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Everything posted by ThatHurtsMyHead

  1. I can vouch that temperature definitely affects my hits (not cycles). When in cycle I can get into a hot tub and get a k7+ hit within 10 minutes. I've found keeping physically cool definitely helps the hits stay at lower kipp when in-cycle. Jeff
  2. Brent, I wouldn't think a welding supply place would fill a medical E tank. The valves are different. (while they could do it, I think they wouldn't due to DEA laws governing oxygen percriptions) If you're buying a tank, I'd recommend buying the welding tanks the welding supply store sells. You're guranteed a fill from them then. Jeff
  3. JL924, Hmm, let's see a 9mm to the temple during a K10 or dose of MDMA with mild withdrawals after... Not much of a choice if you ask me... It's not like those with CH have lots of options available from their local doctor... Some hallucinogens are available to some people in some places, other hallucinogens in different countries, locations. I KNOW for a FACT LSA has saved my life and possibly sanity, if MDMA is the only thing available to someone with CH I'd take it in a second as opposed to the other option... MDMA might not be perfect, but name a prescription drug that doesn't have something in the side effects like "could cause death". That's even on Tylenol bottles. If you ask me these hallucinogens are MUCH safer than anything the Dr. prescribes, and clearly more effective!!! Jeff
  4. Completely AWESOME story (the good part that is)! So glad to hear you're Pain Free. It's a feeling like no other. We all need to continue to let the world know. I've put off telling my doctor, but will schedule some time next week to do so. It's important that doctors understand the medicines they're currently perscribing are in many ways counter to their profession. These natural medicines really to work. Jeff
  5. Very good read, thanks for sharing Shocked. Jeff
  6. Jl924, Funny... You actually don't need to leave the country. You can become a part of the Peyote Way Church of God in our very own Arizona for a mere $300 contribution to the church. No Peruvian ruins tours though. http://www.peyoteway.org/index.php http://www.peyoteway.org/spiritwalk.php Jeff
  7. I'm pretty certian we've all at one time prayed to whatever god is out there, to stop the pain. But, seems like a religion for a medical condition is somewhat far fetched, just my 2c. (I'm game to help though, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes!) I'd agree on the LSD point though. While it's an option for our treatment, it seems a natural remedy (shrooms or seeds) would be a better / more natural remedy to seek medical exception for (and maybe better public opinion). Jeff
  8. Brew, Good point. I haven't taken a perscription med for my CH since starting psychedelic treatment. I'll add one. 5) All that other Dr perscribed crap isn't in my system anymore. Jeff
  9. tommyd, umm yea. I took a little too much a time or two... Actually by accident. It's hard to hit the exact dose where you 'feel' that it's working (over 1mg). I learned once that after two hours if you don't feel anything, DON'T double up on the dose, thinking it's weak seeds (bad idea). This is where legalization would help. Doses could be properly compounded by a Chemist / Pharmacist. I praise the seeds as definitely being effective but the potency varies drastically. I'm also convinced that just like the LSA research poster by Dr. Sewell clearly shows, you have to hit 1mg LSA or better for it to be effective. I've read so many postings of those that try seeds and 1) Don't feel anything 2) It has no effect on their CH and 3) Don't try it again. Clearly by Dr Sewell's research you have to hit 1mg or better for it to be effective (and at that point it's 100% effective per the research paper). I think so many people have given up due to seed potency issues, w/o even knowing the reason it didn't help them. As discussed by a few above: Maybe a combination of the following are contributors to my attitude changes. 1) Consistent good sleep 2) Long term chemical effects due to the Psychedelics 3) Elimination of CH pain long term 4) Elimination of the depression that accompanies CH cycles Ting, Yes I read your similar post and am glad you've also had similar changes. It's nothing short of miracle to feel the way I do now!!! I told someone a little while back that one day I woke up and said to myself "WOW... So this is what normal people feel like!!!! WOW!!" Jeff
  10. All, Ok, so I've read that some people have had a general personality 'uplift' since starting Psychedelic treatment: I thought I'd share my experience and solicit others to share theirs. March 2010 - Well into a bad cycle I found the clusterbusters website. After weeks of research I decide to try HBWR as a treatment. After my first treatment, most of my hits are eliminated. After a second dose my cycle is completely terminated. Re-Dose - I take my medicine on average about every 2 to 3 months as a preventative. Everything is good Oct 2010 to Feb 2011 - I completely miss my regular cluster cycle. Mar 2011 - I notice differences in my personality: how I see myself, others and things around me. Changes of note: 1) I 'feel' better on a daily basis 2) I'm less opinionated, and seem to enjoy experiencing differences around me. Different points of view etc. 3) I have more sex drive 4) I'm more open minded (but not so open my mind falls out 5) I have a general very good outlook on life and things around me. 6) I seem to be more patient. I'm not as apt to cut people off that I dissagree with. Dissagrements I now have seem to be more pleasant and less confrontational. 7) I now have an eagerness to experience things I've never experienced before. With the above changes I also want to note that I've not become a person with a stoner attitude like many you see that are habitual Marijuana users. (nothing derogatory meant, it's just a fact that if you're a regular marijuana, user everyone around you knows it). I'm a professional software / design engineer and the new attitude hasn't impacted my work or professional interactions (other than in a positive way, due to being more patient). I wonder if these are changes from the Psychedelics? or changes because I'm no longer drug down to experience Hell with CH attacks for a few months a year? Either way they're definitely changes for the better, and am thankful for the opportunity to enrich and improve my life. I look forward to EVERYTHING! Jeff
  11. Richard, Everyone on this site either has CH or is a CH supporter. No complaint is too big, nearly everyone has either been to the depths of hell or been with a loved one there. We understand and you can speak your mind, it's not complaining, it's being with your brothers and sisters that are glad to help. Please see the PM I sent. Jeff
  12. Richard, Sorry to hear you're having a bad go of it. I spent years of missdiagnosis and more years taking dr perscriptions that either didn't work or made things worse. I'm not chronic, but myself and many others can attest to psychadelics ending our cycles and providing a MUCH better quality of life. Read, Read, Read: There is a wealth of information on this site regarding the main methods of cycle termination on LSD, LSA and Shrooms. Good luck and ask as many questions as you need. Someone is always here willing to assist another with CH. Jeff
  13. Simply Outstanding! Jeff
  14. Ask the med supply company for a 'Non Rebreather' mask. They should have them. Jeff
  15. John, Yea, that's the wrong one. It won't work for busting. That mask won't keep the O2 in and won't keep outside air from coming in. At a minimum you need one like pictured here (it has a bag that fills with the 100% O2 between each breath. Best will be to get an on demand or power user mask they sell on the main cluster headache website. Jeff
  16. John, Glad to hear your on your way to a more pain free existence!!!! Pat yourself on the back (I would but arms aren't long enough. Make sure you hit the O2 as soon as you feel a hit coming on. Don't delay or that will reduce it's effectiveness. Did you get a 'non rebreather mask'? If you did it'll work for now. You want to make sure that when you breath out, your exhale doesn't go into the bag, but instead goes out the mask. Then the bag continues filling with 100% O2 that you then breath in with the next breath. Did you get smaller tanks for your car / work? Those are lifesavers. With them you likely won't have to take the Trex. O2 for abort and detox for your bust. Good luck and keep us posted! Jeff
  17. CHFather, Correct on the strap removal. After falling asleep a few times I started not using the strap and just holding the mask to my face. That way if I were to fall asleep when the post hit exhaustion kicks in the mask would fall away. I hadn't really thought about the O2 reacting with anything nearby but that's definitely a real danger. From SCUBA Nitrox training you learn the dangers of 100% Oxygen and various issues related to enriched O2 at depth. If I recall correctly anything containing carbon is the #1 thing to keep O2 away from. Oil isn't used on any NITROX certified gear and all NITROX tanks have to be scrubbed to remove any oil before introducing O2. Theoritically after every 15 to 20 minutes you could remove the mask and breath regular air for a few minutes. That would reintroduce nitrogen to your lungs and prevent the alveoli from collapsing. (Then do another 15 to 20 mins of 100% O2 if needed). If you're interested I could consult a friend of mine that's a respritory therapist for the exact science for your O2 doc? Jeff
  18. One item of danger that needs to be communicated regarding large tanks and concentrators (not applicable to small O2 tanks): One can get severe lung damage if O2 is used for too long (likley the reason some docs are scared to prescribe it). Extended use of Oxygen causes the alveoli in your lungs (the thin walled sacs that transfer oxygen for carbon dioxide) to collapse. The process can start as soon as 20 minutes of breathing 100% O2. I will only use the 'E' oxygen tanks as I regularly fall asleep with the mask when the post CH hit exhaustion kicks in. I sometimes find myself waking up when the tank hits empty. A person wouldn't realize they're slowly suffocating as more and more alveoli collapse. It took me a little while, but here's a website that briefly describes it. I'm sure theres something somewhere that can explain it better than I. http://science.howstuffworks.com/question4931.htm Jeff
  19. Verapamil gave me PVC's (Premature Ventricle Contractions), feels like you're having a heart attack. I won't go near the stuff again... Funny thing is the first cycle I used Verapamil it worked great. 2nd cycle NOT so... Jeff
  20. Good luck Davy! Keep us posted as to your success! Cheers, Jeff
  21. Same here, busting is working BEAUTIFULLY for me, otherwise I'd be happy to participate. Jeff
  22. Davy, Sorry to hear you're in a bad cycle. Your doctor being an arse is quite common sorry to say... O2 if taken early when attacks start is 100% effective for me within 10 minutes... Flat put.. You NEED O2. Cheers, Jeff
  23. ok, LT2 I need not be your mother here... But. Alcohol is a significant trigger for something like 99% of us. You'd do yourself a favor by not consuming while in cycle... Just sayin.. I enjoy an occasional beer myself, but never when in cycle. Jeff
  24. Lt2. I laughed out loud... Hemroid pillow around neck.. ha. ha... Jeff
  25. What CHFather said - + Oxygen, Oxygen, Oxygen... Jeff
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