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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. [Psssst....insert the obligatory "ahem, isn't it time to be a-busting right around now?" nagging reminder from Jeebs here. Jeebs who is now starting to refer to himself in the 3rd person, Lord help us all.]
  2. UGH. Of all the triggers THAT one is the worst rip off. > Here's hoping there can be some positive "caught up in the moment" times where the vicious attack is forgotten as you're in the midst of all the Frosty the Red Nosed Snowman hubbub.Â
  3. The list is long, but you can get a look at the origins of The FusterCluckers at this classic-most of classic threads about the Bomba Shack: [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1297450426
  4. Six entire hours?! That is indeed awesome. [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] And yes you are officially recruited into the FusterCluckers house band now whether you like it or not.Â
  5. Bejeeber

    I'm back

    Waiting 5 days after trex has indeed become standard practice 'round these here parts.
  6. What Spiny said! Between the sleep deprivation and enduring the hits, etc., I think anyone would start to be feeling down about the whole thing right now, but I think the odds are still very much in your favor of a final result of pulling this busting thing off as hoped for. We're rooting you on big time with today's bust.
  7. All I can say from personal experience is that when I would do freezing air inhalation therapy for aborting moderate attacks, sometimes reaching the point of brain freeze was also the point of "ahhhhhhh, sweet relief" from the behind the eye CH. I might have also been holding ice cubes in my mouth at the time - I don't remember for sure.
  8. That is Cluster Plagiarism. (it's a genuine brainstorm of a brain freeze idea, but I'm afeared y'all have actually been beaten to it!) https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1408796188
  9. Yeah dark trips can and do happen alright. . BUT the lower kip improvement sounds encouraging, no? If you can get some lasting therapeutic benefits CH-wise, I bet the unpleasant memories of that tripping experience will fade and this will be looked back on as an overall positive. I haven't personally done so great at getting myself squared away with set and setting, which is considered so important for trip experience, but I hope you may be able to change things up there if you bust again Sergi.
  10. Best of luck to ya with the re-dose Sergi, hopefully second time's a charm.
  11. Yep, so many of us have found "morphing" is pretty much the beast's middle name, plus I agree with CHf that your recent experience sounds like some slap back induced type of morphing. Good call on getting that welding O2. 8-)
  12. Agreed about bumping up the dose tomorrow. Please tell the 'ol beast Jeebs said "Hi, and crappity smack you, you crappity smack head!" right before you lay that killer dose on him. ;D
  13. Ooh - OBE! Now THOSE sound like some serious adventures, I'll take 2 pleasant ones to go please. 8-)
  14. Whoa J, that is seriously disturbing about Lariam. Me: Right handed, right clustered, haven't noticed a pattern of vivid dreams prior to CH cycle onset (just because I didn't pay attention doesn't mean it didn't happen though).
  15. I've been concerned for a long time now about how many females I've seen report difficulty getting a CH diagnosis simply because they are female, revealing the old guard medical establishment's claim that female CH patients are rare to be a self fulfilling prophesy, rife with MBOBS. (Misdiagnosis based on BS).
  16. The way I remember it is she is the daughter of (retired) Dr. Kudrow, who has CH, and she is the sister of the currently practicing Dr. Kudrow, who doesn't have CH.
  17. Bejeeber


    Quick answer: It plays well. Last time I checked anyway.
  18. Botox has been tried and discussed. Generally dismal, disappointing results for CH, but I don't know if that may have been due to it being used in the standard migraine (wrong) spots? Dan/Hipshot tried the standard Botox treatment with no success. Then he got the doctor to try something different and give him "a BIG shot of Botox in EXACTLY the same spot in my neck where he gives me the nerve block" .....at which point he got relief for 3 weeks. That discussion thread is here: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1380388743/3 I know a very hard case chronic CH gal who also suffers from migraines. Botox has helped with her migraines aplenty but hasn't helped with her CH.
  19. I'll give it an A for raising awareness of CH, and that aspect is a major part of my grading system. Grade C for therapies discussed. It's certainly nice they focus on O2, and flashed ClusterBusters on that laptop. They went and consulted neurologists in order to find out about the the latest treatments, which would make sense you'd think - heck that's what I woulda done if I was them and knew nothing about CH, but CH is an odd case where that is not the best place to find out about the most effective preventative at this time. So they missed a little something (OK a big something), but aside from that, well done IMO.
  20. I would proceed VERY cautiously and first check into whether it's effects could be similar to nitro glycerin (a quick Googling shows them to be compared in some medical contexts or other). My concern about any similarity between these two could be completely unwarranted and way outa left field, it's just that nitro glycerin is considered the most foolproof trigger known for a major CH attack, and it will even be used for inducing attacks in upcoming Yale studies on psilocybin for CH. J makes a good point though that you'd think we would've heard about it one way or the other if it had any significant effect.
  21. We missed ya Fabac. Condolences to you and the hub for that holiday computer downtime experience. At least it wasn't the situation that allegedly can occur in Gnashville....
  22. Tell ya what, I'm beyond thankful for the buncha nutcases here putting our clusterheads together and helping each other out. Would it be rude to take a moment to single out one of our inmates as a prime example of someone whose tireless rescue work I'm thankful in triplicate for - namely CHfather? If so, I guess we'll just have to color me rude today. Heck you're all indispensable as far as I'm concerned, and when I start trying to name folks like DiamondMaker, Spiny, Jeff, DD in Okieland, Aleyoop, MG, Didgens, Ricardo, Fabac, K-Girl and her jumping jacks...oh the sentimental list just goes on and on, this was just for starters, I probably shouldn't have even attempted to go there.Â
  23. Funny, I never see the show Jeopardy, but this evening it was on, the subject was "continents", and the question was something like "what continent has a population smaller than that of the state of Texas?" Answer: Australia
  24. Man, Texas is like the CH Capital of the World.....not that that would exactly make for a great tourism marketing slogan or anything.Â
  25. Yes, Fabac's words of caution bring us back to DM's question about whether you've tried high flow 100% O2? It has become the preferred abortive over imitrex for a really high percentage of those CH'ers who've tried it, it allows us to detox from imitrex prior to busting, and is a good side effect free replacement in general. Check out the info CHfather has put together on it: https://clusterbusters.org/oxygen-information/
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