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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. No, but there was an issue with a Stonehenge stage prop that ended up being 18" instead of 18'.
  2. Due to a notoriously short attention span it took more than one sitting for me to finish the article, but I think it is excellent and important indeed, and I'd highly recommend it to everyone. Especially eye opening for me is how high a dose they appear to be using so effectively in the therapeutic setting.
  3. We need tireless, super informed and knowledgeable, good people to be advocates, and thank gosh for BB, because that is him in a nutshell. I'd endorse him 1,003 times for a WEGO award if I could, but I just did once, and it was quick'n easy. Thanks for bringing this to attention CHf.
  4. It would be C for me too, but I've been in remission for a good long time, so I don't know that my vote should count right now....
  5. Hi got-h, I'm hoping that after corresponding with Batch you'll be comfy with restoring the D3 intake back to the effective level you had it at, at which point I won't be surprised if the O2 effectiveness issues will be resolved too. Batch certainly knows WAY more about D3 than 99.99999999999999999% (or more) of PCPs.
  6. Well if anyone is going to find what explains things by hook or by crook, it's going to be Didg. 8-) This is most likely entirely unrelated, but your first post and its mention of a bark smell reminded me about how I smelled a strong "diesel fumes" type odor coming from somewhere in the neighborhood once, only to find that it was actually a bunch of decorative bark that had been laid down, and for some dumb reason, I mistook its natural smell for toxic fuel fumes (!?).
  7. Cn, from your description my feeling is that you should have no concern about that twinge being related to a tendency towards CH. So it is appearing more and more likely to me that you will get off Scott free in the CH dept. 8-)
  8. Hi cn, I have zero scientific data on this, sorry, I'll just give you my impression from having seen probably over a thousand accounts from CH'ers (and talked to many in person) over the years: LOW. In fact at the moment I'm not recalling an instance of CH inherited by a daughter from her mother. And even in the unlikely worst case scenario of you inheriting CH, newer treatments (such as busting, high flow 100% O2, D3 regimen) are improving the lot of CH'ers dramatically and IMO we're just getting started in that dept., so you could pretty much count on suffering WAY LESS than your mom has. Now maybe someone with some harder statistics or what not can supply a less anecdotal reply.Â
  9. As far as injections go, last time I checked, 6 mg is pretty much the max dose, as high as they go. Lotsa headbangers do find 2 mg to be effective. When I was still injecting (back before I became a buster), I settled at 3 mg. I might've been able to go for 2mg, but the one time I tried it I didn't catch the attack as close to onset as usual, and it got away from me, the one and only super pent up, angry, full blown 3 hour attack of that entire cycle Afterward I figured "um yeah, maybe I'll stick with 3 mg just to be safe - and always catch them right at onset!"Â
  10. Regarding the injections, I don't personally experience any perceptible side effects from them, but I hope that if you're not already deploying reduced dosage injections, it might be an approach that would help you experience less side effects....?
  11. I don't believe a yay could be uttered (or in my case uddered) loudly enough, but I shall try: [move]YAY. YAY. YAY. YAY. YAY. YAY. YAY. YAY.[/move]
  12. Bejeeber

    I'm back

    As trite as it may sound in the context of someone being slammed with unrelenting CH attacks, I'm going to still encourage you to hang in there - you really might be nearing the end of this cycle, right? Pulling for you, and for this cycle to just be completely kaputsky ASAP. Then next time you can be laying in wait and ready to bust it to smithereens with a knockout blow at the first sign.
  13. When Fabac's dang country internet is down we're all the poorer.
  14. I hadn't seen it - thanks Didgens. I don't have a clue at the moment as to what nasal CO2 technology is..... :-?
  15. Yep that is a good well written article IMO, thanks purp.
  16. I think I may just start referring to him as MOI instead of CHf. ;D
  17. Ooh besides lookin' all purty, I imagine that fresh cut wood has it smellin' dam nice in there too. It's hard to beat a good looks plus good sniffs combo. [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  18. OOH. Seed pods alert! Seed pods alert! So kool.
  19. Sheesh, it's medicinal, beautifully ornamental, and it sounds like it could help honey bees who have been in crisis with their colonies collapsing. It is imbued with triple goodness! Here's hoping a metric ton or two of seeds come blurting out of those thousands of blooms. ;D
  20. Wha??!! Where did you find that and how was it even filmed without my authorization?! OK I will go ahead and admit that for some time now I have in fact enjoyed a rewarding career as a professional dancer on the habenula circuit. That and break dancing.
  21. Interesting fer sure, thanks. Although I have to admit I first clicked on this topic it because I thought the habenula might be a new dance step.
  22. Ah, understood, and glad to see you've been proactively planning on kickng 2015 off by opening that honking can of whoopass. ;D
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