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Is anyone NOT triggered by alcohol?


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I hear a lot of talk about alcohol being a trigger but I have not found that to be the case with me. I have been diagnosed with cluster variant and I do not, and never have, suffered multiple acute headache attacks in one day. I live with a constant "shadow" which will, at times, gradually escalate to a kip 8 or 9. Based on the kip scale, I don't think I ever had a 10. I humbly admit I don't appear to be in the same league as some of you as far as pain levels. Don't get me wrong, when I get hit hard, it's just awful and can last for hours. I have found that I can drink several beers and maybe throw in a shot of tequila and I don't get triggered. Is everyone here on the wagon when in a cycle?

Just curious  8-)



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If in cycle - I will not touch alcohol in any way shape or form

Out of cycle - meet me at the bar!

Since I've been pain free for a little over four years using the seeds, the bar is probably where you would want to meet me.


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Alcohol kicks my ass when im in cycle, hasnt done anything to me out of cycle that I know of or started any up.  But what I DO remember about alcohol when I was in cycle is that they gave me the worst hits ive ever had in my life.  Alcohol scares me to the point that I havent drank in decades.

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My husband has been chronic since the first attack in 2003.  In the beginning, alcohol was not a trigger.

He began taking Verapamil and Lithium in 2007.  It worked for 2 1/2 years and he could drink alcohol with no problem. 

In January this year, the Verapamil and Lithium stopped working and alcohol also became a trigger.

He started bustin in April and had the first drink since January last Saturday night.  No headache ;D

Lee Ann

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Cant wait to get past this cycle as alcohol is a big trigger for me.  I can actually taste my first beer, it is already picked out and the glass is sitting on the bar waiting patiently.  Will find its way to the freezer when I am ready.

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Cant wait to get past this cycle as alcohol is a big trigger for me.  I can actually taste my first beer, it is already picked out and the glass is sitting on the bar waiting patiently.  Will find its way to the freezer when I am ready.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of beer is it? Sorry, I am a total beer snob

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Cant wait to get past this cycle as alcohol is a big trigger for me.  I can actually taste my first beer, it is already picked out and the glass is sitting on the bar waiting patiently.  Will find its way to the freezer when I am ready.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of beer is it? Sorry, I am a total beer snob

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  • 1 month later...

HELL YES when I am in a cycle alcohol is a trigger for me!! That is how I can tell when I'm going to start a cycle. I drink one beer or glass of wine and I get my first shadows of the year. I then know the beast is going to come knocking soon. I have had my Kip 10's triggered by alcohol for the most part. I am SOOOO looking forward to busting this one so that I can take that first gulp of the season!! MMMMMM BEER!

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