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To elaborate "breathing air or oxygen at pressures greater than normal atmospheric pressure" That tank is full of compressed air, higher than normal atmospheric pressure. In high LPM that stream of air is coming out fast, and in a closed circuit like the mask, its still expanding in your lungs when you inhale, the pressure in the bag alone is greater than surrounding air pressure.

To say you cant hyperventalate on 15LPM is nonsense. I have done it before, you can hyperventilate just by breathing your surrounding air. The hands cramp, tongue feels fat, tingly all over, ears ring, blood vessels in your hands and arms shrink and constrict.

Back before O2 when I used Trex, there were times Id hyperventilate after the shot, and end up breathing in a paper bag to balance out co2 levels since my hands and legs would cramp up to the point I couldnt move them. I remember paramedics being called for me and I couldnt even talk to them it was so bad

Perhaps I breathe differently on my mask, I dont panic and huff like a mad man, slow deep calm breathing. Even at kip8 or better I try to maintain it. But rarely does it get that high, first sign of pain my tank is on. If it does get that bad, I'm likely to be rolling on the floor and too busy blowing snot from my nose, wiping the sweat from my brow, soaking up the tears while screaming and begging for death to have the mask on anyways.

To each his own.

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Let's not confuse the issue for kristikay!!!

The recommendation for 25lpm is based on the fact that 15lpm does not supply enough O2 for many, while 25lpm will supply enough for most. :) 15plm is the minimum flow I have seen and heard stated as effective. Why waste your money on buying two regulators when you find that you empty the bag at 15lpm????

Just because you have the 25plm flow does not mean that you need that flow at all times or for the entire session. But, when you need it, you need it. Dial it up or down as your situation demands.

I think we all agree that a non-rebreather is necessary. Correct? Also, that a nose cannula is not effective the same as an O2 concentrator is not. Neither supply 100% O2 to breathe.

The bone of contention seems to be the total flow available, right? Some say 15lpm is sufficient and many say it is not, correct? Well. I would hate to acquire a 15lpm only to find that my breathing out-runs the supply and I have to get another regulator!!!! >:( It would be a waste of time and possibly a waste of money.

The discord is confusing and not helpful.


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I think we all agree that a non-rebreather is necessary. Correct? Also, that a nose cannula is not effective the same as an O2 concentrator is not. Neither supply 100% O2 to breathe

The generic non-re breather doesnt supply 100% oxygen, it has vents on the side that allow outside air. For the best shot at success with oxygen, O2ptimask is the answer.


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I think we're talking potatoe.... Potooootoe..  ;)

I can't hyperventalate at 15lpm simply because my lung capacity is too great.  I only get a partial breath by the time the bag is empty.  Ability to hyperventalate is based on each persons physiology.

The question around Oxygen toxcicity is only for divers under greater than sea level pressures.  There is no oxygen toxicity at sea level, it's a completely separate issue.  Breathing O2 at sea level for too great of a length of time deplets your lungs of nitrogen, which is essential for keeping the alveoli in your lungs filled and functioning.  (I breathe mixed gasses exclusively EAN or NITROX while diving)

I posted a long thread on this subject some time back.

Atelectasis is the condition where one actually suffocates on 100% O2.  Very brief explanation:


Ever had to cough to clear your lungs after breathing 100% O2 for an extended period?  That was mucus plugs your body created due to Nitrogen Washout.  It's best to come off the O2 and cough (with a fresh air breath for some Nitrogen) if staying on O2 for extended periods beyond 20 mins.



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All you need to get is.....love, 02, headbangerz rule.....happy huffin. Kiss

Right on BB!!!!!!!!!!! [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif]

Don't they use nitrus (sp) in cars for that extra speed boost? Well, something like it anyway. Flip the switch and get the boost till it runs out.  :) My limited knowledge is showing isn't it?  ::)

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I ALWAYS recommend the Optimask!!! It is inexpensive and the BEST! :)

Seems like it has been posted a while back that you can cover those vents so that you get effective relief until you get the Optimask.

Cheers!!!!!!! :)

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How so?

just by the purity of the oxygen, isnt welding o2 like 97% where as liquid medical is 99%? could just be going out on a limb, but for whatever reason those numbers are in my head

sorry for jacking this thread, its way off topic  :-[


apparently i was mis- informed, the only difference in medical to welding is the moisture content, my hypothesis is null and void, sorry for that

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Actually moisture content is an old difference between welding, aviation and medical O2 (before modern O2 concentrators / membrane separators were standardized).  Welding and medical are exactly the same now (accept for the chain of custody of the cylinder / pressure vessel)

It's now common to refill aircraft from welding O2 tanks.  and the FAA doesn't bann it, so if the government (as picky as they are) says it's ok, well...  It's ok...  Because if they found so much as a microbe in welding O2 they'd bann the snot out of it for aircraft use.


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Thanks for the info guys.  [smiley=thumbup.gif]

My o2 supplier (medical) gave me crap about my use and said he had to charge me more. I told him I'd just go get welding o2, and he proceeded to tell me they weren't the same and the purities were different and his o2 was of a better grade. Guess one will say/do anything these days to make a buck... typically off the sick and hurting.

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Just to throw in my 2 cents.  Instead of getting the 6m injectors of imetrex, Adam gets 5 viles and syringes.  This way he can inject the amount he needs.  Our doc had no problem giving an Rx for this.  It saves a lot of trex and $'s too.

He also uses verap, goody powders, red bull, mountain dew and, primarily, O2.

Wish you well, sorry to hear that this came back to visit.  Hopefully, it will be a short visit.


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Dale Ernhart used to sell that stuff...I have both med and welding 02. Same stuff, different bottle.  Optimask in every room. Central 02 , I just keep the tank full outside.  Then there is another rig in the shop, car......finally there is the concentrator for the cpap......02 is my savior.

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What are "goody powders"?

Dale Ernhart used to sell that stuff

Just postulating here, but I tend to think of CHfather as a little more of the Jeopardy contestant type as opposed to the NASCAR fan type, so maybe that's why he doesn't know what "goody powders" are.  ;D :D

Heck I haven't followed NASCAR myself, so that's probably why I too don't know what goody powders are.  :D

And I was definitely never qualified to be a jeopardy contestant, so I guess I just don't know jack about squat. ;D Well there's the imitrex tip - I totally know about the imitrex tip!  :-?

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Goody powders are kind of like a powdered, caffinenated, headache reliever.  Adam downs 2 or 3 with a red bull or mountain dew at the onset.  Then get on the o2 and hopes for the best.  If after about 5 mins it isn't better, he goes for the imitrex.

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Richard Petty, thats the guy.....headaches from runnin shine.

Runnin' shine causes headaches??? :-?   I am going to have to quit my side job if this is true......

Goodies are alright,  I like them and do the same thing as Adam.  Toss one in the mouth and chug and energy drink.  I don't know if it help my headache but I like the way it tastes and the way it fizzes in my mouth.  I have also been known to chew four asprin and chug an energy drink,  its the same thing as goodies powder and cheaper.

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Still don't have a nonrebreather mask but I should have one tomorrow.  The oxygen is helping but I only have e tanks and I go through them very fast.  I'm hoping when I have the right mask it will work better.  If I catch the headache fast enough I take an imitrex pill, drink a red bull and then inhale O2.  It's only costing me $40 a day! (Yes their is sarcasm there)

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