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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Kudos for going whole hog with the demand valve! If you're thinking this is no time for screwin' around I can see your logic! I've seen the CH.com O2 guru Batch state that a bubbler shouldn't be used with anything over 15 LPM, and with a demand valve I imagine you'll be averaging more than 15 LPM, so I believe I would skip the bubblage festivity. I was all concerned about the bubbler routine at first too, but found (and read) that even at high LPMs the respiratory system just tends to just adapt and the nutty bubblin' ain't really necessary.Â
  2. Both Bobs are the man in fact. Um, if 2 Bobs can be one man...dangit I cornfused myself again. I hope this doesn't freak Hipshot out.Â
  3. That's pretty much the same wavelength I've been on. Aw c'mon, guano is delicious! ;D
  4. Hey DW, Good to have you here and you're certainly not the first one to have realized that youthful psychotropic use was inadvertantly a likely effective preventative for their CH. I hope you'll keep us apprised of how your upcoming busting goes.
  5. Hi Larry, There's a fresh topic started here just today that I think goes a long way towards encapsulating what a lot of members here have experienced - I bet it would make for some good first reading for you: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1332352280
  6. Some ideas for upping the O2 effectiveness: 1) jump to a higher liter flow, either with a demand valve system or a minimum 25 LPM regulator 2) drink a caffeine + taurine containing energy drink such as Monster or Red Bull right at onset 3) Consider the D3 regimen which is purported to, amongst other things, optimize arterial PH, enabling O2 to be more effective: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804
  7. Wow Salander that is one huge indictment not just of the current state of the medical profession, but I think of modern civilization in general, the way we've bought into the technologies and the chemicals and lost sight of how nature is offering more effective treatments literally growing right at our feet. Treatments that the indigenous peoples knew all about. Others who are aware of the current best info for growing mushrooms will hopefully be along shortly to advise you. 8-) I hope you can grow mushrooms without too much fear of serious persecution (my guess is that here in the US, an otherwise law abiding citizen with a good lawyer and a reasonable judge would likely receive a suspended sentence and not do jail time for growing mushrooms for CH). If you feel mushrooms at home are too risky, I wonder if you could look into taking periodic trips to somewhere with low/no risk for busting as a less extreme alternative to actually relocating? At one time Tortola for example was mentioned as a legal place for mushroom busting (I don't know if the status there could've changed in the meantime). Here's a link to that topic: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1297450426
  8. Aughhh it's been for-fecking-ever now since we've seen CHf on here. The darkness, the interminable darkness. :'(
  9. "Not an Advil situation" - good quote '61! Thanks for takin' it to TV and congress! [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  10. Oh. Woopsy. I missed that part. :-[ Purple bowler hats for everyone!?Â
  11. The purple thingy sounds well intentioned and all, but I'm with you Jeff, let it stand specifically for migraine, let's not go lumpin' the CH and the migraines together too much. Black arm bands are for general mourning, so that's already taken. Hey maybe we should go for black headbands. OK maybe this ain't the best time even for gallows humor, but they would look pretty cool - I would've liked to have seen Dan sportin' one on his Nat Geo show. OR you know what else is newly considered cool in the Jeebs universe? Black Bowler hats like ya see 'em donning in Downton Abbey, and in the René Magritte paintings with the dudes with apples in front of their faces. ;D Let's all wear those 24/7. Or at least to the Clusterbuster conference.Â
  12. 6 a night - aughh now THAT really blows! :'( > Very sorry to hear about that. Is your current O2 set up high flow (which for me means at least 25 LPM), using a special non rebreather mask? Last time I checked, steroids do interfere with busting unfortunately. :'( Have heard of gurana, haven't tried it much. Does you CH come in cycles? if so, I'm wondering if you'd have your best shot with detoxing/busting at a low point in a cycle where they are less frequent and/or less severe?
  13. OK now I'm picturing you galloping through the scrub brush with the black hat and a holster with six shooters. ;D ;D
  14. Definitely bring 'em!!! Bonus points if there's video of you wiping out. ;D
  15. Gee fecking willikers what a good lookin' couple! CONGRATS and the Jeebs stamp of approval on the black hat and bolo tie action. So THAT's how you landed a gorgeous blonde bride. 8-) I hope you didn't get hit by you know who any time near the ceremony, and that the party got going strong enough that people were shoving each other in the pool and taking some impromptu wild horse rides!
  16. Triggers: alcohol Sleep (including day naps) Relaxation (including meditation >) A particularly stressful event Fumes such as bleach, cigarette smoke, gasoline Altitude shifts such as air travel or 7,000+ ft mountain elevations
  17. I ordinarily understand MJ to also be abbreviated as REEFER. ;D
  18. Hey Shades! Those pesky nose tubes'll be replaced by the non-rebreather mask - it will be a simple swap out. Your high flow regulator will replace the regulator that's on there now with it's gauge and dial. It will likely look similar but the dial will go much higher! Your current regulator goes to 8 LPM, a low flow indeed (I suggest getting 25 LPM minimum regulator or demand valve system), but if you're sitting there getting hit while still waiting for your new regulator and/or mask, it could be worth a try to use it as is, as depending on the severity of the hit and how close it is caught to onset, some CH'ers can actually get some relief with this for the first few times or so that they try it. The 'ol energy drink or shot chugged at onset can help the O2 become more effective too. 8-)
  19. Well I'm known to be a bit fatigue-y myself, so if the hypothalamus is to blame for all of this, well it's really being a jerk! Your results with mushrooms sure bode really well Cludster! [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  20. Dagnabbit when there's the gaping absence of CHfather not posting for 4-5 days in a row it just ain't the same 'round here! :'( He deserves a break now and again but I'll be glad when he brings that organized clear head back here, sorts stuff out and especially helps the noobs with his usual dishing of the most concise, targeted info and advice known to clusterkind. 8-)
  21. Oh. I had this image of horse riding where you're galloping full speed on a path through a golden meadow, the horse's mane flowing in the wind as you throw your head back and exclaim YEEE-fecking-HAWWW!! while the orchestra hits a rousing crescendo. Hmm I guess my horse riding knowledge is mostly gained from watching movies.Â
  22. Ugh a 3+ hour whopper. Those'll test anyone's limits. An experience so powerfully FECKED in a way words can't adequately describe. > I suppose the enthusiasm here for the O2 as an abortive has become pretty evident by now ;D, and at this point I'm thinking that maybe I should add that in a situation where O2 is not possible, and imitrex is chosen, the injection form tends to work MUCH more effectively (and quickly!!) for us CH'ers than the pill form does. The inhalers can work too, but this imitrex injection tip describes how to use partial doses very effectively and reduce side effect/rebound risk while con$erving supply in the process: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html
  23. Fumes like gasoline, bleach, exhaust and perfume are known to be triggers for some, so if the pollution is pretty thick, maybe so? The riding horses part definitely sounds fun!
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