During my net trips and so on, there have been accounts of people who have ch and have had traumatic amputations, they would choose the amputation again, same for childbirth, gunshot, pretty much any physical trauma you can imagine, hell I would pass kidney stones 5 times a day over this. Shock and pain closest is neurogenic shock, which can be caused by a sudden extreme onset of pain, causing blood pressure to drop, great thing about most of us, pain goes up on a curve, not sudden onset, so we can hit top of the line pain and not suffer the neurological shock effects.
And yes, I have screamed nonstop, tried knocking myself out on a wall, there is a reason they are called "Suicide headaches"
I speak from a former (Due to ch) first responder and remote field medic training. Shock is huge in that case, funny thing about things like traumatic amputation or severe injury, once the incident has finished, the body tones or mutes the pain signals down. Beside the initial massive outset, the pain does not stay at that peak. Except when a brain and a nerve decide to say, hey lets crank this up and stay there.
Many neurologists and primary physicians are also seeing in CH sufferers ptsd, anxiety and depression.
I have had really bad heatstroke, the nausea, dizziness, disorientation, dehydration, and that to me is nothing like a cluster attack, have had a half broken tooth abscessed and that is nothing like a ch attack.
It is bar none the worst pain I have ever experienced in my life to the point walking into traffic is something I have considered, hell I have literally begged my wife to take me out with a baseball bat.
Maybe you have been 'lucky' I do not know or a huge pain tolerance but even the Kip scale, pretty much the accepted pain scale for ch lists a 10 as screaming, head banging, er, suicidal.