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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. J-dad, you've come to the right place, lotsa folks have turned their conditions around courtesy of info gleaned here. I agree with MG about the importance of getting the diagnosis, and would like to add that it is absolutely critical that you go to a genuine headache SPECIALIST neurologist, as chances are any other type of doctor or neurologist won't be informed and will do you wrong. Then if you are diagnosed with CH, maybe don't just automatically go on any pharmaceuticals prescribed, but first carefully consider the non-toxic, more effective solutions often discussed here such as busting, high flow 100% O2, etc. You could find yourself thinking "cursed, shmursed, I've turned the corner on this krap!"Â 8-) OK you might not use those exact words, but I would.Â
  2. That is *stunning* to hear he could make such a turnaround with his CH, thank you for posting this huge blast of hope Tony Only, as disturbing as it also is to hear of the severity of his phatmaceuticial side effects, with prednisone looking like a primary culprit there to me.
  3. My take on this after viewing numerous discussions on it over the years is that yes, you can. A couple other chronics have reported partial success while on the verap, enough to get them off the verap, then full busting success once off of it completely, so it appears to me as if verap could be just a partial busting inhibiter, but not a deal killer. Oh s**t!! Pardon my american, but WTF?! I know what one 3 hr attack in a day is like, but 5 such attacks.....that's just an unimaginable horror to me that is not put-able into words, so I guess I'll stop trying, because they''re all coming out profane. :'( I think this is actually very true - whether it's as simple as a D3 regimen, a truffle growing right there at your feet , occipital facet nerve blocks, etc., something will work.
  4. Echo, really sorry to hear of this terrible escalation. Morphing and worsening of symptoms is unfortunately common enough with CH. Reading the above replies to your post restores for a moment at least my admiration for the potential of the human race , all good stuff. My impression of the CH experience in The Netherlands, from those of you have reported on it here, is purely anecdotal, but it goes like this: 1) FANTASTIC that psilocybin, a long term, preventive much more effective than any prescription drug, is actually available legally in the form of truffles (!). 2) Good support system for chronics unable to work. 3) HORRIBLY ARROGANT AND IGNORANT DOCTORS So anyhoo, regarding busting and fear of bad trips, lots of CH'ers here have reported a tranquilizer taken while dosing - either valium or xanax - is a wonderfully effective bad trip preventive. It's exactly what is given to bad trip sufferers in emergency rooms. That's something I would do if I were you, along with J's set and setting ideas (I'd also be seriously considering CHf's thoughts on looking into the alternate diagnosis of hemicrania continua, and Ajax's mention of ketamine). Can a chronic still be helped by busting? Yes, but it will likely take more doses than it would for an episodic, and full busting success can be more challenging for those in high cycle.
  5. Hi Newfie, I just wanna say you've been receiving spot on advice here, and I strongly agree with all of it including switching to a qualified headache specialist yesterday, as your doctor has made the same old classic prescription mistakes we see countless uninformed doctors making over and over again. For instance, no well CH informed doctor would ever prescribe the oral form of imitrex for CH, it has been widely known forever now by CH'ers and headache specialists to be too slow acting.
  6. Booj, I'm just throwing out ideas here - while you're considering procedures, I'm wondering if you've considered the orders of magnitude less drastic and less risky occipital Facet (emphasis on the FACET) injections that Hipshot/Dan has gained some long lasting relief from? Here's a thread he had started on the subject (it looks like he gained some temporary relief at that time of his first reports. More recently we've heard of his sustained success with it): https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1380388743/0
  7. I think ThatHurts is asking good questions there, and I also agree with CHf that if it were me, I'd try the mamjuana. Well I'd try the mamajuana that is if I was in a place in a cycle where I didn't fear the alcohol content too much, or if I was able to conjure a non alcoholic version, or if had enough confidence that the alocihol in this context wouldn't be a trigger, which happily has been the case with at least one chronic CH'er for whom alcohol normally is a trigger.
  8. Interesting stuff there TryTo, thanks. 8-)
  9. You struck me as an extreme case indeed back in yesteryear Tingeling, so to hear now how well you continue to do is about as inspiring as it can get!! [smiley=thumbup.gif] [smiley=thumbsup.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif] Are you still taking the world by storm in the Crossfit competitions?Â
  10. "WTF" is right. That's thoroughly horrifying to hear of - as common as it is for CH behavior to suddenly and unexpectedly change after many years or decades of predictability, this 5 hour thing is way off the charts. You definitely wouldn’t be the first one who, after 20 + years with CH, finds it necessary to bump up the O2 lpm considerably, and otherwise optimize the delivery with hyperventilation, etc. in order to get it working again, in your case for when those severe whopper attacks hit town. There’s also the thing where some CH’ers find an energy shot/drink right at onset helps the O2 work better. I was thinking if it was me, I’d be going straight back to the busting ASAP (I personally have found vitamin M to be more effective than RC so far, but everyone’s mileage does vary with this and seemingly all things CH related), but re-reading your post, I see you could possibly be near the end of your cycle. So there is a bit of a gamble with busting at this point I suppose, since it's possible your cycle could be ending soon without any busting intervention, and there is the risk of slapbacks from busting, especially when in high cycle. In any event I would be prepared to bust and bust big for prevention before the next cycle, or right at the very first sign of the next one, that being a time where there's high likelihood of busting success, and no real slapback risk as far as I know. It's also common enough for episodics to find their remissions lasting longer after a couple decades with CH, but also for the cycles to become longer, and attacks more severe, if that sounds like a familiar pattern to you. Since you've mosty experienced night time hits, and the afternoon blasters are a newer development, I'll remind this coming weekend please DO NOT RELAX too much. Stay real engaged in something at all times when awake, since the beast loves to hit hardest when we relax. Don't even think for a second of taking an afternoon nap.
  11. Hey there ProjFluff, I wouldnÂ’t be quailfied to guess yay or nay about a CH diagnosis for you, but a genuine headache specialist neurologist (NOT an ordinary garden variety neurologist!) definitely would, and IÂ’d recommend making an appointment with one if possible. Make an appointment to get a diagnosis that is, but proceed with caution when deciding whether to go on any toxic pharmaceutical drugging plan. [Edit: after reading CHf's post I'm remembering to say that if a given attack isn't occurring on just one side of the head, I feel pretty confident it is unlikely to be CH] High flow 100% oxygen can work wonders for aborting CH attacks (see info here: https://clusterbusters.org/?page_id=77). And busting can potentially prevent cluster cycles altogether, with a better success rate than any prescription (see Nat Geo video on busting here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFuL7pcShDk)
  12. Yeah thanks CHf!! So "Alcohol percutaneous neurolysis" is a nerve block using alcohol?....basically you're taking your CH out on a date and getting it drunk?
  13. Bejeeber


    All I can think of is to echo Jerry's sentiments word for word, and I've come to think that "leave no stone unturned" is your middle name Didg! Over the years I've seen a few impressive testimonials for new natural cancer "cures" that don't end up living up to their promise, so I hesitate to go all anecdotal while continuing to harp about CBD here, but FWIW here I go: We talked to a friend of the family recently, and the way I remember it he'd been given a prognosis of a year for his case of lung cancer. That was 15 years ago, he's doing well, and he credits it to the CBD. I think he may have a Youtube video where he recounts his experience - I'm looking into getting the link for that.
  14. Just when you think you're able to predict some of the beast's long established behavior he goes and pulls a completely unexpected switcheroo, like a "rogue hit" for instance. > Well that's what I've seen a hella lotta headbangers report anyway. I think if it was me I'd be preparing to counterpunch with some more busting ASAP.
  15. As far as I'm concerned that's revolutionary to think both aborts and prevention of attacks could be had via natural substances grown right in the home, with much better results and less lingering side effects than any pharmaceutical. OK maybe I shouldn't be quite so dramatic about it since we've known mushroom SPUTs work well for aborting attacks for CH'ers who've tried them, but sheesh your flowering plants are actually legal in your state, and there should be no concern that aborting with them could cause any "shutting the door" interference with busting with L, M, or RC. Sounds like you got a really good thing going there. 8-)
  16. Frankly if I thought I was going back into a cluster cycle (and busting wasn't working for prevention) I think I might be more likely to seek out the Harlequin! I say this just because although I can see the CBD oil is effective for nerve pain, it's been requiring around 6 hits for an effective dose, and I'm afraid that might be too long for me to wait for a CH abort. Although maybe it would be good enough for the initial, not so off the charts, easier to abort attacks that have characterized the very beginning of a cycle for me. Or maybe I'd research into a best quality, faster/easier vaporizer for the CBD... I guess I'm thinking of the time it takes for 6 or more hits of CBD oil to kick in as being like taking an imitrex pill, and 1 to 4 hits of Harlequin potentially being more like an imitrex injection, but hey that's just the noise and wild guesswork rattling around in me noggin at the moment, with admittedly little thought or research put into it. Glad you brought it up though - maybe I could start with seeing how the oil affects a shadow, as I expect to have those randomly pass through now and then.... I'm also trying not to get TOO excited yet about CBD and CH since some CH'ers generally find marijuana to be an actual trigger, and I wouldn't know whether for them that might also apply to the CBD hemp oil or Harlequin. Again, I'm pretty much just free associating with random thoughts here, and very well may change my stance when better informed.
  17. WOWZA. Really, just one hit to knock out an attack? Now THAT sounds economical. You're vaping? And to think residents of certain cities in Colorado can just pop over to the local shop to pick some up. I'd seen that Harlequin is known for for it's high CBD content/therapeutic properties....
  18. Bejeeber


    That is exactly what what I was thinking too (for a high CBD medical marijuana strain such as Harlequin as a treatment for a relative's nerve pain), but upon further investigation it turns out high CBD hemp oil concentrate is legal in all 50 states, since it is non-psychoactive. It's about 21% CBD, 1% THC. I've just updated my ongoing spiel on that subject in this thread here: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1391219173/0#19
  19. OK, reportin' back now because I think there have been some pertinent-ish results with the CBD oil and my relative's nerve pain/mood: 1) the thinner, clearer oil offered pain relief and mood uplift when administered sublingually or vaporized (vaporizing was the more economical route). 2) the thicker "waxy" oil has been the most potent of the 2 versions when vaporized. 3) A way was found to get a wholesale price. I think this has brought the cost for a few good vaped doses spread throughout the day to maybe under $10 total per day, as it is in the 1/4 to 1/3 gram per day range. That still add$ up aplenty but is much better than what was first feared. Any members here interested in how to get the wholesale thing going on for their individual needs can PM me and I'll tell ya what I know.
  20. Ajax knows what he's talking about too - he's not aap-ing around, and his words aren't just a bunch of slagroom.
  21. Bejeeber


    Oh no.....trying not to say sympathy stuff here, but feeling sympathy stuff just the same.... Thank gosh for that aspect! I don't blame you for wondering that, considering what you've been learning lately. Best wishes for that pancoast tumor growth slowing to a halt - and then even reversing course. Now for all I know, non-toxic CBD from our pal Mother Nature is just the next hoped for tumor killer that won't end up panning out, but in my little bit of recent looking around, there's definitely excitement out there regarding it. Here's an abstract: Cannabidiol as potential anticancer drug. Massi P1, Solinas M, Cinquina V, Parolaro D. Author information 1Department of Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Toxicology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy. Abstract Over the past years, several lines of evidence support an antitumourigenic effect of cannabinoids including [ch916](9)-tetrahydrocannabinol ([ch916](9)-THC), synthetic agonists, endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid transport or degradation inhibitors. Indeed, cannabinoids possess anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects and they are known to interfere with tumour neovascularization, cancer cell migration, adhesion, invasion and metastasization. However, the clinical use of [ch916](9)-THC and additional cannabinoid agonists is often limited by their unwanted psychoactive side effects, and for this reason interest in non-psychoactive cannabinoid compounds with structural affinity for [ch916](9)-THC, such as cannabidiol (CBD), has substantially increased in recent years. The present review will focus on the efficacy of CBD in the modulation of different steps of tumourigenesis in several types of cancer and highlights the importance of exploring CBD/CBD analogues as alternative therapeutic agents. © 2012 The Authors. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology © 2012 The British Pharmacological Society. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22506672
  22. This is where I rudely butt into the conversation between you two dutch boys ;D and proclaim that when expecting the CH to start in september, august or earlier can be a very good time to be hitting it heavy with serious busting. The truffles can really shine and work best when consumed before a cycle. They can actually prevent the entire cycle from manifesting for a significant percentage of us (!!). This significantly reduces imitrex costs. I think the fact that you got any results at all with only a 12 hour imitrex detox, and without feeling much in the way of psychoactive effects from the truffles, bodes extremely well for when you bust for real. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  23. I believe that is a point worth emphasizing, since if you enter the lecture hall armed with energy shots in pockets, you can whip one out at the very first twinge of an attack, down it in less than 1 sec while remaining in your seat, and quickly resume verbally challenging the professor as to his qualifications to teach the course, or just carry on with some general heckling if you prefer.Â
  24. Hey Matthijs, Welcome to the US! Other than the medical stuff, I hope you'll like it. You very well might receive insurance through the love of your life's employer (you don't necessarily have to be married), so I'd check on that detail if you haven't already. Some insurers are better than others about covering imitrex, but I think they're the exception to the rule. This long heralded "imitrex tip" will allow you to conserve supply while reducing side effect risk: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1361807077 And you'll be living in the land of the free-to-procure-yourself-some-cheaper-welding-O2, if insurance isn't doing you right with the medical O2. Yeah it looks to me like it is definitely time to be trying out the high flow 100% O2. I understand the psilocybin truffles there can be mild, can I ask if you dosed at a level where you experienced tripping, and did you detox from imitrex for 5 days beforehand? A fantastic thing about the US is that's where some of the helpful folk here such as CHfather (who is known for helping with some critical, even lifesaving details) come from! 8-)
  25. Hi Dave, First of all I'll opine on this: I don't see a particularly compelling reason to entertain that worst case scenario concern just yet. From what I've seen and experienced, the weird morphing of your once predictable CH attacks after 20+ years episodic is actually kinda NORMAL for an episodic. Yep, the CH can take some cuckoo left turns after decades of convincing us it's behavior is ultra reliable, happens all the time. The good news I suppose is that you may even find your remissions extending longer, which happens often enough. Now that your CH has shown it can go into overdrive intensity wise, and/or will return after 90 min, you'll need to hit it with an O2 rig that packs a heavyweight counter punch. we're talking 100% O2 at a higher liter flow, which very likely will be more effective. Here's the good info on that: https://clusterbusters.org/?page_id=77 You also sound to me like one prime candidate for knocking the CH cycles out altogether with busting. Here's a riveting National Geographic segment covering that subject and featuring our forum member Hipshot/Dan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFuL7pcShDk Awright, now I'm going to hit "Post Message" and see whether CHfather has beat me to the punch with a reply. His advice is golden BTW - taking it very seriously can result in tremendous CH relief.Â
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