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Thanks David, Tingeling and Mad6string ! I sure hope you are right that about being a good sign that his headache switched sides today! He said it was really weird!

It's just so discouraging and frustrating to see him improve so much that last few weeks and then get a day like today with 3 kip 10 headaches !  :( I know we need to be patient and he has been chronic for the past year and being on all sort of meds including prednisone and 2 to 3 zomigs a day! Which he is doing better since being off all the meds! Thursday will be his 5th bust! Will see how that goes!

Has this happened to some of you to see so much improvement then have bad days even after the 4th bust?

Well tomorrow is another day and hopefully a mostly PF day!

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Has this happened to some of you to see so much improvement then have bad days even after the 4th bust? 

Yes, Yes and Yes!!! It is a long process full of success's and failures especially for the chronic. You are on the right road  , patience and persistence are our friends.


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Tingeling, Jay, David, Mad6string and all of you who keeps encouraging me and my husband through out this process thank you so much! This means the world to us to be part of what we call now our second family! :)

When things are good or bad (like yesterday) this is the place we want to come first to either let you know or get advice! You are guys & gals all just AWESOME !! Thank you !

Happy to say that even after a rough day yesterday my hubby slept through the night without any headaches and had only 2 small shadows today that were aborted within 5min ! You are right Jay we now have control over the beast  8-)

I now know that this process may take some time but we will eventually get there! Like my husband said to me today that even after a day like yesterday he has absolutely no desire to turn to meds such a Zomig! He feels so much more energized and happy now!  :) And those words were such a relief to me because I believe so much in this treatment!

Tomorrow it's dose #5 with the mushies ! I will let you know how things go....watch out beast were coming after you  >:(

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Happy to say that even after a rough day yesterday my hubby slept through the night without any headaches and had only 2 small shadows today that were aborted within 5min  (

Dosing too soon, too often can set back the good progress you have gained.

It's not the best way forward to keep hitting the clusters too often, despite having had a couple of set backs.

Give things time to rest, & settle down.

You will be surprised what a difference a few more days can make.

Dosing again today, as I have already said, is too soon.


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He feels so much more energized and happy now!

That is the sec best thing, after feeling better, i heard from you two!!! This makes improvement just better and better, if you ask me!

Give things time to rest, & settle down.

You will be surprised what a difference a few more days can make.

Listen to this.... That can seem impossible, but when you get to the point you feel you can manage it, do it.... it can be the difference from well to great.

PFW and a big hug from me :)

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Thanks Carl & Tingeling, I will let him know and try to convince him to wait a couple more days! He is doing pretty good right now, yesterday I didn't see him once take O2 and he also had another pain free night  :) Called him this morning and he said so far he only had a small shadow!  :)

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't kept you posted in the last few days, were on vacation and been very busy! My hubby busted on Friday and the next day he had a lot of ha's that were switching from side to side but nothing more then a kip 5! Today it's Tuesday and happy to say that he has been almost pain free since  :D Oh I so hope that the progress continues! But each bust things get better and better! Not totally pain free yet but I know that it won't be long!

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't kept you posted in the last few days, were on vacation and been very busy! My hubby busted on Friday and the next day he had a lot of ha's that were switching from side to side but nothing more then a kip 5! Today it's Tuesday and happy to say that he has been almost pain free since  :D Oh I so hope that the progress continues! But each bust things get better and better! Not totally pain free yet but I know that it won't be long! 

the after bust headaches were typical with me. it took a good 3 weeks to be totally PF. after the effects of the dose wore off i got hit harder than i ever got hit in my life. after that they gradually tapered off to migraines towards the end. that was january of '08. dosed 1 times since then. been CH free since then :)

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So far today 3 kip 10 headaches  :-[  Days like today just suck because just when we think he is getting better he gets a bad day like today! Will see how the rest of the night goes and tomorrow, if it's not better he will do bust #6 tomorrow night. I know it's still a huge improvement of what he went through this past year tho... So trying to keep positive! Right now I would say that within each bust which is usually between 6 to 7 days in between he get approx 4 good days with 1 to 2 days almost totally pain free!

Just wondering should he start mixing shrooms with seeds? Or wait a couple more bust before...I also heard that some people take a very small dose of shrooms every time they have headache to abort it. He tried this once and it worked but thinking this might effect his next bust ?? What do you think ?

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Oh man, sorry to hear about that most unwelcome trio of K10s.  >:(

I'm guessing yes on the shrooms'n seeds combo, and no on the shroom aborts, but this should be addressed with more authority by some of the more knowledgeable folks here, so I'm bumpin' this back to the top.

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I also heard that some people take a very small dose of shrooms every time they have headache to abort it. He tried this once and it worked but thinking this might effect his next bust ?? What do you think ? 

Cassidy have written something about this on the thread sput interrupt :)

I now it maybe doesn`t sound right, but he is still in "progress".

The most important thing is, don`t give up!!! Don`t fall for zomig...... Hang in there!!!!

You wrote earlier, that he felt so much better not taking zomig, well, i haven`t taken it for month, and even my neighbours can tell different to my hair and skin. It drains you, and make you worse. I think you have to be free from it quiet awhile, before you get free from it`s claw.

Make ice slush with only water, drink it and use o2.

Keep posting :)

My best wishes :)

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Sorry to hear David but I'm sure you will be right back to being PF soon!

My Hubby isn't doing so bad. He is still getting ha's daily but usually no higher then a 7 and aborted within 5 to 20min. Thinking maybe it hasn't gotten better the last week because we had a house full of people (family visiting) and going to bed later, the routine wasn't the same. He did have some beer as well, don't think it's a trigger because some days when he did have a couple of beer he actually had a PF night ! And some day's he didn't have beer and had ha's all day?? But still wondering if it's affecting his busting.....if alcohol was a trigger wouldn't it cause a ha right after having a beer ?

When he busted last Thursday he even got a couple of ha's that night! Didn't do that the last 3 busts! The ha's are still switching sides too! But some of you say this is a good sign, I guess time will tell! One thing we know is that even tho he is still getting ha's daily the O2 is working better and aborts them a lot quicker then when he was on all the meds! So were not giving up!

So having said that do you think he should bust after 5 days or wait a bit longer? and should he take a higher dose ? He usually take 2 gr of shrooms.

Any advice would be much appreciated !! Thank you all :)

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