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Triggers Known and in Theory?


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Wanted to share that I did a ketamine breathing treatment during my last CH episode and it worked initially (for 2 days) and then got a slap back reaction that resulted in the worst pain in my 54 years of life.  The CH pain landed me in the ER.  So wanted to share for those considering ketamine.

Question on triggers (having given up on many things that I believe trigger me such as massage, chiropractor...) - I believe that wearing these face coverings during Covid lockdowns is a trigger.  We have recently began to have to wear them again in my city and the beast is stirring on the side of my head now after about two weeks.  Not full blown and hopefully the busting protocol keeps them away.

Anyone else have input on face coverings as a trigger?

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  On 9/18/2021 at 2:30 AM, jon019 said:

...ima big guy and all those ear-hook styles hurt...any reason ya can't do one of these vincent?

Image result for face mask styles available


Uff.. I'm Sorry. I'm here in the land of enforcement and I do not ever wear one as the heat from my own breath has put me into a banger or two. I,however do not work for  someone else, that being said I am able to get away with it. I've been kicked out of Best buy, Costco, Lamps Plus along with various other retailers (even if I tell them that I have a condition that requires I get max o2). Sorta silly as no one can site the effectiveness behind a cloth face covering? But then again ask a GP about CH?     

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  On 9/18/2021 at 2:56 AM, BoscoPiko said:

I've been kicked out of Best buy, Costco, Lamps Plus along with various other retailers



  On 9/18/2021 at 1:10 PM, spiny said:

I shop online to save the hassle


I've gone the online shopping route too, for every single thing, even groceries, not that I'm imagining having groceries delivered is feasible for everyone.

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  On 9/18/2021 at 2:55 PM, Bejeeber said:


I've gone the online shopping route too, for every single thing, even groceries, not that I'm imagining having groceries delivered is feasible for everyone.


Now days it is pretty doable. With access to amazon, doordash and a plethora of other online shopping options. I do use them sometimes, however I don't like supporting amazon and I often find that produce from an online shopper is often not selected well (squishy/over ripe/under ripe etc.). So I prefer to shop for those things myself. I also like to shop for things for my home in-person as I find it hard to really get a good idea of what something really looks like from viewing online. Anyhoo here is a picture of a face shield that can be worn without messing with ones ears and or touching the mouth... Might be an option? Oh and it's just down rt sexy!!



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Returning to your original question, CHFather has posted some time ago an excellent overview of different triggers, ranging from foods to environmental factors that people experience. The link is below.

But a trigger does not generally apply to everybody. Some experience a trigger with high pressure atmosphere, some with low, while a third person reacts on the change in pressure. The same with foods, some down a redbull on the onset of an attack, were I am completely avoiding any sugars in my diet as it will trigger an attack. I can not do a afternoon nap where others can. So, different people, different triggers. However, there is common ground on one: alcohol. People also do the 'alcohol test' to see if they are in remission: drink a beer and if an attack is there you are still in cycle. If not...well drink another one or two :D 

The overview of CHFather may give you pointers you can use on your own situation and try to see what provokes an attack and what not. Noted by many people is that CH can morph over time, the same for triggers.  


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  On 9/24/2021 at 6:43 AM, Cast Iron said:

I can not do a afternoon nap where others can


Some can do an afternoon nap??!! Wow that's practically an unfathomable concept  to me (when in cycle).

And while beer at least may the closest thing to a universal trigger (I unwittingly experienced its power once - never again), some find that a drink like vodka doesn't trigger them. I personally have no intention of 'trying it out' to find out, I'm just not that kind of risk taker - I guess since CH isn't just f**king around here, neither am I. :P

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Sorry im with you Bejeeber. Won't touch alcohol until I've been pain free for 3 weeks was on holiday nov 2016 in porta Vallarta Mexico . I had been pain free for 6 days whilst on holidays so thought great must be out of cycle im gonna risk a beer . Worst mistake i ever made . The attack was worst pain id ever experienced. Id only drank half a glass the speed it hit me was so fast . Me and alcohol know don't mix till 3 weeks pain free 

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