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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Oh man that is a nightmare on steroids nitro! > Really sorry to hear you had to experience that Mystina. :'( [move]That Sux!  That Bloze! > That Sux!  That Bloze! > That Sux!  That Bloze! > That Sux!  That Bloze! >[/move]
  2. Methergyside /Sansert - here's my personal take on it after having been prescribed it around 22 years ago: It is one seriously toxic feeling and completely ineffective drug. Wouldn't touch it again with a 10 foot trigeminal. I think it is Brew on the other hand who found it to be effective for awhile....?
  3. Now THAT is one practically iron clad guarantee!Â
  4. YAY. Glad to hear it! (but not at all glad to hear how bad you're still being hit right at the moment :'() Fingers vigorously crossed for some very successful busting results in your near future.
  5. YOU BROKE YOUR HAND TODAY?! Oh boy a nice little extra something on the side for you there hmm? A little sumthin' you didn't need! FWIW, I tried a prescription of Stadol back in the early 90's CH dark ages and it didn't work for me, but I do wish you luck and I hope you can get bustin' ASAP and not have to concern yourself with the narcos.
  6. Well I went negative there regarding episode length while neglecting to mention another potential positive factor for some of us episodic CH'ers: As the decades fling by, it's also fairly common for the remissions to become longer too, sometimes extending for several years (!), which can be a not so bad trade off. 8-)
  7. Fortunately RC is cheep cheep cheep, and it has become the overwhelming favorite amongst the veteran seed takers/testers 'round here due to it's combo of effectiveness, mild side effects, and ease of preparation. Gee willikers I'm becoming a regular RC salesman.Â
  8. Hey Ky, Getting spores and growing your own mushrooms sounds like a great idea to me. And while you're waiting for them to grow (not to mention the ticking of the days til the 16th) I agree with the suggestion about getting the RC seeds right away and trying them. They can be overnighted. About the energy drinks - there are many CH'ers who swear that using them in conjunction with O2 at the onset of an attack helps the O2 become more effective, and prevents the "1 hour later return attack" phenomenon from happening. Glad Monster is working for you! It is unfortunately common for episodes to last longer as the years go by, that's certainly been my experience, and I've seen many other episodics report it, but thank gosh that becomes a moot point with busting.
  9. Hi Mrsgrneyedldy (how do you pronounce that??!! ), Well you certainly sound like you're in the chronic high cycle from HELL right now. I dunno, I tried capitalizing "hell" there, but it still isn't strong enough - how about "1 TRILLION TIMES WORSE THAN HELL" ? :'( I hope you'll regard the links CHfather provided with holy scripture type reverence, because they are golden indeed, and I hope you can get those RC seeds ordered today and will consider trying the D3 regimen on for size starting today (if you haven't done this already). Chronic CH is tuffer to bust than episodic, no 3 doubts about it, but as you've seen, many chronics here have been finding significant relief, e.g., Brew and Dan who have been enjoying extended remissions, and Kaboom, Tingeling, Pixie-Elf et all, who've seen dramatic improvement thanks to busting.Â
  10. They are known to go away with age for some CH'ers, but I think 40 was seriously optimistic on your doctor's part. Just from observing the reports of other CH'ers on the message boards, my impression is that an episodic CH'er such as yourself (and myself) who started getting them fairly young may stand the best chance of burnout.....? Meantime lots of us here aren't waiting around! The busting methods can send us into remission and potentially even keep us there. 8-)
  11. The werd is getting out! I can almost feel a tide turning here. Clearly they've seen Dan on Nat Geo, and between that and Dr. Halpern being local at Harvard there and doing an interview, it's a news story - cool!
  12. Hey Scott, What CHf just said. To the letter. Plus I'll just reiterate how good I think it is that you're looking out for your brother like this, and how much I admire that. I think I've figured out WFOUNLIM: "What the fudge, oh you never liked it much"
  13. Sounds like a mighty fine idea to me. My impression has been that there are a much higher percentage of chronics here than over at ch.com - I figure it's probably because busting still tends to be approached as the last resort when it actually shoulda been the first resort. -Jeebs the episodic CH'er
  14. Oh he's nobler'n a mofo.  I concur with CHf's advice regarding the efficiency of consolidating the questions/answers into a dedicated thread. And D'heads, your sense of urgency is 110% understood - good on y'all for coming here, diving right in, asking the questions, and your determination to deal with this absolutely ASAP. Tip: CHf's advice is always golden. Well at least 99.9% of the time.  8-)
  15. Well if you need more iron, THIS is your ticket! ;D
  16. Bejeeber

    words of wit

    I'd like to quote the bb: "It's twue, it's twue!"
  17. Hey Odin, Sounds to me like you may seriously want to get back to that *vitamin M* that helped you last time. It sure has done the trick for me and many others (including Georgians) and we talk about it openly here all the time, although if I remember correctly the Share Your Busting Stories forum is more secure for discussions. Your situation sounds plenty bad alright, but the fact that something has been shown to work, something nature provides that grows right at our feet for cryin' out loud, makes it appear as if there's a light at the end of the tunnel, and this time it's actually NOT the usual oncoming train commandeered by the beast!
  18. I so wish I had some advice other than what's already been offered, but I just don't know jack about the DBS thing, or what the complications could be from your history of having been blasted with that 480v. :'( If you're still interested in the high LPM O2 after this crisis has passed, I know there were some links to some pretty cheap 25 LPM regulators on Ebay floating around that may still be good if $ is an issue. if you're in a cold part of NV, I don't suppose getting outside and deep breathing the cold night time air through the nose for 10 -15 min helps any does it? (It helps some of us some of the time). Sorry, just grasping at straws here.Â
  19. Besides what the fellers already offered up, I know I've seen Batch bring up "arterial PH" in cases like these, where he used to recommend the specific cal/mag/zinc thing that he now advocates as part of the D3 regimen...
  20. Hey Tim, That doesn't sound good at all , and we certainly know all too well from experience exactly what you mean. :'( BUT (there's always a big butt) lots of people here who were in that same boat for wayyyy too long, finally begrudgingly considered busting as a last resort, only to find out it should have been the FIRST resort! Plus there have been developments where some CH'ers are finding that the plant life (Rivea Corymbosa seeds) that indigenous peoples have used successfully for CH etc. for thousands of years packs a powerful preventative punch, with little to no side effects other than a good night's sleep when taken before bed. It's legal to order and possess. Yep, that's just for starters, so please hang out here a bunch, get the skinny on the latest breakthroughs, and let's see if you can join the ranks of long time CH'ers who've found significant relief, gotten off the toxic chemicals, and gotten the 'ol life back. Here's some really good, interesting TV and press coverage, etc., that can get you up to speed in a jiffy: A clip from the recent National Geographic documentary featuring our Dan (Hipshot) here who will likely be around and available to blab with: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/national-geographic-channel/shows/drugs-inc/ngc-mushroom-medicine/ A Newsweek article about Clusterbusters: http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2009/10/14/the-psychedelic-solution.html A video talk by this site's founder Bob Wold:
  21. Bejeeber


    Let's hope so! CHfather has a way of laying everything out for CH'ers that's tuff to beat! Meantime I'd like to emphasize the importance of going to a headache specialist for the diagnosis. Garden variety neuros generally don't know jack about CH and more often than not will do you wrong.Â
  22. Hey Veg, Sorry to hear the beast has returned, but thanks for the update. Yeah I'm afraid zee beast is known to morph like that - the same thing happened with mine. GOOD LUCK WITH THE UPCOMING BUST!Â
  23. [move]kaboom wrote on Today at 3:36pm: Jeebs...do you regret showing me this "coolness"???                                        Regret it? Never! Filled with pride more like it. ;D [/move]
  24. It's kinda funny - I had a very pleasant first bust listening to a well planned playlist of music. My second bust was much more spur of the moment right after an unexpected low level hit and not well planned out. So I lie down as the mushrooms are REALLY taking effect and out of the corner of my eye I see a spider crawling towards my face. A real one, not a hallucination. So I'm off to a great start killing spiders. When I lie back down and close my eyes, the patterns I'm seeing look very much like *swarms of insects* and *claws grasping*. Then Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child comes on. I didn't think that choice of songs through. At all. Bad enough that it's in that darkest black key of Eb and has a spooky vibe to it, but next thing you know there's the spoken word commentary he does at one point: "I don't take none of that acid no more, I just want you to know" WRONG LYRICS ALERT WRONG LYRICS ALERT I give myself a grade of F for that set and setting. Note to self: Jimi's beautiful vibe instrumental 'Pali Gap' would've been a much better choice.
  25. Wow I'm surprised to be hearing of lisuride for the first time here myself. I know that when I see a message board topic title that simply has the name of a drug I haven't heard of, my eyes can glaze over and I tend to skip to more "interesting" topics, hence my delay at arriving here. Maybe this topic could attract more attention if it was named something more like "Lisuride. Prescription drug made from LSD. Works for CH?"
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