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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. I've always taken mine right before bed, and have always gotten them from Iamshaman. There was a certain batch that would consistently cause me to experience just about exactly one minute of nausea before falling asleep, but the latest batch I got has caused no nausea. Like others who I've seen comment over at CH.com, I find I sleep well while under the influence of 45-50 seeds, and am not aware of any tripping sensations. I thought I saw someone remark that green was a good color for them, denoting freshness...? More recently I try to weed out any black ones. In the past couple of years the RC I've been ordering hasn't seemed to be doing much of anything for me, so I'm now wondering if it is a potency issue. I found it necessary to go to the "big guns" (psilocybe) when my shadows continued to escalate over the summer, threatening to launch into a full blown episode, and that knocked 'em down good. Now that a few mild shadows are popping up I figured I might try the RC again for the heckuvit, since there's no big sense of urgency at the moment.
  2. Thanks Bonkers/MJ/Kaboom. Well dagnabbit! > MJ - did you conclude that there were no alkaloids based on their lack of effect after ingestion, or by some scientific laboratory-ish kinda testing? Kaboom - have you felt any results from the ones ordered from psychoactiveherbs.com?
  3. ...."very mild and quickly aborted with O2"... YES! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
  4. Incredible article and video! "once I thought I was pitching a baseball to Jimi Hendrix, who to me was holding a guitar and swinging it over the plate"
  5. Any advice on who offers the best quality RC seeds in the US? I remember seeing someone talk awhile back about how they found a vendor with especially "fresh" RC seeds, but I'm not pulling up anything about it when I try to go back and search it out.....
  6. Whoa - I was just wishing that such a thing existed today, since my wife aborts migraines with energy drinks, but responds badly to the aspartame or sugar - thanks for the hedzup davidj! Gonna go see if it can be ordered online.....
  7. The never wishing it on anyone thought has certainly occurred to me too, especially when at high cycle. That does sound like a brutal, brutal night. > Please just ignore this next bit if I or others have already been over it with you ad naseum, but I'm trying to remember if you've tried the "Batch" PH optimization, or hyperventilation for max O2 effectiveness?
  8. Does Monster even come in the smaller sizes like Red Bull does? Those big 'ol Monster size cans seem like too much liquid to me sometimes when I'm not even dang thirsty! As far as taste goes, I think they're all freekin' delicious! And I drink the sugar free. Guess I'm not exactly a fine connoisseur - would probably make a lousy wine taster.Â
  9. Very very relieved to hear that your hubby is getting sustained relief now after that most extreme trial by fire, Angel. And same goes for you and your incredible 42 days in a row now after having been chronic Cindy!!Â
  10. Yeah that's been my experience. Short break from CH. Permanent side effects (due to staying longer at a high dose than is ordinarily advised). Please don't get any hopes up for steroids (we're talking prednisone here) enabling you to never have a cluster again.
  11. Oh my lord that is AWESOME. How did you know I'm the world's most fanatical spoonerism zealot? (I even consider myself to be the originator of the "self answering spooner riddle" - if that is geeky enough for you) I wish I woulda thought of FusterClucks!! Or Bejeeber and the Gnashville Fuster Cluckers 8-)
  12. It's a crazy thing to laugh about, but I have to admit I just did. It might be time to form a band to perform a complete arrangement of this new hit song - but what could the band possibly be called other than "The ClusterF**kers"?.Â
  13. Well the Newsweek article was a step in the right direction for sure, but I agree that Oprah, CNN, 60 minutes, etc. would be really good. Maybe with an emphasis on the potential of BOL in order to get awareness and public sentiment going in the direction of getting that fully tested and hopefully proven and approved.
  14. ;D ;D Apparently a creative burst can be a side effect of mushrooms - or has Hipshot always been that way? 8-)
  15. I'm sure I'd be going back to Zomig for awhile too Angel, if I was in your hubby's critical situation with the CH. So glad that you're not giving up. With that attitude my money says you WILL find a good way out of this sh**storm.
  16. Hi Frozen1, All I can add is that with my own limited experience with 1.5 - 2 grams of dry shrooms, I too had a stronger trip than expected. Definitely beyond "minor effects".
  17. WOW!! THAT IS A GINORMOUS HONKLOAD ALRIGHT!!  Well in my book it is at least - 2g can knock me for a loop.
  18. Whoa! Well that teaches me something. I didn't realize - is good to know.
  19. OK well that REALLY really sucks. > Sorry to hear how things are going there right now. Is O2 still helping to abort any of the hits? There are certainly others around here who can respond more authoritatively than I, but personally I wouldn't put too much hope in seeds alone (which I consider the "little guns") when mushrooms (the big guns) aren't working. I remember in the Bonkers saga how seeds did nothing for Michael, mushrooms did something, and now LSD seems to really be doing something. Maybe someone would like to chime in on whether shrooms plus seeds would be something to try at this point?
  20. I just want to mention here that cheap and crude magnesium oxide has always made any of my magnesium deficiencies worse, whereas mag citrate or other forms such as chelated magnesium have helped. My wife has the opposite reactions to these forms of magnesium. So for people like my wife and myself it unfortunately may take some trial and error to find the right type.
  21. Hi Val, About the oxygen - it doesn't work for a lot of us until administered in the newer, much more effective manner. I know that after the first week of an episode when the intensity of my hits are just starting to ramp up, O2 at 8 to 10 LPM as commonly prescribed by idiots neurologists does NOTHING for me. BUT, since I have adopted the high liter flow / non rebreather mask approach that idiots doctors are universally unaware of, O2 suddenly becomes an effective abortive (for me this requires a really large reservoir bag and hyperventilating at a whopping 45 LPM!). Many many many others are finding similar results. Since you are in such a precarious position with these severe CH attacks, if you can afford it, I'm thinking you might benefit from a demand valve system, which could both simplify and optimize your high flow O2 use. If you've already tried this high flow O2 and still aren't getting 100% results, then drinking an energy drink with a lot of caffeine and taurine right at the onset of the attack is reputed to "help the O2 work better/longer". Also, there's an O2 guru over at CH.com by the name of Batch who is making the case for optimizing your PH in order to allow the O2 to work most effectively. This seems very easy and harmless, and very much worth a try to me. Here's a quote from one of Batch's posts at the CH.com forum where he details the recipe: "....when I go into a high cycle, I take 3 to 4 calcium citrate tablets with vitamin D, magnesium and zinc washed down with fresh homemade lemonade. This regimen acts as a buffer on the gastric juices in the stomach with the ultimate result, an elevation in arterial pH as measured with pH test strips that show my saliva pH has risen... This regimen also breaks my high cycles in 12 to 24 hours... Hope this helps." He considers an elevated arterial pH to really help the O2 do it's thing. Here's the link to the full thread this came from where he supplies charts (you'll find his post with his characteristic giant font at the bottom of the thread): http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1276030335/3
  22. Hi Valerie, Sorry you're experiencing this hell. A few things occur to me: 1) You might want to try lower dose injections of imitrex - they still work! Here are the details: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/imitrex.html 2) Imitrex and other meds are believed to block the effects of psilocybin. Is there any chance you could get oxygen and administer it as outlined in the link below for aborting your attacks, allowing you to detox from the meds, so the psilocybin will have a chance to work for you? http://www.clusterheadaches.com/O2/index.html 3) I've never heard about the truffles. It sure would be nice if you could get some actual mushrooms. 4) You're english is good. Way better than my Italian, which consists of a few words such as "pizza", "spaghetti" and "lasagna". :-[
  23. Glad you didn't get flattened out Denny! I don't know if I've ever been in a better mood when out doing yard work than I was last year just prior to the arrival of some twisters in the area. I was unaware of the impending weather conditions, but I should've realized something was up because those negative ions can really go supercharged and make ya feel like dancin'. Generally though I have found twisters to be a major freekin' NUISANCE, especially when the sirens are going off at 4 AM, and you're having to decide whether to take shelter. > Not that that compares at all whatsoever to the experience of people who are on the wrong end of a direct hit. And I would recommend that anyone in tornado country check the radar and forecasts before launching a cluster bust.Â
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