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Busting and triggers


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A lot of episodics such as myself return to normal life, with triggers not an issue, unless we're feeling some indications (like shadows) that the CH is lurking again and ready to pounce. I won't presume to speak for otherwise chronic clusterheads who have busted out of it though.

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...living between the hits has always been a goal....sometimes thought it actually harder (for me) than during a cycle.....as there is no enemy at the gates to motivate my anger/determination. when a cycle ended....chemically or naturally....depending on how soul sucking it had been,  i would eventually do a "beer test". got pretty good at knowing when "all clear" even w/o that....

....after that it was f**# minding the triggers...got a life to live. then one day, a trigger will indeed trigger....so it's wash-rinse-repeat.....

....but, i'll repeat...living between the hits and acting like just another regular person...the beast takes enough...it can' have that.....



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@jon019 well that is both good and bad news I suppose. Beer is basically what I was referring to as being a trigger. My hope was that if a cycle was busted that I could return to having a beer without having an attack. I’m not an alcoholic or anything but for instance a couple of days ago I found myself hanging out with friends in a historic town where they had local distilleries, wineries, etc. We visited several different shops and my friends were all partaking in what seemed to be different yummy flavored spirits. Fortunately I was between attacks and my shadow was barely there, so I felt decent, but knew better than to even have a sip. Hell I kind of worried that smelling alone might trigger an episode. 

With all of that said I am looking forward to busting my cycle still and hope that if I am successful that I can return to a normal life.


Hopefully others will weigh in on their successes and if they ruined their busy by triggering an episode after busting. 

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  On 4/3/2021 at 11:28 PM, HeadAgony said:

@jon019 well that is both good and bad news I suppose. Beer is basically what I was referring to as being a trigger. My hope was that if a cycle was busted that I could return to having a beer without having an attack. I’m not an alcoholic or anything but for instance a couple of days ago I found myself hanging out with friends in a historic town where they had local distilleries, wineries, etc. We visited several different shops and my friends were all partaking in what seemed to be different yummy flavored spirits. Fortunately I was between attacks and my shadow was barely there, so I felt decent, but knew better than to even have a sip. Hell I kind of worried that smelling alone might trigger an episode. 

With all of that said I am looking forward to busting my cycle still and hope that if I am successful that I can return to a normal life.


Hopefully others will weigh in on their successes and if they ruined their busy by triggering an episode after busting. 


I'm curious to know too!

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  • 1 month later...

I generally find that I can return to normal a few weeks after a cycle is over. Having said that, as my attacks have gotten worse I’ve become less and less willing to do the beer test. In some ways, I think it’s destroyed my appetite for it. 

I’ve found certain types of exercise can trigger during a cycle (CrossFit or heavy weights) so I tend to refrain during attacks. But once I’m in the all clear; that’s one thing I’m not willing to give up! 

Edited by mr_watts
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Once my attacks are gone for a few days i will try going back to normal.  Having a beer while watching a game, or smoking a cigar.  Gotta live as much as you gan in between or else it makes it harder to get through it .what i mean is in the middle of a cycle the idea of having some beers when this is over can keep me motivated.

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  On 5/20/2021 at 4:37 PM, bwunk said:

.what i mean is in the middle of a cycle the idea of having some beers when this is over can keep me motivated.


.....yup, ya gotta learn to play mind games.....during a hit i used to focus on the cigarette i was gonna have after.....it was always the best smoke and one of the better distractions to get me through. quit smoking 8 yrs, 5 days, 4 hrs and 12 mins ago......but i don't miss it.....REALLY!

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  On 5/24/2021 at 10:26 AM, Mastermerls said:

hi jon019

Have you not been smoking an improvement in terms of attacks?

best regards


......never made any difference either way....would quit during cycle, between cycles...sometimes for months. the only direct effect i could ever discern was smoking during a hit was nucking futs....would raise a hit level exponentially. counter intuitive as far as i was concerned. as nicotine is a vasoconstrictor and shoulda helped. of course, there are 999 other nasty components that must be considered....

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For me, everything seems to have chocolate to cause the most negative effects.

I have not stopped smoking, I smoke sometimes just too.


And best and fast on the other hand helps me if I reach a shock condition.

randomly noted in traffic, emergency braking .. No more pain


best regards

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  On 5/25/2021 at 10:04 AM, Mastermerls said:

And best and fast on the other hand helps me if I reach a shock condition.

randomly noted in traffic, emergency braking .. No more pain


...yeah, stress hormones....i think mainly this one since it is slower but longer acting....but adrenaline and norepinephrine too. 

What It Is: A steroid hormone, commonly known as the stress hormone, produced by the adrenal glands.


What It Does: It takes a little more time -- minutes, rather than seconds -- for you to feel the effects of cortisol in the face of stress, says Sood, because the release of this hormone takes a multi-step process involving two additional minor hormones.

First, the part of the brain called the amygdala has to recognize a threat. It then sends a message to the part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which releases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). CRH then tells the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which tells the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. Whew!

In survival mode, the optimal amounts of cortisol can be life saving. It helps to maintain fluid balance and blood pressure, says Sood, while regulating some body functions that aren't crucial in the moment, like reproductive drive, immunity, digestion and growth.

But when you stew on a problem, the body continuously releases cortisol, and chronic elevated levels can lead to serious issues. Too much cortisol can suppress the immune system, increase blood pressure and sugar, decrease libido, produce acne, contribute to obesity and more.

"Ducks walk out of a lake, flap their wings and they fly off," says Sood. "When you face something stressful, particularly if it's not likely to repeat or doesn't have a huge long-term impact, you want to be able to shake it off and move on with life."

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@HeadAgony hey welcome. I am chronic and I need to bust about twice a month when things are bad. And once a month when things are better. If you are episodic chances are you can drink and be merry (do whatever would normally trigger you). Busting DEFINITELY helps. If I don’t bust I need to avoid excessive caffeine etc. when I get a good few busts in, I can drink all the caffeine I want without a problem. Alcohol is one thing I have tried and need to still avoid. It is an instant trigger for me. I haven’t tried flying yet. I’m very nervous for that as well. Best of luck. Busting saved me 


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/25/2021 at 6:34 PM, jon019 said:



 Now you would have to find out how to put yourself best in such a state!?


I have read something about the consumption of coffee and its negative effect on the adrenal bark.

Coffee would put the body into a continuous stress, with too much coffee would bring the adrenal bark .. until the lasting exhaustion brought.


It has been compared to a Neanderthal who hunts at the hunts without success.


That could therefore fit somehow together!

In my case eg. I am 36 years old.

Smoke about 30 years.

I drink coffee for about 15 years.

for 10 years daily and 8 years of it.

Cluster I have about 6 years now ..






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