friends, because they`re not there for me. And i was sad because i wish she could feel lucky, she won the lottery. A healthy kid, a loving family, new big house, nice car. Maybe we humans get confused by all the things we have. Just made me think. Today is a new day We are in charge of our own thoughts, i take control again today. What i think is what i get. Leslie, i took a raindance, had a lollipop in company with O2. That is pretty much the same as nap, drink, smoke and hot bath. Only triggerfree ;D I wish everyone a wonderful painfree day. Your support are highly appreciated. This is the only place i feel home to share how i feel. Go and feel lucky with me today Hug Tingeling
  19. Actually i tried the tincture. I tried for several days in row. I get hit everytime. It was a really bad thing for me. Or bad timing, have no clue. I will come up again, think it`s typical high cycle. Weight falling is a big factor in this as well i think, make your head spin a bit more. I eat allot, but i eat very healthy. I force myself to eat, but it doesn`t help right now. But soon it will. I`m not afraid to seek professional help Took advantage of your rain dance today, holding ice to my head, this alone could cheer up a person ;D Thank you for thinking of me Kaboom, you are one kind hearted person yourself you know!! Big hug to you kaboom
  20. That is always ok 8-) About that uppercut, i weigh 45, she weigh around the double, maybe more. Could be dangerous to me, but i`m a fast runner though ;D Thank you Bejebeer BTW, what does your name mean?
  21. Hi Welcome to you About Zomig, i would read around. Some are ok with those meds, some not. I`m one of those who want to be up the hill. Most important thing here is reading around. Feel free to ask what you want Painfree wishes to you Tingeling
  22. I am now a "stalker" ;D
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