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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2019 in all areas

  1. there is no money in O2 for these drug dealers , so they don't wanna offer it, But triptans are more expensive and will cause rebound headaches so you gonna see the doctor more often. Welding 02 rental gonna cost you $30 a bottle.
    1 point
  2. Mine is similar but does not have the knob or outlet or whatever that is above the T-value. Just smooth up there. Could that be where air can come out that I don't have?
    1 point
  3. Hey Voc Teacher, You're getting great input/advice from these posts! When I first got hit, that was my first question, WHY?? In my profession, it's my objective to get to the root cause. Do I think a cervicogenic problem could trigger and/or cause the beast? Absolutely! While the culprit of this condition seems to be a dysfunctional Hypothalamus, something had to cause that area of the brain to go wonky! This is a functional problem. It is a neurophysiologic certainty that prolonged spinal dysfunction will result in some form of central consequence. Now what that central consequence will be is basically a roll of the dice! The chemical changes that occur open up a whole other Pandora's box! We all get varying results with the different forms of treatment, but I would definitely recommend the alternative methods found on this forum! They have helped me immensely. I have incorporated Batch's D3 regimen in my practice for the Migraineur's I have. I would also try and find a good Chiropractor who is well versed in Functional Neurology, a Massage Therapist and an Acupuncturist. Just my 2 cents worth! Good Luck
    1 point
  4. Dallas Denny my Nero doc said the same thing I have CH for a few years when ever I get a cycle I have neck pain it would be my 1st indicator that a cycle was going to start but I didn't have any neck injury, Freud your so right I explain to my wife that it consumes me which in turn causes anxiety and depression I try and live a normal life but always fearful that an attack is going to happen Thanks
    1 point
  5. Hey teach! I'm sorry but I can't remember what your ch history is off hand but if you've had clusters for a while and are now in a 4 month cycle that coincides with your neck injury, you may well have acquired a 2nd diagnosis of cervicogenic headaches as well!! They mimic clusters in many ways.....my good buddy Hollywood Dan of NatGeo fame has both dx's.....the good news is that he is able to get relief from the cervicogenic hits with nerve facet injections every few months! DD
    1 point
  6. I don't have this mask, but it has always looked to me like you have to take it off to breathe out, though I'm certain that Mit' knows what he's talking about. In any event, it won't do you any harm to take it off to breathe out, as long as you don't inhale any room air, and you might try using the tube and not the mask, which some people prefer. If you had flaps/gaskets on both of the holes in your previous mask, it was okay to use it as you were using it. Most of them have one gasket and a bunch of open holes on the other, and that's the problem with letting room air in. ClusterO2 Kit should be more comfortable, give you a tighter seal, and hold more O2 in the bag.
    1 point
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