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Everything posted by davidj

  1. I did it and agree that not having a choice is difficult. I am now using RC seeds due to lack of access to Vitamin M and the psychological effects are completely different. With that said i answered the questions as it related to RC seeds.
  2. I dont answer the phone after 8pm at night and I get 8 hours sleep while in remission by going to bed and getting up at the same time, wondering why the f^&* I have been getting these things for the past 16 years, must be something else (said dripping with sarcasm).
  3. Spiny, My heart aches for you and your son, my biggest fear is passing this on to my Daughter. At least he will have you to help him through this, hopefully it is just a fluke and the beast never visits again. David :(
  4. Salander, Your post hits close to home as far as MD's not getting it. Luckily for me I found out about 02 years ago from the original clusterheadache site and got off steroids and verap very quickly and then 2 years ago I found this site (thank god). I was wondering if there was any chance seeds would be less risky where you live? Many here have found them to be effective in busting a cycle or at least reducing frequency, duration, and intensity. David
  5. Evo,, Like I said that is my experience, we are all just doing trial and error so if you have been PF for awhile do what you think is best for you.
  6. Thanks Alleyoop, that would be enough pain on its own, don't need to add to it with an attack. :)
  7. Evo: to answer your question, yes I do believe alcohol lengthens MY cycle, as we all know all of us are different. I am so afraid of screwing up again that even though I feel like I may be going into remission I will be watching my beloved Giants on Super Bowl Sunday sans a beer in hand. Good Luck
  8. Hi Ting, Since you are not busting maybe add some kudzu to the d3 regime, I found my O2 worked 10 times better. Good Luck David
  9. My surest sign I am out of cycle, however huge caveat coming...... I don't go near the test till I am PF for at least two weeks, no shadows, no twinges, no "am I getting one, nope ok". I call it hard remission, I believe that I have screwed up 2 remissions by passing the beer test and then going out a few days later and having a few more, still good and then a week later it is back. My 2 cents for all it is worth. Good luck, hope you pass!!
  10. Not available under that name on link provided by Pixie-Elf, I figured i would take a look since my Dr. is very cool about providing me with what I need. He is all for alternatives for clusters and follows my progress with busting (not a neuro, he is my GP). Any chance it is listed by another name in Canada?
  11. 1) Episodic 2) reduced both duration and frequency as well as intensity also made O2 more effective. 3) within a few days, however added 1200mg of kudzu 3 times daily to the regiment. 4) I feel it also really helped with my post dose hits. I chronicled my experiment with D3, kudzu and busting in the theory and implementation section. David
  12. I am with bejeeber, seeds have been a godsend for me. I couldn't grow a weed if I tried but having the seeds has been a great alternative. David
  13. Renee, They say way to many stupid things to even begin to list though many have tried. The only people who truly get us are those on this site. We had a thread going last year with a list of well meaning or ignorant things we have heard over the years. Even my wife who has been a wonderful support over the past 15 years has said some things that as you put so well "wind" me up. I hope that your line that if this doesn't end then you have a date in mind to end it is said out of frustration. There is hope for us as Bol 148 becomes a reality and we to quote AO the "citizen scientists" continue to experiment and share our success's as well as our failures. Please remember that we at this site are truly here for each other and reading the various stories people write and members responses I know this to be true. I wish you PFDANS and hope that you find some relief soon. David
  14. Hi all just wanted to give out an alternative to Red Bull etc. I have been using a newer nrg drink for the past couple of months and it seems to work just as well as the others but without some of the artificial sweeteners or sugar. It is called celsius (and no I don't work for them) and it contains Taurine and 200 mg of caffeine, I am not sure of how much taurine but the can shows 1810 mg total of taurine, caffeine, green tea extract, guarana, ginger root, and glucuronolactone (whatever that is). It does not contain aspartame, sugar, corn syrup, or artificial colors or flavors. It also has a non carbonated variety for easier chugging when the hits come on. Just though I would let you know of an alternative that has helped me abort quite a few low kip hits. PF wishes to all. DavidJ
  15. Thanks Marsha, these articles were great and hopefully bring us closer to getting Bol available. I think we are finally starting to see our condition become recognized by society. Now if only one of us could hit the big Lotto we could fund this research. David
  16. I guess it has to do with potency or how tough your cycle is. I started at 30 seeds and have worked my way up to 80. I seem to get more post dose hits with the lower doses and the ch's seem to come back faster, at 80 I get less and milder post dose hits and longer PF time in between doses. I also do not feel the trippy effect as much at 30 as I do with 80. I am not sure if I built up a resistance over the last few months to the lower or doses or if it just a natural progression, as we all know we are all different and what works for one does nothing for another. David
  17. I order from pyschoactiveherbs.com. I have gotten them as well from Iamashaman and I really don't see a difference. I do 80 seeds at a time and I definitely feel the effect, nothing major but you know it. David
  18. Thank you!! Nice website and give us hope for the future, already signed up for any additional inormation.
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