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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2019 in all areas

  1. First off I want to say that I want to thank you all. For years I’ve been trolling your forum and I have used so many of your tips and methods. Thank you I think it would be best to start out with how we got here so stick with my. Btw I’m no writer so please don’t be to hard on me. Im 40 years old and I have suffered with clusters since I was 14-15 years old. My family sent me to the best doctors money could buy. All the medical industry could offer me was drugs. I’m sure all of you know the story with primary care physicians . Truth be told I’ve tried everything. When I say that I mean it. I’ve eaten or injected so much meds and drugs that about ten years ago it started to ware on my health. Then I found forums and found oxygen. The oxygen saved my life literally. I get emotional just thinking about it . After years of trial and error with food and vitamins I saw on one of your forums some people were using Benadryl. You guys No the drill as soon as you see another would be cure of course the first thing you do is stop at the store pick it up and take it that night as soon as the monster comes. This was about two years ago. One thing I want to say is that I am no doctor I’m a mechanic. Once I read that people were using Benadryl and getting some relief I started to really dig deep into histamines and the more I read about it the more I realize that some foods and some drinks are toxic. Not toxic in a way that you eat it or drink it and you immediately get sick but toxic in a way that overtime you could have an adverse effect on your health. So I did a search and I studied for weeks what foods contain histamines that are bad for humans and any of you can do a simple search and find the same and one of the main things that I used to use to help with the pain from my cluster especially the day after was coffee or tea. As soon as I cut out Coffee And tea ie caffeine With a full list of histamine rich foods like sausage sandwich meat and things of that nature I noticed an immediate difference I was beginning a cluster cycle and normally my cycles are from 1 1/2 to 3 months I was into my first week and after about 5 to 7 days my cluster is faded away. Please don’t get me wrong I’m in no way saying that this will work for everyone all I can tell you is I haven’t had a break since I was about 15 years old and now I’ve gone for almost 2 1/2 years with no problem . When you try what I did don’t be tempted after a couple days to give up and go straight back because your headaches don’t go away right away things that are toxic in your bloodstream take some time to get out so give it a week or two what if you got to lose. I really hope this helps somebody because cluster headaches are no joke I can’t tell you how many times I thought about ending my life. Thanks for listening
    1 point
  2. @Batch hasn't responded yet, lol - j/k. I just passed this info onto my neuro, awaiting to hear his thoughts.
    1 point
  3. Wow, I believe batch will say take Benadryl, check for infections. A friend did the same thing and he was walking around w bad bronchitis/ pneumonia. His D came up when the antibiotics were done... let’s see if my prediction is right.
    1 point
  4. I've been on a paleo "diet" for almost a year. I did this to combat the "early stages" of Rhuematoid Arthritis (RA). I just visited my rheumatologist who confirmed my blood no longer has enough inflammation in my body to show up as being positive RA. My first thought was "Eff you a$$hole, why didn't YOU suggest changing my diet?" Thanks to my wife's diligence, we took control of my care. This quack outlined a treatment plan that included a lifetime of methotrexate. Excuse the rant, I still have clusters.
    1 point
  5. Wow if this is the cure? How come you have to keep doing it? I would thinl a cure would be once and done. Never to be afflicted again.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Holy f'ing shit.....how could I have been so stupid to miss this for 38 years??????!!!!
    1 point
  8. In stopping at nothing to stop my pain I have tried damn near everything and learned to never expect much relief. mushrooms have proven best but at times don't fix me. I think I'm not alone, so I keep trying anything and everything. I know that allof us keep trying; hoping for success for ourselves and the other poor souls that suffer for years. Continuing to try new methods to stop the pain keeps me going I suppose. To the point. I got an occipital facet nerve block a week ago and I have had only one headache since. I have been getting occipital nerve blocks on and off for years, mostly because I like the conscious sedative that my pain doc gives me prior to my shot. The facet block did something really magnificent. It feels like a cushion or some kind of badass lubricant was applied just to the perfect location. My headaches always seem to start in my neck...quickly moving to the eye and temple. :-X This may well be worth some of you trying. If it can be blocked with a shot, perhaps there is a more permanent fix. Just thinking... http://swarminteractive.com/vm/mobile/client/1257/#group?key=G_7db3f151
    1 point
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