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Everything posted by Racer1_NC

  1. I'm arriving Friday...will have a couple of 25 lpm regs to loan out if needed.......
  2. I was beginning to think it was me...thanks guys.
  3. Offer accepted......hotel won't answer a ringing phone.... Registration paid.......now to book a flight.....
  4. there are several harbor freight locations in and near phoenix, and i think oxygen tanks can also be rented there. this regulator is a bit more expensive than one bought on ebay (about $10-$15 more), but the advantage of getting and using it right away might very well be worth those extra bucks. as i remember from postings here by other folks, this regulator doesn't have a specific lpm gauge, but can be adjusted just based on consistently filling the bag attached to the mask. please correct me, racer (or anyone), if i'm wrong about any of this -- want to be sure christina is as fully informed and prepared as possible. do you recall whether you also need to have/buy a big wrench in order to fully tighten it? You are correct......and yes, a large wrench is needed for tighten the reg to the tank.
  5. Best welding regulator for the money for our use.... http://www.harborfreight.com/oxygen-regulator-94846.html
  6. From Wikipedia: And from '>http://www.prolonews.com/migraines.htm : While I have learned to discount nothing....or near nothing anyway....I do have a hard time seeing how this approach could work on CH. As stated, he was probably at the end of a cycle when this approach was taken. As far as a spokesperson goes, if he thinks that worked for him, I doubt he'd steer people towards anything else.
  7. I have no problem viewing the forum with my smartphone....
  8. Personally I'd give up food before I'd give up O2. Party materials or relief from CH pain? No contest. Edit to add:Verap and seeds play together for me as well.
  9. If that is the case, you give considerably more for seeds than I ever have.....
  10. If you have insurance that will pay for the O2, fill the script as written, then buy your own mask and regulator to obtain the flow rate you need.
  11. Increasing the flow rate may help lower your abort times....
  12. Many use a pepper grinder......it seems to suit the purpose rather well.
  13. Just to clear up something, a moderator on Ch.com can not "throw us off". Only the site owner can do that. Debate without personal attacks is encouraged. I would like to add that when a user (old or noob) makes a statement, others can and will question that statement at times. Painting with broad brushes isn't always the best way to argue a point. Just sayin.....
  14. I'll be looking for ya........
  15. I don't know who told you that nor do I care, but the vast majority of people I know "over there" are more than open to the "alternates" and a fair amount use or have used them. I think the problem is that most people these days come off like they have a monopoly on the truth and argue as such. That applies to both sides of any issue. I've taken my lumps "over there" but nothing has compared to being disparaged as a group on the other sites that have sprung up. Don't wonder why some don't cross the bridges like I do. Some don't like what's said when people think they aren't looking....and many because of their station in society CAN'T announce publicly what works for them. I for one won't jepordize everything my life holds just to make others feel good about what they do in theirs, but rest assured I've sent more people to look at this treatment than many of you that post daily. Go ahead......make the divide greater. That will help us all. Just remember....nothing works for everyone....even what works for you. B
  16. Slide by Thursday or Friday and say hi.......
  17. Next weekend comes to mind.......<cough, cough>
  18. I am attempting to make this work but it couldn't come on a worse week for more than one reason. If I can, I will be there. If not.......well.....
  19. Of course there is the option of not giving a damn what others think.......
  20. Quit if you want to, but it doesn't appear to help rid one's self of CH.
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