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Everything posted by Racer1_NC

  1. I tell them I have Clusters, so my assessment of pain levels will reflect that fact.
  2. If you do decide to come off Verapamil, TAPER down. Don't go cold turkey.
  3. Cheap. old lady perfume and lacquer thinner. Anywhere near a cycle those mean instant hit. No wondering, no waiting.
  4. If asked, just tell them you have always wanted to learn how to weld, and your buddy said he'd teach you if you'd buy some of the supplies. I doubt they'd question further.
  5. I tried it here before posting it up just to be sure it would work like I expected. I have no way to measure the end flow rate, but you can rest assured it will make a very noticeable difference in what you get at your mask. My subjective observation is that it seemed to be at least 25lpm. A quality mask will make a large difference in your abort times as well.
  6. Yeah, it doesn't look like it offers any easy method of modification. BOC might raise some hell if they found out a customer was tampering with the valve.
  7. They tell me my flight over has activities available to help pass the time.
  8. Now that thing is a new one to me....just a wild guess would be a very over engineered built in regulator. Ainsley could answer if DJ is sending any masks over for the UK conference. If nothing has been arranged, I would be glad to bring a few over if a need exists. Knowing that any built-in regulator I've seen from the UK has a 15lpm max flow, I've sourced some "Y" connectors and some short tubing for a work around for those that want a higher flow than 15lpm. If one has access to more than one tank it will increase flow to your mask. Referencing the picture below, you'll find it's rather simple. Hook to both tanks and regulate the flow as needed. I plan to bring some of these to the UK, but the\ parts are available on Amazon for a few bucks.
  9. Kiss of death around here..... Much rather take a cussing.
  10. Pressure in the tank is less so it won't flow as much no matter what the regulator setting.
  11. That would be a "normal night" for me when in cycle. Sleep is a big trigger for me so I don't look at as "rebounds"....more like it's just the next one coming. Try staying on the O2 a little longer after the abort. Some report good results doing that. Worth a try.
  12. For me each cycle has been different. Most times 5-10 minutes is all it takes. However..... there have been cycles where aborting took longer than the norm. Personal best, if you can call it that, was over 2 hours using more that 2 E tanks and 2 Zomig nasal sprays. A version of hell on earth if there has ever been such. Frequency and abort time dictate volume. How long are aborts taking now vs. past experience?
  13. Cluster Mask from clusterheadaches.com. HERE I'm sure DJ will ship anywhere but the cost will be increased to cover it. This is the best mask out there that I know of.
  14. The regulators I've seen like that haven't been high flow. I could be wrong, I certainly have not seen everything. CCH....what country do you reside in? Yes, tanks can be heavy. There are different sizes available in the US. Perhaps an inquiry to your supplier could give you a better idea of what they carry. The chart below will help you with the different sizes. As CH father has stated, better masks are available and provided a link. I urge you to check them out. I'm sure shipping out of the US can be arranged. Better regulators are also available from various sources. A Amazon example that would fit your tank. The concentrator you mentioned wouldn't be a good fit for you trying to abort a CH. Not enough flow rate and not pure O2. Bill
  15. I've not been in cycle for a few years now and O2 is my primary abortive when I am. I have not used a triptan in very, very long time, but I still carry one in my pocket everywhere. I will not be caught out and get slapped around again. They have a place in our treatment plan but IMHO they should not be a primary abortive. The more you use them, the more you need to use them. People may deny that, but they are only fooling themselves.
  16. On a mask with no bag the waste comes in when you exhale. With no bag to fill the O2 vents to the room while you exhale.
  17. I had a D tank in a nylon carry bag that I took to work every day while in cycle for years. I shared an office with 2 others who knew what the deal was, and they were on board. One day I got a visit from the "safety department" and was told in no uncertain terms I could NOT bring "that tank" into the building anymore. I tried every angle and the best I could do was "go to the medical department and use theirs". Never mind that they were a literal 10 minute walk from my office. A director 2 levels up heard about the whole affair and took up my cause. The answer was still no and that pissed her off to huge degree. Long story short.....she told me to go to my car ANYTIME I needed O2 (only a couple minutes away) and if anyone said anything negative about me doing that, I should refer them to her. I never heard a word after that. Some people think O2 tanks are just short of tactical nukes. It's hard to get around that sometimes.
  18. Carried an e tank to Pikes peak.....no issues to report.
  19. More than likely the tank had a small leak either from the regulator, connection or the internal tank seal.
  20. Pictures don't convey the experience adequately. I'm sure there are more photos on Facebook. I encourage everyone to make the trip next year.....Orlando, FL I believe is the location.
  21. It's a cheap person's way of beating the system. I find refilling smaller D tanks works well. I will have this rig and a couple more in Chicago for people to look over. I may do a refill demo....really haven't decided yet. If there is enough of an interest, we may tackle it in away from my regular demo.
  22. Using high gear might shorten drive times.......
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