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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. WTF!! Aughhh why is that the altruistic types who will risk it all get hit the hardest? I guess the beast just hates that kinda thing and focuses on roaring back with some retaliation. > Dan, didn't you have a relatively good, effective experience with tabs? Are you still considering that route, is it still an option? Hmmm that line of interrogation might be better suited for the Share Your Busting Stories forum. Also, under the category of "might not hurt to try?", wondering if you've run across the fairly recent thread about GABA yet?: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1324654070/0
  2. Just watched it! Wow. GREAT job! Huge kudos to Nat Geo and Dan and family for presenting it in a really beneficial way. Of course nothing can get thru to some folks - there was a person there watching it with me who suffers from other serious pain conditions, and they just went naysayer from moment one, going back and forth between claiming they have CH (they don't), I should use Maxalt instead of mushrooms (???), and wanting to make sure that the severity of CH was discounted and they would still win the pain and suffering competition. Still, even that couldn't put a damper on the festivity - thank you Hipshot family! [smiley=thumbup.gif] LOL because I'm a sucker for CH related gallows humor. That actually turned out to be an effective moment in the film for conveying an idea of the experience.
  3. Hey David, Your dad may be interested in RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds, since they are a busting agent that is legal to order and to possess. There's some talk about 'em here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290128974
  4. All I know is that I've seen 9 to 18 mg often recommended by fellow CH'ers as the therapeutic dosage range.
  5. I haven't eaten meat (including Purina! ) for 31 years. Prior to that I had the only 2 migraines of my life. BUT I think I was actually migraine free for maybe a couple years before going vegetarian, so I don't know if there could really be a link. :-? I guess I mainly just wanted to slip that Purina gag in there. :
  6. I'm right on the verge of nominating Ting for official Cluster Busters mascot! ;D On a more serious note, as much as I can relate to your description of a 3 hour long CH attack, as a luxuriously lucky episodic CH'er I simply can't imagine having several of those every single day for years on end. Thank Gosh you found clusterbusters!!!!!Â
  7. What Mystina said. With an emphasis on this part:
  8. Just thought I'd add, in case it's at all useful, that gabapentin is otherwise known as Neurontin. My casual, anecdotal observance of message board comments by CH'ers about neurontin is that some swear by it, probably more swear at it. Personally, when I was on prescriptions for CH, I found high doses of neurontin to be helpful as a preventative.
  9. Bejeeber


    You bustin' today jimmys? Best o' results to ya if so!
  10. Sorry, I can see I veered this thread back into off topic-ville. Doh! :-[ I wasn't finding the correct topic regarding the Goadsby visit, but now it's back on the radar, complete with Ron's account. Here it is: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1322612397/25#25
  11. Hi Sanni, I think right now is definitely the time to bust for prevention. Busting works best when done before a cycle goes full blown, and for most of us busting is the most effective preventative out there. If you could get psilocybin or seeds or tabs right away, well I would get to it at the soonest opportunity. If not, you could order RC seeds online and have them overnighted to you. For RC, I would personally go with a reasonably substantial dose of 50 seeds before bed. The most likely side effect will be a deep restful sleep. Some folks are really conservative with their first dose and will only take maybe 20 seeds. The way I see it is you have a very critical situation threatening to explode on you any moment and this is no time for being timid in dealing with it. Meantime you could be working on procuring or growing some mushrooms as a backup, because for some of us RC doesn't work, but mushrooms do (and for others the opposite is true). It may be possible the verapamil could interfere with the busting some - that hasn't been definitively established yet. It's more than likely that you'll still get plenty of benefits from the bust. Looking forward to the day when you report a successful busting. 8-)
  12. LOL!! [smiley=laugh.gif] In complete agreement with FunGuy on this one. 8-)
  13. Well today's the day. Here's a call for all positive vibes, prayers, well wishes, etc. from our message board family members here to go along with Michael and Ron to the appointment today.
  14. Renee I figured I'd take a quick glance at your writing and next thing you know I'm all absorbed and involuntarily continuing to read and read and anxious to know what will happen next. I think that's a very good sign that you indeed write well.Â
  15. This Thursday - the day is finally arriving! Please, let Doc Goadsby have something new, something good up his sleeve for Michael.
  16. [move]Oh that rocks    Oh that rocks     Oh that rocks    Oh that rocks     Oh that rocks    Is this getting annoying yet? ;D    Oh that rocks     Oh that rocks    Oh that rocks     Oh that rocks    Oh that rocks     Oh that rocks    Oh that rocks[/move]
  17. I happened upon that top row second from the right button, "Insert Marquee", that looks like this: and the coolness just flowed from there. ;D 8-) Please reply with a marquee in order to confirm that you have mastered today's lesson. ;D
  18. Me neither, with the occasional exception, such as when I've taken RC seeds before bed, but does anyone routinely sleep through the night completely uninterrupted? That's such a foreign concept to me.
  19. What Ron said. Well maybe except for that one colorful comment. Â ;D Really hoping that the busting can reset the hypothalamus regulation of hormones for ya, or whatever it's known to do in the brain there that will "untrigger" your predisposition to CH.
  20. Not sure if this is a directly related note, but relief for PTSD is a real benefit of busting with psychedelics, which are also being used in clinical settings to effectively treat PTSD unrelated to CH. My personal experience is that post busting I can no longer summon up the sheer terror regarding the possibility of CH attacks that used to always be there (not that I'm assuming future visits from the beast couldn't undo all that - don't wanna jinx myself too bad here! )
  21. Thank you everyone for researching this, and for providing the Cliff's Notes sort of synopsis of your findings that folks like me who haven't researched it yet can use as crib sheets!  ;D
  22. Way to score the GABA action Ron! [smiley=thumbup.gif]
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