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Into Light

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Everything posted by Into Light

  1. Thank you @igdc. My "bullshit-meter" is very sensitive, but I do like to get input from my family here before making final decisions. I will just say, "No thank you."
  2. Thank you @CHfatherand @Pebblesthecorgi. I’ve no desire to add anything to the mix that hasn’t been tested for ch specifically. though i have had to add severe ‘normal people’ headaches since the conference. Nomigraines, though. lux
  3. A neurologist in Bradenton, FL" has recommended the following formulary for me as a CHead. All the literature and the head of information at the company said there were no trials for CH Does anyone have any information on this. I don't want to take another thing. EBM MEDICAL Formulary for: EB-H4 EB-H4 ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: • Riboflavin…400mg (Active B2) • Coenzyme Q10…100mg (CoQ10) • L-methylfolate Ca…400mcg (Active Folate) • Magnesium Bisglycinate…350mg EBM Medical Contact Information EBMmedical.com Phone: 636-614-3152 Email: support@EBMmedical.com @BostonHeadacheDoc @Pebblesthecorgi @Brain on fire @spiny @CHfather
  4. i don't try to abort with strength training, but i will go work out up through kip5. the pain goes away nearly immediately. and returns when i exit the gym. all the same, all different il
  5. I'm in Sarasota and have been well-treated. Apria is the company and least they take a self-pay amount that I find very reasonable. The delivery guys are your friends. Be good to them and life is good.
  6. is that the funny oblong ball?
  7. agree. but then i watch no television at all. noxious tool of the devil.
  8. according to my neurologist, who tried to prescribe the vials. and they are no l longer available. i get zembrace which is 3 mg subcutaneous. haven't used it.
  9. karen, i'll be back wednesday. oral sumatriptan is worthless. takes an hour to kick in. the sbucu injectors are the best emergency relief. if there hasn't been an abort via o2 which is the best. after he gets the o2 script i already sent a link to the correct o2 mask for us. get two. he will, hopefully sooner than later, have Mtank(s) at home and he can do what many of us do and keep an Etank on the car. 5-hour energy drinks are reputed to work much better than espresso. hang in there. this is an amazing support group. one of a kind. with cluster knowledge in aggregate that far surpasses the information that almost any other doctor or neurologist has. into light
  10. my neuro is at sloan-kettering memorial cancer center. luckily for me he has followed my lead, as i have learned here what i need to communicate to him. i stick there because i am covered by the WTC Health Fund, so pay nothing to go there. which is good, but lymphomas are not. i believe there is a cb approved neuro in venice, which is very close to us. i have sent my very dear friend the exact wording for the script.
  11. regarding oxygen, i'm near @spikeinthehead. i self pay apria. it's not expensive. @CHfather.the trick is that the script must max at 15 lpm and then use one's own 25 lpm regulator.
  12. hello all, i want to introduce my dear friend @spikeinthehead. he just registered yesterday; i've sent him the url to the readme banner, ahem, @CHfather. i know he'll develop his own connections, but i want to specifically introduce @Brain on fire, @spiny @Freud @dmlonghorn @ThatHurtsMyHead. Also, @Batch, perhaps you could pm him with the link to the D-3 regimen. thank you all! lux
  13. re: CBD...first i've read that medical marijuana, whilst being a migraine-killer, does nothing for CH. i have personally discovered that a Trulieve Florida Med Mar indica named 9-lb hammer works like its name. but before it knocks me out at bedtime it makes any lingering shadows disappear.
  14. yes! my poor baby brother. @spinythe peacock was cbs...
  15. clusterbusters.org saved my life...and obviously so many others!
  16. the CH picture that is me also is episodic with chronic shadows. I'm goihng to see what my D3 level...just had a blood draw. Chemo, which i am on, orally every day, depletes vitamin D. That said, when I chatted with @Batch he theorized that i was caught in a histamine cascade. After 4 days of Benadryl 25mg 4 x day i am virtually PF, couple of K1 shadows now and then. Thrilled to be off the verapamil. May work for some, but it blocked both busting and "night fun." stopped the verapamil; happier now.
  17. Ah for the days when i was almost innocent and life was broadcast in b&w. Remember the “off-the-air” bars?
  18. Isn’t it a pip that doctors pay next to nothing for the journals which would cost patients and arm and a leg! then again, having worked for Big Poison as a Mechanism of Action illustrator in Pharma ads, i know that the journals carry very costly ads. lux
  19. Hi Willy i haven’t tried him, since mine works with me...but there is a CB approved neuro in Venice FL. fui
  20. mom is upbeat i've got faith
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