BoscoPiko Posted December 3, 2021 Author Share Posted December 3, 2021 On 12/2/2021 at 6:49 PM, Juss said: @Shaun brearleyI do adapt to the modern technology that suits my needs: Instacart for online grocery delivery, Ride Sharing (Uber and Lyft) for services outside the paratransit hub, things of that nature. I own an antiquated iPhone and refuse to upgrade, and can't afford to anyway. If I need to type a document or print something I go to whatever they call Kinko’s now. Otherwise, isolating yourself from people and modern society is best. I didn't understand society and the nature of things at the turn of the century and most certainly am lost now. Furthermore, the alarming trends then, are past the point of no return now. Perhaps if a Funk & Wagnalls for modern life existed I would consider the purchase. I always supported the idea of a few friends, at most three. That always was fitting and high quality I should state. Oh, the conversations, sometimes up for days discussing Dostoevsky, or F-Number and Aperture, and why Velvia 50 is an amazing medium. Then it could switch to the private law society and Nozick vs Rawls, to Marxism. Christ, it was all over the place. People waste their lives on nonsense. Why should I talk sports? An athlete is paid $50 million to throw a ball and does nothing to contribute to society. Yet an educator has a master degree, mountains of debt, and after 30 years makes $40,000? Most in society are drowned in self-importance and self-indulgence and know nothing intellectually stimulating. I prefer a Renaissance Man and true intellectuals, and not self-proclaimed pseudo-intellectuals that profess ignorance by their verbosity and inconsistencies in thought. And I don't mean ivory tower! Most that I mention never obtained a diploma. I knew dropouts that could outwit any Ivy League graduate. They didn't have the breaks in life. Give me real photographers, artists, crackpots, poets, writers, hell tradesmen. Give me the fuckups, and rejects. Those are the closet intellectuals. Wow, you have a million followers and have done nothing to contribute to society but profess love to your monstrosity of cellulose and glucose that you call bubbly. Honey, act like a miss, put a blouse and some slacks on, and learn proper elocution. How did you get so far annunciating such utterances? That is the next thing, I was always most concerned with having a woman in my life. Not the suit pant type, but not the hussy kind either. The girl that was against the norm, but still could be dainty and classy. I had that and blew it. These modern women ain't the type that you can take home to momma. And where I'm from that is a death sentence. And now the cool thing is for everybody to cheat on each other, sleep around, open marriages, it is disgusting. MIT predicts that society will collapse by 2040. I think it will be 2030. There is no hope for society. Except for a select few of us, no one studies the humanities for ethical gain and enlightenment. As a society, most if not all, are in it for themselves, and everybody is out to screw everyone else or exploit them for their gain. People use hook-up sights. Women call it their John. I'm like, seriously? No modesty? And men, no dignity? Everybody has lost all morals and self-respect. Society isn't doomed, it is done. I will live in my world, lost in documents, journals, books, and wonderful fiction. If the finances work, I will renew my passion for 35mm SLR photography. Perhaps independent journalism. Respectfully, intellectual journalism is dead as well. If your vernacular doesn’t include yo, sh$&, f$&@, and all the gutter talk than you stand a chance. Last, I openly chose to cut myself off from society and I hope that in due time I can retreat up into the mountains and live in isolation. That is my dream. Respectfully, those of us in the know realize that our options are wearing thin: isolations in the mountains, or go back to the old country where my family escaped from. If paying any attention, everyone knows it’s about time to consider Poland, Hungary, or Czec. Western society is about to collapse. Call me disgusting, I pray I have all my ducks in the row so I can stand a substantial profit when the 90% correction comes. If you know finance, the money comes when everyone loses. Expand This was quite detailed Juss as are all your other comments. You are spot on with journalists and even photographers, I believe most know that truth is a hard sell these shitty days, at the same time most of us (even not Ch's) are looking for a moment in time to be allowed to chase dreams,play with a granddaughter/grandson without reprocussions.. yes that is the easy way to avoid speed bumps but that is the common nature anymore... no I'm not one of them, I tend to go against the grain. And do not mind the waves I create. I've also come to accept that I'm never going to feel as good as I used 2, I'm going to go through bouts of depression due to the lack of feeling well but .. in the end I'll have never given up.. not ever will I take this infliction lying down, submitt or say uncle. I'll wear this pain as best I can in an effort to put a smile on every face that has ever crossed my path. As for educators now days they (most are told what to teach and it ain't worth squat)... your friend Bosco.. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 It's complicated and past what can be put on a headache forum, but educators were a poor example. I should have clarified the ones that work in charter schools, which are free of indoctrination. Not all educators wish to be subjected to that. But I can't discuss unions on here. My point, we have a market economy, which is collectivism with some free-market aspects left. Consequently, we can value and pay for things such as athletes at $300 million contracts who are useless to society, and if that is what society values then it is not my right to decide what price we pay them, nor is it yours. It is the markets. I just meant that it is a sad reflection that in society we live in a world of superficiality, self-importance, empty rhetoric and that people place the highest value on things that have no value. It's much easier to obtain a full scholarship for football than for brains. And we all know that 60% of pro athletes are broke in 5 years after retirement. Worse most universities now emphasize how nice their stadiums are, and how good their sports teams are over someone that could be the next Tesla. Last, while people drown themselves in reality tv, tic toc, and dived media, no one pays attention to the fact that we are on the verge of Check Point Charlie. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 Juss I agree with your comment about over paid sport's men and women , but on the other hand if someone cane up to you and offered you millions of pounds a year to kick or throw a ball around I don't think their are many people out their that would refuse . It's not the sport's persons fault at the end of the day buddy is it . The money in sport is down to TV rights and sponsorship. And as for journalist's and educators as Bosco has said they are told what to teach and what to report today that's just the way life is today buddy . I'm not saying it's right because it's not but the few of us can not change the way the world is today buddy . I'm very out spoken on a lot of thongs and it gets me in to a lot of trouble . But I also know that I have to fit in to this twisted world we all live in today . I'm afraid we can't go backwards buddy even if we want to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 Even I don’t feel comfortable carrying this forward on a forum, but there are things that we can do to change or turn things in another direction. Everything begins local, or even micro, and often with family. There are journalists that fight back, but the choice becomes feeding family and paying bills, or what happened to Webb, or Perkins. Surprisingly, there is an entire independent journalism movement, the same applies to music, and other things. We can change education by eradicating the government monopoly on education and implementing charter schools, voucher programs, and other methods which I definitely will not discuss on forums. In higher education, follow the junior college model and higher real-world professors. The two best community colleges are in neighboring counties in my area, both will hire a businessman with an MBA before an ivory tower with a Ph.D. to educate. The result, no indoctrination. And they are all adjuncts. Those with associates are earning considerably more than those with bachelors. Change can come, and if we all lay down and pay compliance to the machine than all outcomes are disastrous. Going backward is not the solution; neither is going in the direction that we are headed. Rather, we need to correct through alternative means. It is possible, and if I don't remain a rebel bucking trends and others don't, the iron curtain will predominate the world. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 3, 2021 Share Posted December 3, 2021 Sorry buddy but I can't agree with violent upheaval to change the world and I have my reasons for that due to my past. Being ex military 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 4, 2021 Share Posted December 4, 2021 On 12/3/2021 at 10:12 PM, Shaun brearley said: Sorry buddy but I can't agree with violent upheaval to change the world and I have my reasons for that due to my past. Being ex military Expand I'm not going that far, but if it happens, and while I'm all for a good conversation admit I am diverting (for obvious reasons). I have a background that I can't discuss and I just want a return to the center. That has not existed in my lifetime. Regarding happiness, you need to be free, provided it respects others' property and rights. I would go as far as private law, but again, diverting. I'm getting nailed lately. This isn't surprising, depression and headaches, oh, and pain all go hand-in-hand. Then, the fibromyalgia flairs up, it is turning into that yearly disaster. Next comes the ticket to the looney bin. I may be gone or could be around. If you have been around the block a few times, taking pain meds, abortives only exacerbates the problems. If it gets too bad I will get a script for a hypnotic and knock my ass out. I'm already at the point that I'm blowing up my few medical provides phones begging for Phenergan knowing damn well at best I will get useless ondansetron. Like that antiemetic will abort or stop nausea. Anyway, it is that time of year, and it gets real. So I will try to stay in the loop. I should be back to normal soon. If not, I will figure out how to pay for IV Magnesium and C infusions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 4, 2021 Share Posted December 4, 2021 Juss you didn't cause anything buddy as I said we we're having a good in depth adult conversation, I just think someone took it the wrong way and took the opportunity to attack for no reason , but again people have the right to say what they like as long as they are willing to except that everyone else has the right to say what they like .my only limit on that is if it becomes racist. I'm educated at a reasonable level and like to have good discussions about lots of different subjects , as I said I've learnt a lot from you and still am so no need to apologize for something you didn't cause buddy 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 5, 2021 Author Share Posted December 5, 2021 On 12/4/2021 at 6:52 AM, Bejeeber said: Look clusterville friends, this post was kinda simple (just wanted to know how you all stayed happy with such pain) I'm not sure where we all got off course. My intention was to find out how people like myself remained happy and hopeful for a new dawn a new day even if it meant you would be tormented. I have learned so much from the good people on here that I feel like my question has been answered. My intent was never to create division but unity among those like me. Please understand that it is a struggle for me to stay positive and I LOVE THIS SITE. It has helped me crawl out of a very deep hole. Let's just do our best to keep on topic and send good vibes to our brethren pain sufferers! Expand 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spiny Posted December 5, 2021 Share Posted December 5, 2021 Morning guys. I have removed the offensive content and the replies to the content so that the thread still held together. To those who tried to calm things down and stop the tirade that was posted, I thank you. The offender should understand this site and its' reason for existence. If they disagree with the founders work and reason for creating this site, then there are other sites to join and become involved in. Places that have the same world view that they hold and where they can find the support they want and need. Staying here to criticize is not appropriate. Period. 4 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 12, 2021 Share Posted December 12, 2021 This time of year is brutal for me, and it takes more than willpower not to go into self-harm mode. My brain loves the Sodium Channel’s. All of my medications regulate the sodium channels. One, in particular, should be frontline, but everyone understands that it would bankrupt the antidepressant industry, that is Lamotrigine (Lamictal). My God, copious amounts of Lamotrigine keep me happy. Toprimate, another sodium channel, should be the frontline for self-harm and suicide prevention, but they rather prescribe atypical neuroleptics that have caused a 4,000 fold increase in suicide. Don't believe me? Just watch Dr. Amen's videos, no need to do the research. That too keeps me happy, and while I don't cut, that has through the years become quite probable. The last thing I need to do is start that disaster. Toprimate eliminates that. It regulates impulsivity as well. Copious amounts of Dopamax do the exact opposite of what it does to you guys. Lithium, another sodium channel, is becoming mainstream, possibly frontline, for major depression, and it is a hell of a drug. It isn't just for manic depressive crackpots anymore. Shrinks realize their fancy chemical imbalance is hoarseshit and so they are using sodium channels in great success to treat major depression, both typical and atypical. A copious and well-monitored Lithium clinic is a hell of a way to live. Naltrexone another sodium channel works great for dopamine junkies by blocking opioid receptors and thus downregulating dopamine. It is perfect for impulse control and that makes me happy as well. High dose, not LDN. Though only tried by LDN, it does help fibromyalgia at 10 fold the amount used in trials. And despite the annoying headaches, it does help with migraines and cluster headaches. That makes me happy. These aren’t commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals with those disturbing, annoy the shit out of you commercials (ones I have seen), and they are well researched. In this case, I go against my nature first approach and am suggesting copious doping. Hell, I am off the wall batshit crazy though. Pound for Pound I doubt that many could stand in my ring. If I am smart, I must be near-genius, not joking one bit, because many tell me, even had a neurologist and psychiatrist, say that the smarter you are the more fucking nuts you are. John Nash comes to mind. I should look at the IQ test that I had. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 13, 2021 Author Share Posted December 13, 2021 I'm usually clear of CH for Christmas so I'm thankful of that as I love Christmas and decorating for it, the attached pick is my tree this year almost done just needs a topper.. A little happy break time to keep a C-head happy For those that get very little of a break my Christmas wish is for you to find something that works for you, something that grants you longer stents between visits with the beast! 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 That tree is beautiful and I assume is real? Regardless, it looks phenomenal. I will have to try and dig up some photos of a 25-foot tree at an the old flat that I lived in. This was when I was married years ago. It was awesome. Also, I will have to send a video (if I can figure out the upload) for everyone. I don't think people will understand my thick Balwmoreese. Lol. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 The tree looks amazing Bosco . I normally have s--t Christmas,but this year I'm really hoping I've cracked it thanks to this forum as I'm pain free at present just 13 days to go so hopefully come Christmas eve I'm gonna try a beer and see what happens . Wishing you a great Christmas from over here in the UK 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 13, 2021 Author Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 2:31 AM, Juss said: assume is real? Expand Hi Juss! Yes sir re Bob on the real part. I would love to see your picks! My husband and I go back to the place we were married every year to get a tree as it doubles as a wedding venue, tree farm and iris garden. It's a special thing we do. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 13, 2021 Author Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 3:00 AM, Shaun brearley said: The tree looks amazing Bosco . I normally have s--t Christmas,but this year I'm really hoping I've cracked it thanks to this forum as I'm pain free at present just 13 days to go so hopefully come Christmas eve I'm gonna try a beer and see what happens . Wishing you a great Christmas from over here in the UK Expand I'm rooting for you Shaun! Let us all know how you fair and thank you for the nice compliment on tree (I spend hours on it and love every minute). Merry Christmas! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bejeeber Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 3:00 AM, Shaun brearley said: ......come Christmas eve I'm gonna try a beer and see what happens..... Expand You sure you don't want to wait 'til New Years? 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 3:17 AM, Bejeeber said: You sure you don't want to wait 'til New Years? Expand No buddy sod it I'm going for Christmas eve if all goes well Christmas eve , God help New year's eve it will get a little bit messy I'm guessing 2 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaun brearley Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 3:05 AM, BoscoPiko said: I'm rooting for you Shaun! Let us all know how you fair and thank you for the nice compliment on tree (I spend hours on it and love every minute). Merry Christmas! Expand It shows Bosco!!!! Like I said amazing 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 I hope this video works. Merry Christmas from me. 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xBoss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 The trees are so skimpy looking this year and the prices are super high at the same time. We are still looking but getting late and the money is super tight. Nice tree! 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 Make a tree out of the old Natty Boh cans. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 An important message to EVERYONE on this forum. Please watch this. I hope that everyone watches this. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 Wait, youz guys are tying one on? Oh man, what I wouldn't do to be able to have a mason jar of grape moonshine. I don't drink that fancy stuff y'all drink. If I even smell alcohol I will be on the floor in the fetal position, not good. Get three sheets to the wind for me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BoscoPiko Posted December 13, 2021 Author Share Posted December 13, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 4:49 AM, Juss said: Wait, youz guys are tying one on? Oh man, what I wouldn't do to be able to have a mason jar of grape moonshine. I don't drink that fancy stuff y'all drink. If I even smell alcohol I will be on the floor in the fetal position, not good. Get three sheets to the wind for me. Expand No I'm sorry. ...we never do that I am guilty of a beer or too after work but I am not triggered by alcohol its 9 pm here in unicorn land and we are in bed. We fixed up my mare with mash and are ready to catch some dream time! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Juss Posted December 13, 2021 Share Posted December 13, 2021 Shit, I've been up for three days. That is natural for me. My biorhythms are a bit out of whack. I tend to stay up for five days, sleep 30 hours, and repeat. It's normal I think? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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