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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. My money is on DD in the next event. 8-)
  2. Your results for aborting hits are encouraging indeed David, thanks. I imagine the vast majority of CH'ers are multiple hit people when in high cycle, so yeah that "only use it every 12 hours" thing is a wee bummer. It sounds like it could be especially nice if they continue to refine the technology for effectiveness, number of times per day it can be used, etc., but hey your success with 8 out of 9 abort attempts is definitely something to write home about IMO.
  3. Bejeeber

    new user

    That is interesting. I'll go ahead and discuss what subhallucinogenic means to me from my experience busting with vit M.....um just because I have a tendency to blab on about stuff : I've often enough found myself tripping (meaning feeling pretty intoxicated), while still remaining sub-hallucinogenic (no blatant hallucinations with eyes open). So to me Karen D's "I did not get any type of trip from them" can mean another level significantly lower on the dosage effects scale than subhallucinogenic. Not sure what to call that level, "sub-tripping"? Anyhoo, my guess is that most if not all of the "22 (42%) of the 53 subjects who reported partial or complete efficacy from subhallucinogenic doses of psilocybin or LSD" did actually feel some sort of tripping/intoxication.
  4. Bejeeber

    new user

    I don't have a guess about why "no trip", but for you to have obtained CH prevention results without tripping like that - it sounds like you've struck gold - CONGRATS! If you hadn't had the therapeutic results I'd probably be asking if you'd been on any blocking meds such as prednisone or triptans, and if you had taken a large enough dose, say at least 1g dry powder.
  5. This is super interesting stuff to me - thanks CLS89 for your observations. So at this point, given a choice between the 4-aco-dmt and shrooms for busting, would you have a preference?
  6. Interesting article there Ricardo, thanks.
  7. I'd like to chime in with positive holiday wishin's from Gnashville to everybuddy here. [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]
  8. It sure is good to see all the excellent advice you're getting here Art. The tried, tested and widely adopted partial trex doses and power user O2 approaches for aborts, plus the busting for prevention - I'm hoping these could revolutionize your CH experience. Certainly the busting has done just that for some former chronics around here.Â
  9. [Edit: CHfather snuck his post in while I was still composing mine. Good thing, because he knows his stuff and lays it out clearly. ] Hi Art. Just a couple off the cuff opinions from me, and I too will be interested in what others have to say: 1) RC (Rivea Corymbosa) seeds are entirely legal to order and possess in the US, so those could be a good place to start for busting. The only way I can think of to be busted for those would be if you were to flag down a cop and say "hey I know you've never heard of these RC seeds, but they are in fact technically illegal to ingest, and look I'm gobbling them down RIGHT NOW ooh yum yum YUM!". 2) I haven't heard of anyone being arrested in connection with busting for CH. The couple of police officers I know who are CH'ers have opined that law enforcement has much bigger fish to go after and aren't at all likely to be stalking people just trying to deal with what is probably the most excruciatingly painful condition known.
  10. Besides all those possible triggers, I figure you can officially make this number 6: ..because the relaxation right after a load has been taken off is known to be an especially prone time for some CH'ers (and migraineurs). That list reads like a bit of a perfect storm alright. Don't be doing that! You're clearly a super concerned, good parent, seeking out solutions, so I think vigorously patting yourself on the back would be a more appropriate activity at this juncture. ;D
  11. What they said, plus regarding the thing about the assistant.... It's sad to know that there are such willfully ignorant sloth bags (a term I just coined ) out there that will "inform" a patient about a condition without even bothering to know the first thing about it. Sigh, such lower life forms can make extremely difficult situations even more so. And they actually get paid for it (??!!). I'm outa cycle, so tell ya what: if you like, I'll take over all the hating and heaping of scorn on these medical idiots you had the highly unenviable misfortune of encountering, while you forget about 'em, let 'em go (so their ignorance no longer has a lingering, damaging effect on your psyche), and you can just focus on seeking out some better informed medical professionals - apparently there are some out there.
  12. You HOH mofos are astoundingly magnifico.
  13. Just wondering - is that BB in the front row wearing a suit, and is he flipping the bird? I hope so - someone needs to do that in every class picture. ;D
  14. Double kudos to our Tony/Jeff dynamic duo for the wiki inspection and fixin'! [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  15. I'd wish to go on record confirming that I love it. [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]
  16. Nyquil gel tabs....hmmm I'm going to look into those. 8-) I suppose it's the "Doxylamine succinate 6.25 mg (Antihistamine)" I see in the active ingredient list that is responsible for taking that edge off (just as some find with Benadryl--diphenhydramine) unless it also interacts somehow with the Dextromethorphan.....?
  17. Maybe he should eat some MUSHROOMS . But seriously Bryce, what we really wanna see is him not having an episode at all, which is possible, and which is something plenty of CH'ers here have accomplished. Some others here may have good ideas on what your dad could munch on, but in the meantime here's some good interesting busting starter info IMO (a Newsweek article on cluster busting and a video talk on the same subject by Bob Wold): http://www.newsweek.com/treating-cluster-headaches-psychedelic-drugs-81473 http://vimeo.com/10918637
  18. YAYYYY!! BOOOO. Potter is one long time veteran knowledgeable CH'er if there ever was one, so I know his assertion about sub-hallucinogenic dose must be true in some cases at least, but there is an alternate take on that: Some of us have actually found that lower, less immersive doses. say 1.5g, have us riddled with anxiety (it's very common), whereas the doses that get just into hallucinogenic-ville, 2g and above, are more carefree and enjoyable, counter-intuitive as that is. Now lots of us have had the same experience as you (great CH results, plenty of anxiety during the bust), and it has definitely been discussed here. Instead of going back to a higher dose, I plan next time to try another approach that several of our fellow busters have taken to rid themselves of busting induced anxiety from vitamin M: Take a valium or xanax. From what others have reported so far, it apparently doesn't hinder the effectiveness of the bust. Here's one thread dedicated to the subject: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?action=print;num=1359056938
  19. I found that particular link to be broken when I tried it, but hydergine sure sounds interestinger'n all git out. I personally don't recall seeing it mentioned here before, but upon searching the CB site here I found it referred to in a Cluster Headache, Dreaming & Neurogenesis article. https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/yabbfiles/Attachments/CH__Dreaming___Neurogenesis.pdf So I imagine it has been tried for CH.......?
  20. I don't know that it's always strictly "governments" who are entirely responsible for the stupidity (well in democracies anyway). Society, human nature, etc., appear to me to also be big factors in the stigmas revolving around hallucinogens, at least in the US. There was a big public outcry and demand for these to be made illegal, and the government responded. Just my $.02 that it's not always just them (the government), but there can also also be a component of us (John Q Public) having participated in the stupidity. If popular opinion was on the side of legalizing medical use of psilocybin mushrooms etc. today (I don't think it is) I suppose there would be referendums legalizing it, as we're seeing with marijuana.
  21. I don't know much about it, but FWIW, people here have definitely reported taking Xanax with their mushroom busting dose (for prevention of mushroom induced anxiety), and not having it interfere with the efficacy of their bust. So that part is encouraging anyway.Â
  22. Glad to hear about the god doc experience, and agreed it can make a big difference! Just reading that made my blood pressure go up 50 points right now. > Sorry Vickie, I'm not remembering if you've had the imitrex injections in the past? I know I'm right on the same wavelength as CHSurvivor regarding how worthwhile it is to pursue the partial dose approach. I'm one of the lucky ones who feels no side effects at all from the injections. I hope that's the case for you too (I do share the same concern as so many others about imitrex potentially causing CH rebounds though).
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