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Uff so I'm sick. Sore throat started last night I thought it was because I left the window open for my older lab but no. Almost 9 pm here and still a Sore throat after peppermint tea all day and body ache I did increase the d and c but feel yuck. Shadowing bad anything else I should increase or just ride it out??

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Increase what? As for the immune system, echinacea is proven to be pseudoscience. Stay heavy on Vitamin D, and go up to 800mg in divided doses with the magnesium. I would push it higher if necessary. I don't know the exact amount that can be absorbed in one dose, but I would not push more than 400mg at a time. 

With ascorbic acid, your body can't process it or much, because it is synthetic and derived from GMO corn. Try eating fruits loaded with C or a plant-based C.

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I hope that you feel better. Most will argue otherwise, but I will blast several journals, 500mg of APAP and 800mg of ibuprofen can be as potent as hydromorphone. Most opioid analgesics-surprise, surprise-are placebo power. Don't use Naproxen. It must be ibuprofen.

The downside of this approach is that prolonged use destroys microbiomes, gut walls, the gut, and hepatic. Go easy. If that works, though I am strongly against it, bacoflin, tizanidine, and Mobiq all seem to help in the people that respond to the aforementioned.

I am stating a fact and don't have answers just witnessing in more than a handful of people. It doesn't work often, BUT, when it does, lights out. Tizanidine will make you high off your ass, and knock you out. And baclofen doesn't fare much better. Voltaren targets both inflammatory markers, but it appears an expensive pharmaceutical gimmick. Meloxicam is best. Stay away from the Cox 2 Celebrex, the black box for strokes is there for a reason. Danger ranger, and it doesn't do a damn thing.

I hope that you feel better. Sometimes rest is best. My new doctors agree that knocking yourself out is the best option when in pain (FYI).

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I will be called the voodoo doctor and cooking up witchcraft for this one, but I refuse to use any OTC pain reliever, and Asprin is nasty, BUT, white willow bark extract (the precursor to Aspirin) is safe and has strong, superior analgesic properties. 

Here is something from the International Journal of Pharmacology


Here is the product


Butterbur regulates the Calcium Channel strikingly similar to drugs such as Toprimate (Topamax), without all the pernicious side effects. You need two 50mg doses a day. The link I provided will give you 75mg per day. It contains Feverfew, which in RTCs is more Bipolar than I am. In seriousness, the data is conflicting and impossible to discern. I would take one a day and not push it.

As stated, the Butterbur works better than toprimate, it just doesn't have a pharmaceutical industry touting it. I hope that this helps.


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5 hours ago, Juss said:

Try Collard Greens. The secret is lard. 

:lol: Yup, From the bacon that is added to mine.

5 hours ago, Juss said:

500mg of APAP and 800mg of ibuprofen can be as potent as hydromorphone. Most opioid analgesics-surprise, surprise-are placebo power. Don't use Naproxen. It must be ibuprofen.

Agreed!! Easy too. For the Ibuprofen, over the counter ones are 200mg. A 'therapeudic' dose is 800mg. So, double the OTC dose, just like anything that has gone from prescription to OTC. They whack it in half so people won't 'over do' it. 

And I also have used some of the suggestions Juss pointed out in the herbal treatment suggestions he mentioned. Some of that stuff has been in continuous use for eons it seems. After all original aspirin came from one!

I hope that you feel a lot better soon!!! Did you get exposed to the flu or something?


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And @spinyshared the real secret to cooking greens, but I don't eat bacon much because I have Scrapple. And not that nasty Rappa from Bridgeville, Hughes Delaware Made. That comes from lower slower Delaware, a different world than the president is from. Anyway, eat Scrapple it will make you happy. You fry the outer and leave it mushy on the inner. Cook it with some yardbird, and I better stop I'm getting hungry.

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12 hours ago, Juss said:

I hope that you feel better. Most will argue otherwise, but I will blast several journals, 500mg of APAP and 800mg of ibuprofen can be as potent as hydromorphone. Most opioid analgesics-surprise, surprise-are placebo power. Don't use Naproxen. It must be ibuprofen.

.....APAP, as the saying goes "don't do squat" for me much to the consternation of my back doc....careful of the NSAIDs if you are on blood thinners. Naproxen was the only thing that helped me with shadows (nothing for a full hit), when not even O2 or triptans worked for what i called "ha bruises".... 

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@BoscoPiko if you indeed have a cold virus, let's hope it's the one going around that I had a couple weeks ago, because it lasted a short (for me) 6 days then gone, never got super severe ,with none of the fairly typical (for me) bronchitis complications.

When a cold gets a real foothold past the first day, my experience with trying to do anything about it with immune bolstering this that or the other, is "don't even bother, the virus just laughs at that". But that could just be my jaded and cynical attitude after so many complete past fails. :D


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16 hours ago, Juss said:

Increase what?

Hi Juss,

I was referring to increasing my vitamin D3 and vitamin C an I'm pretty sure I just have a good old common cold. I had read on here that the D3 levels get depleted when you are under the weather. I do take zinc and omega 3 along with a bunch of other supplements on a daily. I already looked up the omega you suggested and will be ordering some soon so thank you for that lead! 

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4 minutes ago, Bejeeber said:

When a cold gets a real foothold past the first day

Agreed Jeeb. I did take a little extra sublingual D3 last night and this morning my throat no longer feels like hells kitchen so that's a positive sign. Little congested but body aches are gone already:)

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2 hours ago, Freud said:

Please put something in your stomach if you take the nsaids!!!  You can get an ulcer in 3 days if you’re taking 800mg around the clock. Seen it happen to a surgeon I worked w,..

Thanks Freud! I haven't taken anything other than a Vicks throat spray last night and this morning I no longer had a sore throat so I'm hoping this is just gonna pass quick (fingers crossed)  

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1 hour ago, Juss said:

Here, watch this.

It was a suggestion guys. That is all. Just use Oxygen or whatever is approved by Cluster Busters and nothing else.

Haven't watched this yet but whatever that stuff is (looks like a pumpkin up chucked after grazing on strings) yuk..

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11 hours ago, spiny said:

get exposed to the flu or something?

I don't think it's the flu (no nausea or fever). I think it's just what existed prior to COVID:D (common cold). I am good with herbal remedies as well but I have become a bit more cautious with them as one time I has an apothecary make me a tincture (earliest of my CH when being told it was migraine) and apparently she put sage in it, which I had no idea I was allergic 2 but I found out real quick when my body caught on fire from hives:o I have heard  good things about Feverfew and Valerian.

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