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Everything posted by Bejeeber

  1. Bejeeber


    YAYÂ Here's something a lot of us veteran headbangers and supporters have learned the hard way here: What works at first may lose some effectiveness So having a back up plan or 3 in place is the way to go. I'd encourage you to acquire that O2 for abort insurance ASAP.
  2. Bejeeber


    Peace received. Thank you BB. [smiley=vrolijk_1.gif]
  3. Hey Beast Buster! I'm not a chronic, just a stinking BUSY BODY episodic, and since I haven't seen any replies after this survey has been posted for a day now, of course I can't resist interjecting a couple case histories I can think of here. :-? Dan/Hipshot. Now there's one chronic feller who famously bought himself 6 months of pain free livin' with the Vit M. Sadly, he's been struggling again lately. If I remember correctly, there's a concern on his part that an opiate prescription for a serious neck issue may be currently interfering with busts. I also know another chronic feller who got some lonnnnng PF remission with vit M. Eventually it returned and put up a strong fight, he had to bust it hard, but got it re-snuffed while at the same time adopting the D3 regimen, and is now pretty much crediting the D3 with keeping him in remission. Oh yeah, and then there's a gal I know who went chronic, tried RC with no success, found herself to be a rare instance of someone for whom the D3 actually made her CH worse, then grew the vit M, busted with it (several doses), and voila! She's still in the extended PF zone. A couple of these folks may feel it necessary to avoid openly discussing the details of their busting on the interwebs, so hey, maybe it's not such an entirely bad thing that I'm blabbing my muzzle off here after all.Â
  4. Bejeeber


    Hey Trace, I haven't researched it, all I can tell ya is I've seen some headbangers happily and encouragingly report good busting results while on an SSRI or Xanax.
  5. Brilliant idea! ;D Too bad there couldn't be a worse place to shop for a high end replacement than this bargain basement forum. Tuff crowd. CHfather's noggin is clearly really good in the IQ dept. and cluster free, so he's one of the few premium cranium candidates around here - just do NOT let him try to pawn off his pancreas as part of the deal. He'd have to pay YOU to take that thing. BUYER BEWARE. Also, it should be disclosed up front that his head can't eat MSG.
  6. Highly clever MG. 8-) I realize the questions in the lyrics weren't actually intended as questions to forum members, but hey, you know me. I'm obnoxious enough to pretend they are, so.... Maybe a partial answer to that question could be found in one of your other recent posts about your friend's concern? (bold print mine):
  7. Those are interesting results '61mama, thanks. So it looks like a good 19% of headbangers are switch hitters.
  8. Danged if that isn't the same best plan of action of a whole lot of headbangers here have! If only we could just hop on the phone and say "yeah gimme some of those Bromos, and toot sweet. Is there discounted shipping if I order in bulk?".Â
  9. I don't know if you can get 3 mg shots, but if they were to cost more than half of the price of the standard overdose 6 mg shot, I'm thinking you might be better off just using the "imitrex tip" method for injecting 3mg - or even 2 mg - doses from a 6 mg syringe. Heck I know a guy who routinely aborts attacks with 1.5 mg doses using this method.Â
  10. HA! ;D That's perfect - you have a solid screenplay and music score in place now Moxie. The music seems to suggest a black and white film. 8-) Here's the embedded version of CHf's link:
  11. Ooh that would make an excellent intro splash screen for your Moxie Way production company, for the film of you chopping and stabbing and beating the plum tarnation out of that head carving. And maybe the film could be debuted at the CH conference before going public on Youtube? ;D The big question remains - what sort of music should be used for the video? I think Spiny might vote for Rammstein. ;D
  12. Maybe we'd be more nimble if we strapped E tanks on like scuba tanks. Jeff could probably help outfit us. And if your house isn't good for the party Dan, Dallas Denny's oughta be fine. ;D
  13. Hey Jeffrey, yep I think I'd be having RC seeds overnighted right now - maybe from Iamshaman. And here's hoping you run across some vitamin M quicker than growing would allow for. The 'ol beast just LOVES to catch us off guard, especially during biggest jobs of career, doesn't he? >
  14. Here's the Nat Geo episode - Dan's feature starts at around 30:50. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjteSZu_JqM Dan I hope you don't mind me jumping in here like this, after all "Buttinsky" is my middle name. :-/ -Jeebs Buttinsky McJeebers
  15. What Bob said. Exactly. to the letter. Seems we hear from a disproportionate amount of Finns with CH. Maybe not because they have a higher prevalence of CH, but because about 95% of their population is online and high speed internet is an actual legal right there....?
  16. If this worked for you Dan it would call for the biggest headbanger party of all time. OK to hold it at your house? ;D That surgeon friend of yours sounds like an incredible friend indeed, the way he's searching out what could be a solution for you. [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  17. Have I personally had it switch sides? No. It's hard for me to even imagine. Do I know other headbangers who have had it switch sides? Yep, definitely, leading me to believe it's not uncommon.
  18. LOL there ARE certain conveniences associated with CH brain burn. I've enjoyed some movies more than once. ;D
  19. I wonder if the phosphatidyl serine is particularly good for CH'ers with memory issues? Well I guess it could take a study to determine that, but we know it works for you and me Jeff, to which I emphatically state YEE-eee-EEHAW! 8-) Will be very interested to see if we get some reports on whether it's working or not from from Dan, Spiny, b.g., et al. Well you got people here keeping fingers crossed and/or praying, depending on religious affiliation, that it'll be GOOD. My money is on good. [smiley=thumbup.gif]
  20. WOW. Both to the thought that anyone could withstand that long of a chronic stretch, and to the incredible D3 results! Now THAT has really gotten my attention regarding the D3. Might be worth thinking about whether you had ingested any busting substance during that time without realizing it was a busting substance. 8-) Lotsa CH'ers look back and realize they were PF back during a recreational phase of their life. Or since you respond so well to D3 , were you per chance subject to a lot of sun exposure in 79-82?
  21. One before / after example. The human face can contort in amazing and grotesque ways indeed:
  22. So there's this new "Bad Picture Monday" movement where people intentionally post super unflattering photos of themselves. Fast forward to the http://www.reddit.com/r/PrettyGirlsUglyFaces/ site and there's plenty of laugh out loud material available for viewing. The transformations in this one titled "Release the Derp" immediately caught my eye and it's a must see IMO: http://imgur.com/a/0X3OE ;D ;D
  23. That would explain the head banging noises reported to have been heard coming from inside the coffins of deceased CH'ers. Sorry. Maybe I took that attempt at a bit o' CH gallows humor a little too far. You started it MoxieGirl.
  24. That's a very smart move to be checking the forums IMO. I guess it depends on one's perspective, but it seems to me there's actually a LOT going on lately in the realm of CH prevention. I define "a lot" as CH'ers (especially episodics) being able to completely prevent entire cycles these days. I know that's what info gathering at the forums has done for me. A couple of us expounded on that in response to your post at the imitrex thread here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1363108766
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