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Question on Ouch

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what can ya do?

Well ya can do what I'm doing so far and CRINGE mightily. :o:(

I find no mention there whatsoever of busting or the D3 regimen, two obviously super important preventive treatments.  :(

Oh, and now I see the new admin there at this predatory hijacking of OUCH US is someone known for banishing any mention of busting on his disturbing Facebook CH site, where the most prominent and helpful figures in CH prevention have actually been banned from participating.

The original, real OUCH US was very supportive of ClusterBusters.

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Seriously.  What is up with these freaks that want to control and restrict information for people?  The only thing that restricting information does is make people less informed.  If you are so scared that if people know all of the truth of a situation that they might not do what you think is best, maybe your idea sucks.


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Yes OUCH US turned over all assets to Clusterbusters when they closed shop.

The domain was being handled by someone else while we were transferring files.

The domain came up for renewal and was taken over by a guy that was more interested in getting "clicks" for his website than helping people. He knew that a lot of people had saved links to the OUCH site so every time someone clicks to read an old article or information, they get to go to his site.

Clusterbusters is in the process of going thru all the old files and removing these links so people can find the information they are looking for but it takes a lot of time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes Marc,

The domain that OUCH US used for thousands of their links has been now redirected to this other site. Anyone that saved a link to a research paper or information on everything from 02 to employment support papers now have a link just to his site.

Clicks are worth dollars.


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  • 9 months later...

well ain't that a kick in the head! .....i luv wearin my charter member OUCH t-shirt...am i surprised that some low life fuckhead ripped off OUCH?...naaa!

am i sad that the fledging ouch fell into disrepair?...yup...

a true CHer would not wish a Cluster on anyone..and yet...in all honesty...

.i do a disservice to some of my old CH friends. ...about whom it may be said...that ....if you aren't rowing...they would rip you a new asshole....painful?...yup...butt nowhere near the pain of a CH.

i think CB should ...(in the shadow of OUCH) ...been called "POSH"...Pain Over Shit Hurt...jmho

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I have been denied from Cluster Headaches three times. I tried again and this past time was sent questions regarding medication etc. I was interested in talking to others that had good experiences with 5meo but, I am not going to beg to be apart of a group.

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Gosh, that's frustrating and disappointing.  If you want to give it one more try, you could PM 1961mom, who is one of the founders of that group.  She was once very active here, and still visits from time to time.  You can PM her from here: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/user/17179-1961mom/ She knows who I am (she knows who many people here are), so if you want to use my handle when you communicate, please go ahead and do that.

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