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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. I must agree with the esteemed previous responders. My cycles do ramp up starting with more shadow level "warning shots across the brow" (a term I believe I am guilty of coining, although it doesn't exactly fit in my particular case, since I feel it behind the eye). So yeah I'd be moving right now on getting all those ducks in a row, and even backup ducks in a row. The stuff @BoscoPiko and @jon019 mentioned. Plus you've probably noticed a whole lotta headbangers have successfully prevented cycles with busting, as seen at the blue "New Users - Please Read Here First" banner/link at the top of this page.
  2. That sounds like plain old everyday man behavior, which of course can complicate man flu treatments.
  3. Count me as really sorry to hear this too. I'm not even close to being qualified to comment on the D3, not to mention Vit C and stuff, but @xxx has been quite generously chiming in a lot lately, heck maybe he'll even want to address this topic also.
  4. Classic! ^^^ - and indeed a real world example of how sometimes a strategically placed woosie admonition by the right person really can end up being helpful.
  5. Now THAT is the best kinda MIA! Attack free for 6-7 weeks!? Here's to the O2 tank continuing to collect all manner of dust!
  6. SOLD on the hot springs Sue - they in all seriousness sound like a most excellent environ for a clusterhead. "Fill it to the rim with Brim" is one I've trotted out when this particular coffee subject has come up in the past (Shaun if they don't have Brim in the UK, it's a coffee brand, and that used to be their advertising slogan).
  7. OK let's make a pact to try exactly that, and let us not forget to puff on some DMT at the same time, while remembering it is only polite in such instances to share with neighbors. Wait, firing up some DMT right when sucking O2 would be a highly combustible situation, but talk about going out in blazes of glory as we take flight in bathtubs over the roofs of the neighborhood.
  8. Does a hot soak work better than a hot shower because sitting in a tub drains blood out of your head, but a hot shower - especially if spraying hot water on your head - doesn't? Also causes me to wonder if keeping ice cubes in the mouth, pressed against roof of mouth, while sitting your lower half down into a hot tub could be an enhanced, if not all that more eccentric, strategy? Maybe if in a cold climate, sitting in hot tub, while sticking head out the window into the freezing air. Could at least provide an opportunity to converse with neighbors while aborting an attack.
  9. Other common and recently advised flying tactics have included energy shot(s) in pocket, SPUT (Small Piece Under Tongue - of psilocybe mushroom), triptan nasal spray in pocket, and triptan pill one hour prior to take off. @xBoss also just advised hot soaks for aborts, but OK that could be challenging on a plane - unless you're in First Class.
  10. I share the same view / prejudice as Spiny.
  11. I have LITTLE, beady eyes officially classified as blue, but what I would describe as something more like grey/blue - they never were close to being in the Bradley Cooper / Paul Newman class, which come to think of it must explain why Hollywood agents have failed to pursue me all these years.
  12. Yep, just when you have this tricky beast and it's timings all figured out - beware, it can, and so often will, throw a completely unexpected curveball at you, even after 20, 30 or more years of entirely reliable, predictable precision timing accuracy. This'll go for cycle timing, time of day/night when hits can be expected, and other stuff not related to timing, like one of the biggest shockers I've learned of - switching to the other side of your head (!!!).
  13. Another in the seemingly constant stream now of psilocybin trials for PTSD, depression and stuff (alongside any currently underway specifically for treatment of CH): "Magic Mushrooms Are Safe to Treat Mental Health Conditions, Says Another Landmark Trial."https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/magic-mushrooms-mental-health-the-journal-psychopharmacology/ "A trip to the doctor for a dose of magic mushrooms could help treat mental health conditions like PTSD, according to new research. Small doses of the psychedelic drug psilocybin, found in magic mushrooms are not only good at easing disorders that are resistant to treatment, but they also have no short or long-term side effects in healthy people, scientists say."
  14. How did you know I was wearing a hot pink jumpsuit right now @Shaun brearley??!!
  15. I see one outfit is marketing Rose Tinted Glasses for migraine prevention, which I imagine could be the same goggles as used by the lady in the news story mentioned by Sue. .........."This is achieved by a filter called FL-41, which Axon Optics modified over the last decade for maximum migraine relief." I've been told I've been seeing life through rose colored glasses, as in Sue's "being ever hopeful" reference - one would have to conclude that's why I haven't suffered from any migraines for so long. Now to start seeing life through the yellow-green / spinach omelette colored glasses described in @TorontoCanada's link, in hopes of a permanent CH remission.
  16. Somebody get pairs of these glasses to Jon & Shaun stat - we need SECOND and THIRD patients to try these babies out.
  17. I have personally found out of cycle flying to be no prob, no experience of rogue hits or anything so far, so I would hope it would be the same for you @BoscoPiko. I just have the pocket pal abortives discussed previously in my pocket at all times just in case. Your snow looks beautiful BTW, even if it did have to be crammed into the teeniest pic. It was 80 degrees here (Austin) yesterday. But went to 28 degrees overnight - hello temperature whiplash.
  18. I say we should all chip in to fund a jumbo sized "CLUSTERHEAD!" tattoo for @CHfather at the soonest opportunity, at a deluxe tattoo parlor of his choice. (Of course the irreplaceable queen of the headbangers @spiny and many others who need no qualifications as clusterheads have long royally kicked royal arse too )
  19. I put the official stamp of Jeebs "Like" on the Clusterheads Poem, but I do think these last two lines from it are worth qualifying: Unless you are a clusterhead You haven't got a clue I've long considered @CHfather to be an official clusterhead whether he wants to or not. This guy has consistently come to the rescue of tremendous numbers of fellow clusterheads on the forum over the decade, and while many may not realize it, all while going through the ultra severe pain/afflictions/hospitalizations wringer and them some himself - he's one individual whose severe health experiences I would actually not wish to trade for my own. Then with his own child a clusterhead, he's "got a clue" and then some. So here's a New Year's toast of infinite gratitude to one Clusterhead with a capital C who has made such a huge difference for so many of us, an individual who I shudder to think what Cluster Busters would have ever been like without, the hyper vigilant, ultra knowledgeable, incredibly empathetic dude who keeps the cluster info real, and who I find myself now building up into some kind of God-like figure, or at least a patron saint of headbangers, Chfather.
  20. Here's Sue's link (but it appears to require a subscription to NYT to read). https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/opinion/sunday/suicide-ketamine-depression.html
  21. That is mind bogglingly interesting as far as I'm concerned - thank you for posting this @chfather Santa !
  22. A far as I'm surmising, everyone including yourself @Shaun brearley has treaded nicely, diplomatically and carefully so far, which is always appreciated on this particular tightrope, above the burbling lava pit of members potentially becoming highly annoyed with each other again.
  23. Thanks @Shaun brearley - it's a seemingly innocuous inoculations subject, but if I understand correctly, one that has veered way off in the past during my forum absence into the dreaded politics with a capital P and high controversy unrelated to CH, so I thank all for not having charged this one up with such references - it's another Christmas miracle so far. I do know that as far as prominent forum members go, our legendary and highly beloved Dallas Denny is one who had a crushing whopper case of Covid, replete with lingering after effects.
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